It Was From You, Wasn't It?

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Brittney's POV

Before entering the arena, Matt, Dad, and I sat in the limo outside the arena. Lewis was sitting up front waiting for us to leave so he could park. None of us had moved, since we left his house we've been mad. Oh yeah, I'm mad. I don't want to switch teams. Why can't we switch next year? Next season? I understand the rules changed and all, that the lines have been redrawn. But seriously, this late into the season you get notified of this?

It hurts because I love this team. Not because we win every year or every game, but because these are the kids, the friends, the teammates I've grown up with for the past seven years and now all of a sudden you think you can remove me from this team? I've been here forever, and seeing this all go down is stressful because you don't know how this new team will react to you. 

I'm mad and upset, mom tried everything in her power to convince dad not to. But his response was this could be a learning experience for us, and he could bond with us more. We could help his players, we could make playoffs, but most importantly, he thinks this is for the best. He told our mother that most kids don't even play for the same team for as long as Matt and I have. 

"Come on, we got twenty minutes before we gotta be on that ice to play," Our dad spoke. Matt and I sat across from him, and didn't bother to move. This is the first time I've ever seen Matt actually sit and not talk to Lewis or stuff her face with junk food, almost causing her to be sick. 

My were folded across my chest and I looked out the window. The silence was dead, it was odd, it was scary. Anyone could blow. But one did. "Look, I'm sorry. Is that you wanted you to hear? I'm sorry for this, but we had no choice,"

"No choice?" Mattie scoffed and looked at him. "Real funny, dad! Or should I call you Coach!?" She said angered, and left with her bag. Walking into the locker room.

Dad turned and looked at me after sighing. "I suppose you're gonna yell at me?"

I grabbed my bag. "No, you might be my father and you might've not been the father we've needed, but I'll respect your wishes. Just don't expect me to adore your team," I said and jumped out of the limo, slamming the door shut as he watched me leave now.

I know it wasn't the nicest way, but it was what had to be done. I ran inside running into someone. "Hey," I heard Matt's voice. I helped her up after I had knocked her over. 

"Did you go in yet?" I asked, she shook her head. So, I walked in first and she followed behind me. I entered, the laughter and rowdiness stopped once we entered. Most of them smartening up. 

Half of them stared at us while we stood there with our bags on our shoulders. I noticed most of them, but there were a couple who seemed to be new recruits. Their uniforms were quite nice, but it still didn't make me want to be here. They were the D-5 Ducks, we were the D-6 Hawks. I didn't like the way some of them stared at us, but they were trying to warm up to us just as we were to them. Imagine Banks? Practically an outsider to them, we are too, but he's more.

The door opened wide, and I assumed our dad walked in. The entire team went back to doing their own thing as if we hadn't even shown up. Dad went to speak up when we completely ignored his presence and headed to the far end of the locker room where no one was and started getting dressed.

This was the second last game and if they win, then they go to the semi playoffs. I don't know how happy I am about that. Anyways, the others had went back to what they were doing, which was shoving one another into a locker, talking loudly, jumping around on the benches, throwing stuff, giggling and of course laughing.

Matt was staring at one of the players on this team, not because she found them cute or anything, but because she hated their guts. I personally don't like them much either, but they're better than half of the others in this room.

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