Chapter 4 {Y/N}

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I follow those with injuries to the infirmary to get my arm treated. There's actually a doctor in the ship who's tending to those with deeper wounds. I can't say I'm not surprise.

After the Shinsengumi was lost behind the chase, we soon came upon a ship at the far side of the harbor, so huge I have never imagined I would be riding one. With me being in the middle I was led by the current up into the vessel without pretty much any choice. 

When my arm is bandaged, a poor job I did there, I pull the torn and bloodied sleeve back down. But you can hardly criticize anything being in a room full of radical terrorists and not being able to escape now because you are on their ship, pretending to be one of them.

I let out a nervous breath. On my conscience, I would like to offer some help to people who are having difficulty bandaging and applying needed treatment to their wounds, but my action tonight not only goes beyond conscience but sanity itself. And these people aren't ordinary folks. That much, I know. It also means I'm determined to achieve my motive as well.

I exit the infirmary and step into the hallway, glad to be rid of a room that reeks of men's odor. The hallway is brightly lit with electric lamps hanging on the ceiling. The ship may look wooden from the outside, but its structures seem to be made up with finer materials of steel. Though I would not say it felt welcoming.

I turn left, not knowing where it would lead me. Corridors open up on either side where one contains stacks of boxes and chests that are left in the dark. Some men turn into the hallway and spare me a glance before passing by. I try to put more confidence into the way I walk, eventually ending up at what seems like a kitchen.

It's a big kitchen. Two grand stoves stand opposite from the door, sustaining some heavy-looking pots with rising steam. Lining the wall above are adjoining cupboards. Next to the stoves is a huge sink which a man appears to be washing something. Others crowd the cabinets storing cups and utensils that stand on one side. In the middle of the room spreads a spacious rectangular metal table that holds up various things on it. A couple of men are moving about preparing supper I suppose.

        "Hey, the little newbie there!" someone said. "Don't just stand there. Come and help." I soon realize that the man by the sink, possibly the chef, is calling to me. I quickly move to join.

Washing some vegetables shouldn't be that hard. It gives me time to think. This ship isn't moving yet so it appears that they must be still having things done here in the process now. I try to formulate some kind of plan to see that man, yet how could I when I do not even know his face or how he looks like. Searching through my memory about what Katsura-san spoke to me, the warnings that manifest aren't the ones I don't already know.

Someone enters the kitchen. I carry on with my task with a burdened arm. Then a hand comes up my right shoulder. I immediately tense and whirl around.

A man with a scar on his face says to me, "You." A hole opens up in my stomach and I will myself to look neutral. "Bring four cups of tea to the commander's room. I'll handle it from here."

I relax a little. "I don't know where it is, sir. I haven't been shown around."

     "Ahh." He turns to the door and gestures with his hand. "Just go straight past the infirmary and straight and you'll find the way."

I nod, and proceed to make four cups of tea. Nobody spares me a glance when I do. They seem to trust each other well. I'll have to think how I can use that to my advantage. But first I have to deal with the meeting of the leader of this group.

Four steaming cups of tea now sit in a wooden tray as I carry them out the kitchen. I navigate the hallway as the man told me, past the infirmary and straight down until the way leads to a turn. This part of the ship somehow feels...neater than the left section. The wall is more polished and the way cleared of any objects that might hinder procedure.

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