Is Dad Coming To Our Game in Two Days?

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*** I know most people don't like when stories have two point of views. But I just can't write in third person and when I do, it seems to suck. Sorry for this, but there will only be two point of views. Which are both sisters. ***

Dedicated to King_of_the_fanfics

Brittney's POV

We all sat together at the diner table. It was really quiet. Dad wasn't here, but when is he ever? I hated that dad wasn't here. I loved him, he's my dad. But Mattie couldn't seem to bother for him. He wasn't here for the past four years, and she didn't care no more. She preferred mom, even though she knows that she doesn't play hockey because of mom, but because of both mom and dad. Dad wasn't the one to convince us to play, because he hates hockey.

The both had been playing with the food on our plate. I was making a mess while Mattie wasn't trying to make a mess, but more so make noise for no reason. Mom had her head in her hands. She must be upset about something. I was upset too. I didn't know if Dad was gonna show up at our game in two days. Boy, was I excited. District-5, the worst team in the league. Why they even count is beyond me.

Everyone hates them, and everyone knows that the Hawks and District-5 have got bad blood Especially with Larson, McGill, and Adam Banks. I've hated Adam Banks ever since the day we met. I can't stand him and he can't stand me, either. At school we glare at each other, while he casually smiles at Mattie because she's so much better. But then again, she detests Spazway, on the District-5 team. He seems like such a player, but then fails and she just laughs.

I have hated Adam ever since we were in the first grade, at seven years old when he had thrown snowball, which contained a chunk of ice,  right at my face. And he gave me a black eye. I've hated him ever since, and yeah, sure I may be nice to him the odd time, but that's when my parents or Coach is watching. You know what sucks? Being first line with him, Larson, McGill, and my sister. My sister I couldn't care, she's awesome, but Adam? No way. We have to suck it up though and pass to one another.

"Mom?" I questioned, she stopped rubbing her temples and looked up at me. "Is Dad coming to our game in two days?"

He never usually came because work was more important. He's a lawyer, and rules the courtroom but he doesn't see us as much anymore. it does get me mad, but not Mattie. She couldn't care, remember? 

Mom sighed and set her hand on mine. "I can't promise you anything, dear," I nodded and she looked at Mattie was on the other side of her, and across from me. "Mattie, please eat up. You'll be awfully hungry later,"

Mattie looked up, taking her elbows off the table because she knew it was unladylike and nor was polite. "Fine," She sighed. 

Mom knew how much it bugged her that dad wasn't here. She wished that dad was around more often and was the fun dad like he was four years ago. he use to play hockey with us, even though he hates it. And he'd do everything with us, and it would make mom smile. But then they got a divorce, and now they're separated. And we gotta deal with it, sure they do, but I'd say it affects us more. 

"It's almost Friday," Mattie piped up, remembering something. "which means we can what ever we want at school!" She was so happy.

At school we had to wear uniforms. We all did. Most of the Hawks attended that school too. In our area, most of us were rich, and most other kids on teams were too. But not as loaded as we are. We all wear uniforms, which are the typical ones you'd see in movies. We gotta wear dresses or skirts, with knee high socks. White polished shoes, a vest, a jacket, a sweater. This school wasn't quite like a regular public school.

I didn't mind the school much, nor did Mattie. We liked it all right. The bus rides were my favorite. We didn't have a teacher there to tell us to be quiet, or tell us to do our work. or give out detention or holler at every little thing that was out of place. This school was strict, and I mean it. Kids got in trouble for the stupidest things sometimes and other times they were off the hook. We had rules like regular schools but we had more manners I guess. Boys got into trouble when they burped and even more when they farted. And girls got in trouble if they weren't ladylike.

And do you wanna know what pisses me off the most? Dance classes. Yeah, we have those. They split that during our physical education class. It's half that, and half dance. Which team in two days we got dance, since we had it today. But the worst part is that I'm with Adam. He paired everyone up with someone they disliked or what he thought that everyone disliked. So, Mattie was McGill and he isn't so bad. But Adam!? Come on, I can never get a break from him.

"Girls, would you clear the table and then head upstairs to do your homework?" Our mother said nicely, we both stood up. I grabbed mom's plate and set it on mine and then grabbed Mattie's. She grabbed the cups and the two of us started cleaning while she had left to get the door, which happened to ring when she stood up.

"Who do you think it is?" I asked.

She shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know," She smirked, and I nod. The two of us set the dishes on the counter and sneak over to the door. I lowered myself on to my knees and sat there and she stood above me as we looked.

It wasn't anyone familiar, just some woman in a tight blouse, almost a uniform that looks like dad's. A pant suit, I believe. "Aw, it isn't anyone important," Mattie said, brushing it off using her hand.

I stood up and walked back into the kitchen where she was. I didn't like doing my homework often. Mattie always did it, hence the reason why she had a little bit of higher notes than I do in school. Plus, I think every teacher is out to get me. Because they know that Adam and I don't get alone, but oh well.

After cleaning up, the two of us headed upstairs to our separate rooms. We use to bunk, until we both decided that we wanted our own rooms. And what we were getting older. we had different ideas in mind for rooms. One of us kept our room messy, the other clean. One liked this theme, the other didn't. So, we had those to back us up.

I walked into my room, leaving the door open, as did she. We liked talking to one another from across the hall. In her room, she had a bunk bed while I had a single bed and a chair. She didn't. We both had a computer in our room. The lay outs were the same because mom didn't want us to fight on this was like this and this wasn't. 

Taking my seat at my desk, I turn the lamp on and get out my pencil. I started on my homework while I listened the radio playing in the background. Mattie disliked it because I let it blast it my room. I got to work and hoped to be done before bed so I had time to watch TV or do something else.

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