That's Why We're Partners

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 Brittney's POV

"All right everyone! Grab your assigned partners and hit the floor!" The teacher yelled. Most groaned, most laughed and smiled. I gave a disgusted face and stood there, not wanting to go. There's things that I love and hate and then there's things that mattie loves and hates. we both kinda act the same way, and yet we do look the exact same and the height is on point too. Unless you've known us for awhile then you can't mix us up. 

I tried one time to go with McGill and have Mattie go with Adam, but it didn't work. Standing there in my school uniform, which of course matched my sister's and almost every other girl in this school, the dance/gym teacher walked over to me and stood there. Today he had a special guest, a woman, who gonna help the girls a little more. She had walked around the room and scouted the area, making sure everyone was doing it properly and not sloppy. "You know Mr Banks can't dance without his partner?" He said, pushing me along.

I sighed dramatically as I walked over to him. He wasn't bad looking, yet he never is at school because he has to look proper. I still hated him no matter what, and I doubt I'll change my mind. Even when I'm older and things change, I'll still see him as the kid I've hated since the first grade. "Don't be so mad, it'll take away from my angered expression," He told me.

Everyone else had gotten with their partnered and started practicing. I put my hand on his shoulder lightly, barely wanting to touch him. Our hands out and to the side, also barely touched as his other hand was on my hip. I utterly hated dancing with him, or with anyone in general. But I'd accept dancing with anyone else but him.

"Oh dear lord," I heard. The two of us stopped and dropped our hands. Facing the woman who had spoken. She looked at the two of us, back and forth and then eyed the rest of the group. "you two will never know how to dance if you keep doing what ever foolishness this is," she explained and crossed her arms.

We didn't say a word, but listened to her. She half smiled and looked at us, sticking her hand to her chin as if she were thinking. "It doesn't seem like two of you are working well together,"

"That's why we're partners," I spat. I know I know, I seem like my sister. And people mix us up be we get let our frustration in the same way. The cold eyes, the hard voice, the stare, the crossed arms, firm posture. It's all the exact same, and complicates people.

She went ahead and took Adam's hand, placing it back on my hip. "Hold her firmly... Now take your hands and hold one another's hand tightly," She had taken both our hands, placing my hand in his. Mine was a little cold, whereas his was clammy. As if he was nervous or something. I ignored it though, it's better than arguing with him and having both of us get into trouble. "Now miss, place your hand on his shoulder,"

We did as told, and she nods. But then thinks again. "Something's wrong," I look at the ground and then she pipes up. "That's it, you two are too far apart," She placed a hand on each of our backs and brought the two of us closer together. So close, I could feel his breath hitting my face. I turned my head to the right as she was talking to us, and noticed my sister dancing with McGill. I kinda eavesdropped on them. 

"Man, we're so gonna crush that team tonight!" McGill smiles.

"Damn right we are! With you, Adam, Larson, Britt and myself. Our power line sure as hell will beat them," My sister agreed.

I was brought back when fingers were in front of my face snapping. I looked up, "What?"

"Let's go, move your feet in sync with the music,"

That was the worst part of my day. Dancing with Adam Banks, and having to do it properly and be right up to him, our chests almost touching, our faces so close, and we danced in sync and they watched us closely. By the end of the day, I was bored and ready to go home, grab a snack and then go to hockey where we killed it.


On the ice, Coach Reilly and the rest of us did the team's chant. "It's not worth winning if you can't win big!" We all called out. "Win, win, win, win..." We yelled even louder, wanting to sound like we're invincible, which we are. I glanced at the team, my jaw dropped and I smacked my sister, accidentally hitting her in the face. We didn't have our helmets on yet.

"Ow!" I put my hands on her head and turned her head so she'd she where I was seeing. "Dad? WHat's he doing here?!" She yelled out and I pushed her to the ground, and no one from the other team saw us since we were in the players' bench still. "What's he doing here?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know, but he hates hockey and kids, except us,"

"Yeah right," She spat. "There's gotta be another reason,"

I nod and we stand up and join the boys as if nothing happened. Coach just finished explaining who was on first, we didn't catch so I tapped Larson's shoulder and asked. "Who's on?"

"Us," I nod and thank him. We all head out on to the ice and get into position. McGill took center with my sister and I on either side. Adam and Larson behind us. Adam and McGill kinda switch every now and then for center, it all depends on what Coach wants. 

The ref steps up to the circle and McGill had previously given out an insult to the three boys in front of us. None of them wore matching uniforms, none of them had the required uniforms and they didn't seem like a team at all but a bunch of losers wanting to play. I liked how they came out and played, even with how they look. I wish I could so something, but the only thing I can do is stand up for them. But in this sport, I can't take them easy.I gotta treat them like I would with every other team I play.

The puck dropped, and all the three of us had knocked down the three boys. The five of us raced down the ice, you could hear the blades of our skates hitting the ice with every strode we took. McGill passed it off to Mattie, and she went around a player as they fell on their into the boards, knocking their helmet off and scores. We all cheered, like we usually would, and returned to our original stances.

The other team muttered a couple things. Half of them seemed to have lost momentum already. But then again they are the suckiest team here and most didn't know why they were considered a team. 0-9, not one win or tie, they suck. The puck drops and this time he passes it out to me. I quickly head down the ice, dekeing a kid out while the others knock down a couple kids. I shoot and score!

The game had went by like that the entire time, that team couldn't stop us. I was skating at one point after one of the players, Conway, and he had almost had it. Until he screwed up, missed the puck completely and slid into the boards. He laid there for a decent amount of time and we didn't bother, but isntead raced down the ice and had scored.

In the end, we won by seventeen points. As we were leaving, it had hit me that my dad was obviously forced here. he looked at Mattie and I the entire time, as if he wanted something from us. I didn't bother though. He did yell at his team a lot, he got frustrated and annoyed a lot with them. I did pass by when he had happened to be yelling at them. They didn't listen, and he was right on that. But ya can't teach when ya yell. No one wants to learn from someone who yells at them.

It's a fact. I know it's true.

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