Chapter 3 {Y/N}

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The "interview" wasn't so tough as I expected. I guess they might really be in need of men. Or they are tidying things up quickly, I think, casting a short glance at the man and the girl who just questioned me. They're standing near a lamppost, still conversing about something inaudible. The light illuminates their figures and some section of harbor. There are more of their men than I first thought would be.

A group of the guys I'm standing with are exchanging words about their previous causes. Things that are barbaric and could lead you straight to your execution if anyone from the government overhears. Pretending to be a part of the group, I listen while struggling to maintain a straight face to their details and thinking at the same time what I have brought myself into.

This is the organization Katsura-san had warned me about. They're ruthless, dangerous, taking whatever means to achieve their delusional goal. Destroying the country, Katsura-san had said.  On the other hand, I still can't quite grasp the fact that I could see the man who for all these months only exists in my imagination. Despite bloodshed, I long to know what sort of man he is.

I've gotten this far. Backing out now would be leaving my effort to dust. And not to mention the threat the man with the straw-hat threw at me previously. I mentally construct a plan of seeing that certain man and afterward escape when there's a good opening. Then soon I realize the men around have stopped talking and some are looking my way. One of them is about to speak something but gets interrupted by a piercing whistle.

Suddenly there are shouts and men come pouring from alleys into the property of the port. I whip around, the men behind me drawing their blades out. My stomach sinks when I recognize the men as the Shinsengumi police force. This isn't the right time to be discovering the rebels!

They attack the rebels. Their uniform appears completely black in the night and their drawn blades gleam in an awful color cast by the light and the moon.

A few of them march in my direction.

The men behind me spring to action. Weapons clash and gunshots explode nearby. I stagger back to the edge of dock, panic kicking in my chest. The man with the straw-hat is battling with a bald officer and the blond girl is shooting other opponents. Everyone has their teeth bared, their murderous intent so thick it seems to flood the air.

I gag as an officer gets cut from shoulder down to his stomach, blood spurting from the wound. The body drops to the ground not far from me and I stare in horror. They're no match for the rebels as more of Shinsengumi men fall, their blood painting the territory.

But it isn't over. More reinforcement is coming.

A chance to escape. The thought surfaces like a silver lining. I can just slip away without anyone's notice as long as I don't draw attention. No matter how dearly I wish to see that man, I would not survive this life if I stay. That is, if I want to survive. I joined this ridiculous fray half knowing it would be suicide. I can't say I'm thinking straight.

So I start to run.The stench of blood overcomes the pleasing sea-salt breeze. Cries sound all around as the port submerges into chaos. I think I hear something behind me and turn. And manage to avoid at the last breath as a blade swings down right in front of my face.

The impact makes me stumble and fall to the ground. A man's shadow towers over me. I scramble to get up, but not fast enough when his blade slices at my upper left arm. I gasp, back on feet, clutching the bleeding wound.

The man looks at me with a dead coldness that chills me to the bone. The sword in his hand already bloodied with an old enemy. No. I can't die here. I back away until my back hits something solid. The fight is still roaring ahead of me but all I can see is the man holding his sword and aims to cut me in half. My knees give in and I brace for the blow.

It doesn't come.

When I open my eyes, I see blood trailing down the officer's mouth. Then his eyes roll back and he drops to the ground, motionless. Beyond my own pants and the cries of the fight, I hear the sound of someone sheathing their blade undesirably close to me.

     "What are you doing? Get up." I turn to the voice. A man with dark hair and a piercing gaze is standing in front of me. It takes me a moment late to realize he just saved my life. He steps away from the corpse as if it were some dump and stalks away without another word.

I get up, finding myself staring after him along the process. Somewhere among the fight, someone barks, "Get back! We're leaving!" Soon after the command,  the rebels slowly retreat. The Shinsengumi is dispatching an army to the harbor tonight. They're flooding the expense as they chase the rebels down. I run amidst the others along side the dock, following the one barking orders. He's the tall man with glasses and headphones springing ahead. I soon spot the man from earlier again by his dark outfit dotted with yellow ahead of the group.

     "Hurry!" the tall man cries again. Someone runs past me and bumps my wounded arm. Pain flares as I strain to keep up with the others' fast strides. Behind us are shouts and marching steps of the Shinsengumi. There's only one way out. And it is to keep running forward.

So much for escaping.

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