Man, I'm Sorry

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Brittney's POV

The next day after school,  mom had picked me up because she needed some help grocery shopping. While I did this, Matt got to hang out with Adam at his place. It was some sort of thing mom and Adam's mom had planned. Matt didn't like grocery shopping because she found it boring, she usually touched everything, broke or did something she wasn't suppose to. I'd say it was all an act to get out of going. but it's betetr than me going to Adam's, because I can't stand him.

I didn't have time to go home and get undressed and get dressed into better clothes than my school uniform. So I was stuck going out in public wearing this. Matt went over to Adam's wearing the exact same thing as I am, though she could always asko to walk home and change, which she might do. Since we're not suppose to wear these clothes while playing.

"So, your dad said that you two are doing great with the new team," I nod as we walked into the store and she was looking through her purse for something. I grabbed a cart for her and brought it over, waiting for her to set her things down and get out her list. 

I didn't feel like telling her that some of the kids don't accept us still. I kinda learnt to deal with it. dad said they'll come around sooner or later. Like at practice with them, not many of them wanted to pass the puck to us during a scrimmage. It wasn't a forced play like in a game that they needed help, they had to pass. Not during practice, fi we wanted the puck, we had to fight our opponents for it, or wait for one of the two to pass it to you. Coach did watch out for little things like that, but not as often as I hoped.

What I do hate the most is that Dad seems to be treating Conway like the pet of the team. As if he was the weight of the entire team, like he was the smart one or soemthing. Sure he had those leadership encouraging skills, but he wasn't the ebst on his team. He was one of the middle guys. Guy Germaine was no longer first, but third since Adam was first, and Britt and I count as second. If Conway was so great, then why do we call him Spazway?

Anyways, we wondered around the store for a little while. Until we had split because she had asked me to grab a couple things from the bulk aisle. I gladly did, I loved using the scoops and weighing things, it was kinda fun. Since I'm sure kids hate grocery shopping. It was either me or Matt, and she can't be trusted her, so it was me. I have fun most of the time, the odd time it's boring and I'm tired form a long day or something.

I walked into the bulk aisle and grabbed a couple bags or what ever and started searching for the things on the list. She had split it in half so I knew what to get. Looking around, I found the white and dark chocolat chips. I started scooping some of it out. Once finished, I turned around without looking and ran into someone, about fell until I regained my balance. I looked up, moving my hair out of my face and fixing my jacket, only to see Conway here. "Man, I'm sorry..." He trailed off, probably not knowing who was who.

"Brittney," I replied. He nods and I helped him pick up the couple of boxes that had fell out of his hands. "it was my fault. I didn't bother to see if anyone was coming,"

"I would've never guessed that Coach Bombay had kids, and two girls at that,"

I looked at him, my mouth a gape. "What does that mean?"

He chuckles and looks at me after I put the couple of boxes that I had picked up into his basket. "I just couldn't imagine him with girls. I mean, when he first showed up in a limo on the frozen pond, he hated kids and didn't want to be there,"

I nod and walk with him down the aisle. I stop at the bulk bin that I needed and scooped some stuff as he listened to me. "Yeah. He's a lawyer and became real busy. Kids just weren't his thing, and hockey wasn't much either. It faded after his game with the Hawks,"

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