Fine, If That's The Way You Want It

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Mattie's POV

"How many times have I told you two not to throw snowballs?" Our mother scowled at us. We followed her inside the arena. Many parents looked at us as we passed by. Some were leaving for the day, some were staying for one of the games, and some didn't have anything better to do. But it did feel odd having people stare at a mother who's scowlding her young'ins. "How many?

Britt was staring at the ground while I looked up, making sure not to run into anyone in this crowded place. "Many times," I replied.

"So why'd you do it?" She asked, as we turned the corner. Before entering the locker room, we stood against the wall side by side with our Mom in front of us as she waited for our answer.

We shrugged our shoulders unison. But she spoke up first. "The boys threw the snowballs at us first. What'd you want us to do? Cry and walk away?"

Mom went to say something when  she continued. "Besides, we didn't even hit the teacher, the boys did. We hit McGill,"

"McGill?" She asked, we nodded. She knows who most of our friends or teammates are because A she's either met them or seen or them and B because we've mentioned them to her. "Poor kid, have you said sorry?"

We lied. "Yes, we did,"

We don't usually lie. We only do in a crisis or if we just can't tell. This, we couldn't tell her because she'd wait until we said sorry and we aren't the ones who need to say sorry. They attacked us first, not us. So if anything, they're saying sorry. She nods. "I'll be in the stands next to Adam's dad,"

We nod and head into the locker room where all the boys were once talking to one another to it being quiet. We walked over to our designated seats and started getting dressed into our gear. The guys seemed to be half way dressed, it seemed to me that there was more talking than getting ready. Larson stood up. "Well, well, well, if it isn't Matt and Britt,"

"Shut up, Larson," I said, standing up. Placing my hands on his chest and pushing him away. He fell back a step, but remained grounded. 

"You two got us all into trouble,"

"Enough," Adam interviened, placing an arm out in front of Larson. "we don't need fights starting. Not now, we got a game. So you two can settle this after the game,"

He looks back and forth between the two of us. I head back to my spot on the bench between King and Britt. I grabbed my shin pads and started putting them on, then my hockey socks, and pants. Once that was done, I pulled my skates on and tightened them.

The entire team finished and headed out of the locker room. We entered the arena and grabbed a bunch of pucks, warming up before the game started. The opposing team walked out as well and started warming up by taking shots at the net. Our team had followed Adam around the rink. Since he led the warm ups. 

Banks led all of us around the rink, in which we did five half laps. We then stretched our muscles. At one point I had grabbed my stick and put it behind my back, stretching the mucles in my arms and shoulders and back. Adam called for everyone to get into lines, and so we got into our lines, as usual. Britt loved the lines. She was furthest line with McGill and our goalie, Will.

I stood in my line next to Adam. With my stick in hand, all of us had skated side to side and stopped fiercly. We did that while Coach whistled every couple seconds, demanding to change the direction. And once he spoke up to tell us to take our shots on the net, we all took turns just so it wasn't too confusing for Will. We needed to be mindful of others here, so we took our turns. We had gotten in three lines and one at a time we went.

While doing this, I noticed my dad walk out with a man, who wore glasses and a fancy ironed suit, and handed Coach Reilly a clipboard. I turned my attentin away for a little while, wondering what on earth he's doing here. Reilly dislikes our dad, ever since he missed the winning shot in overtime, and his team lost. Coach Reilly hasn't seen my dad as his star player ever since. But now as the kid who gave him second place.

Coach Reilly hated loosing. I didn't like the story of my father and nor do I like the way he treats my father now. But that doesn't mean I like my father. I still hate him very much for everything's he done and put me through. I do love how my father was a Hawk, he use to be number 9. We're no where near 9. We're a little higher than that, 7 and 16.

"Banks! Bombays!" We heard Coach yell, I didn't know what our dad was doing, but what ever he was doing, I didn't like the idea of it at all. He had that look on his face, that smile. He wore it in the courtroom all the time. I know that because I've been there with him before. He's brought us there a couple times, and when we were really small of his coworkers would rather hang with us than our dad because honestly no one could resist our faces.

The three of us stopped at the boards. We stood behind Adam, and he had looked at us, giving us a worried expression. Which didn't help me, and nor did it help my sister. Soon, Adam's dad came running down and then mom did too. The two of them stepped into the bench area. "These kids are playing for the wrong team," The man said, looking at his papers and then to the three concerned adults. Dad didn't hestitate to form a smile on his lips.

"What?" Adam piped up.

"According to league rules, Adam Banks, Mattie-Rae and Brittney Bombay, should be playing for District-5," As soon as he said D-5, I about lost it. No way! No way am I playing for that team! I don't want to. I hate them, they're awful, they're JDs and a bunch of misfits. How could my dad do this? He's ruined my life as it is and now look what he's doing. He's not getting away with this.

"My son is a Hawk, not a Duck," Mr Banks said sternly. Mom stepped in with her arms crossed. 

"Gordon, you know how much this team means to the girls, and Adam,"

Dad didn't hesitate. "I'll expect to see him at our next game as I know I'll be seeing you two there," He said, looking at Britt and I. I can't move teams, not this late into the season. "We'll have uniforms waiting for you three,"

"My son would rather not play than play for your team," Mr Banks pped up, causing Adam to whip his head around and look at his father with wide eyes. Neither of us had our helmets on, but they sat in our hands as we listened.

"Fine, if that's the way you want it. But remember, if Adam plays for the Hawks, you'll forfeit every game for the rest of the season. Boy, I'd hate to see that," And with that, our dad left with that smirk of his. Coach Reilly followed him out while the man explained to Mr Banks and our mom on the map where the houses and lines were drawn. 

The three of us turned on our heals and headed towards the others. Britt started putting her helmet on and she skated away. "I can't believe this is happening,"

"None of us can, Banksy. But just know that I'm here and so is Britt," He smiled lightly as his nickname but chuckled when I mentioned that Britt would be there for him.

"She'd rather see me dead than help me," 

I chuckled and set a hand on his shoulder. "I doubt she would Banks," I winked and pushed off with my right foot, grabbing my stick and pulling my helmet on my head, keeping the chin strap undone as I continued with my shots at the net.

She'd rather see me dead than help me, it made me wonder why he hated her so much. I actually never really knew. I just thought it was differences. I know why Britt hates him, but why does he hate her so much?

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