Chapter 6 {Y/N}

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     I was running. Marching into the darkness, the only sound was my ragged breath. There was no light, blackness was world. Then a ball of light shimmered ahead of me. Slowly the light shifted to a shape, to a person. Then the person was holding something like a gun. I willed my legs to stop running but they didn't listen. The figure raised their hand and a bullet thundered through my hear-

I jolt awake.

The first thing I see is an unfamiliar ceiling. A lamp shines down on me, too bright for my eyes. I breathe in more slowly and deeply, feeling something around my chest. I've been changed from my old clothes to a plain white yukata that I suspect comes from the infirmary. When I try to sit up, excruciating pain shoots from my breasts, knocking my breath out. I drop back down and bite my lips to withstand the overwhelming hurt.

A moment later after the pain subsides down a little, I reluctantly brush my fingers across my chest, feeling the thick bandages beneath. Then memories before I passed out come rushing to my head. So it wasn't just a dream.

The room I'm being kept in is practically empty besides from the futon I'm currently laying on. It's a small cabin with a window locating across from the door. It certainly is a better accommodation than a dark dirty cell.

I don't understand. Why would they decide to cure me if they think that I'm a spy? I only hope they don't plan to interrogate me or something for information after this.

A minute later I hear someone slides the door from the outside. I turn to see who it is, and regret it the moment our eyes make contact. The last person I saw before and after I was shot is my attacker.

Matako enters and shuts the door. "You're lucky to survive that," she says, dropping down a box of first kit near where I lie. "Everyone of my victim dies at my aim."

I ignore her statement and demand, "Why did you save me?"

The girl scoffs. "Save you? Don't get the wrong idea. Shinsuke-sama only doesn't want you to die easily just yet."

My heart skips a beat. "How long have I been out?"

Matako looks at me with clear annoyance. "Two days. And if you didn't survive, it would save me a lot of work."

Two days. I don't question further. Dread begins to crawl into my gut. I look to the window, but am unable to tell where I am. It's still the same blue sky everywhere even if the ship had departed from Edo.

My eyes shift to the box. Matako sits down beside it and opens it before withdrawing a roll of bandages out. She throws it near my face. "You can at least bandage yourself now, can you?"

I give her a dark look. Taking the bandages, I once again try to carefully sit up, but only fail with more pain. I hear Matako clicks her tongue before coming closer to assist me. Her gentleness surprises me more than her willingness to help.

Once up, I proceed to loosen the collar of my robe and remove the blood-tainted bandages. With my left arm healing better than before, I can exchange the wrap faster, though feeling uncomfortable that Matako is eyeing the whole process.

     "I can't and won't try anything, so can you please stop looking at me?" I say to her.

She gets up and takes the box with her. "I don't trust you," she states before turning for the door.

I bite in a retort. "Wait," I say when she's about to open the door. "I need to speak with that man."

She looks at me as if I've gone mad. "You're kidding right? What makes you think Shinsuke-sama has anything to talk with you?"

     "But he has something to keep me here?"

     "Whatever. You're not meeting anyone." She slides the door open and jumps back. "Takechi-senpai! What are you doing eavesdropping on us like that?"

Takechi says blankly, "I'm not eavesdropping," before stepping aside. I don't need to see who it is judging from Matako's expression.


He steps into the room. "You called?" he says to me and gestures for his subordinates to leave.

I don't respond right away and will my heart to quiet. When it doesn't I dare look at him again, our gaze locking. I choose words to speak. "How long do you intend to keep me here?"

     "Until you tell me what you're here for."

I hadn't expected him to answer. "Don't you believe what your crew said about me being a spy?" I ask him, then soon later add, "Well I supposed I wouldn't be alive if you do."

I put the blanket aside and stand up. My knees are weak, but I don't let myself falter in front of him. With a hand to my chest, I slowly walk to the window. His gaze follows my every move, so intense it feels like a touch.

The view outside makes my face sour. The sky may be blue but there is no trace of land in sight. Surrounding the ship and stretching beyond is the endless body of the sea. Who knows where I am now, and I don't feel like asking anymore.

I release a shaky breath, letting the situation dawns. Then I turn back to him, looking at the bandages that cover his left eye. "What if I say, I came here to see what sort of person the ship's commander is?"

He stares at me with the same intent glint until that glint disappears by a blink. Then his gaze becomes one of amused. "Hmm..." He leans on the wall behind him, even smiling a little.

     "You look much better when you smile." After realizing that I spoke my thought out loud, feeling hot, I briskly add, "B-but I suppose you can't wear smiles while going about to destroy everything."

I face the window, mentally slapping myself several times. Seeing gulls flying overhead, I'm suddenly reminded of home. How are mom and dad doing? They must be searching for me. Searching aimlessly.

     "I have wondered why you were at the forecastle that night," I say awhile later. "It's beautiful, isn't it? To see nothing but the sea until the end of the horizon. As beautiful it is, you still wish to destroy it?"

He looks out the window. "Beautiful it may be, the foundation is rotting." Hatred resides beneath those words, so strong it's almost palpable. His expression now is the vicious man who I have been warned against. But I am not afraid. More than wanting to escape his cruelty, I'm drawn into the sorrow that is in his right eye, that I'm sure is the cause of the damage of his left. I want to understand.

Before I know it I'm standing within an arm's reach from him. I hold his gaze, and it feels like as if I'm losing a part of myself. "I heard you once fought for the country and was titled as a hero of the grand war."

     "I don't know what nonsense you've heard, but know this," he hisses in front of me. "Never once have I ever fought for anything as ridiculous as this country."

I keep my gaze level, my voice above a whisper. "Then for what?"

He glares down at me for a second longer before he turns away and leaves, slamming the door shut. I stare after him. The fierceness of his look finally settles within my core. I exhale a breath and stumble to the wall for support.

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