Britt, I'm Serious

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Brittney's POV

Later that evening, my mother told me to head over to Banks's place to go see if he was all right. She told us to go for awhile and come back for supper in a little while. Matt was totally down to go and see him while I didn't really want to. I didn't feel like I deserved to go. before the game I had been making fun of him, and when he ahd gotten hurt I about teared up which never happens. I didn't know what it was that Banks had done, but I felt an emotion other than anger or just the joyfulness of picking on him, I felt sad, like I cared.

But what ever you do, you can't tell him that I felt bad for him. You can't tell him that I cared about what happened. No one can know, not even Matt. We knocked on the door and Mr Banks answered the door. A smile grew from the corner's of his lips and he welcomed us in. "How was the game, girls?"

Taking our boots off, Matt answered. "The Ducks won,"

He smiles and leads us upstairs. "How many did you win by?"

I answered. "One, it was a penalty shot by Charlie," Matt gave a disgusted expression at the sound of his name. "the Hawks played real hard. They played dirty all right,"

Mr Banks was still upset with how the Hakws played, how they betrayed him and his family, and especially for what they did to Banks. We arrived at his room, and the room next to his belonged to his brother. Who was probably out for the night with friends or he had a hockey practice. Mr Banks left and I followed Matt into the room. 

Banks was awake all right, and I stood by the door with my arms crossed and watched their little exchanged. I didn't know why on earth I didn't go up and ask if he was all right or say a hello. It was bad of me, but Matt was way closer to him and because they were, I did feel as though she deserved to speak with him to first and not me. I haven't been nice to banks, I can't even think of a time where we both shared a laugh at what the other said, or when we hadn't of said or done anything to make the other upset or fight back.

"Hey Banksy, how are ya doing?" Matt asked, taking a seat on the edge of his bed. He didn't look too hot, he looked sick. His shoulder and collarbone on his right side were being iced. He looked like he was in pain, but a spark showed up in his eyes once Matt spke to him. I decided to leave, and slowly shut the door to let them be alone. 

Meanwhile, I walked towards the living and dinning room and kitchen where the others were. Jere obvisouly wasn't here, hence the reason why it was pretty quiet here. Mrs Banks had greeted me and I took a seat at the island where she was preparing their dinner. Mr Banks was seated in the living room watching a hockey.

"So, how was the game?" She asked. 

I shrugged my shoulders. "The Hawks lost by a point, we won with a penalty shot by Charlie,"

"Adam's told me about this Charlie boy," I nod, and she continues. "He also talks about the Ducks a lot,"

"They're not so bad once you get to know them,"

After talking for a little while, Matt came from down the hall. I barely noticed her until she had been standing in the hall, waving her hands in the air and I noticed her. Mrs Banks didn't see her and nor did Mr Banks. I got off the chair and walked over to her. "Ready to go?"

"Uh no, Banksy wants to talk to you," I furrowed my brows in confusion after what she said. There's no way, she must be making this up just so I can say a friendly 'hey' and not a harsh one. Adam's parents don't really know about mine and Adam's real friendship-not so much friendship as it is frenemies.  "Go on, he's waiting," She pushed me down the hall.

I about slipped with the socks I was wearing. I reached his door and opened it, stepping in, and closing the door. It felt awkward being in here alone with him. He just laid there, his eyes shut, and it looked like he was asleep peacefully, which made me second guess myself. "Have a seat,"

"Oh, I couldn't, Banks,"

He opens his eyes and turns his head ever so slightly and looks at me. "Sit," He said once more, almost in a demanding tone. "Ya know, I didn't know you cared you so much,"

"I do not. You're a pest, Banks," I told him and looked away. 

"Oh my god, ow," I heard him groan and hold his shoulder. I of course reacted immediately and ran around, setting a hand on his arm.

"Are you okay?"

He turned to face me and smirked. "You sure don't care, hun?" I wanted to slap him, but didn't. I stood up and crossed my arms. "Oh come on, don't be mad?"

"I'm not mad, I will uncross my arms once you admit that I didn't care," He looked at me with his smirk still, and laid there. 

"I can't do that,"

"And why not?" I asked, getting on my knees and leaning against the edge of the wall, facing him. 

He looked away but returned his look towards me. "Because you do care, that's why you skated away when I got hurt. And when McGill shoved you to the ground..." He started, I looked up and waited for what he had to say next. "I uh, just wanted to make sure that you were all right,"

I stood up and smiled shaking my head playfully. "I wonder how much drugs they put you on," I told him.

"Britt, I'm serious,"

"So am I, Banks, so am I," I headed to the door and he turned his head so he'd look at me. "Get well, or else I'll have to start picking on someone else, I'm sure you wouldn't want that,"

He smiled lightly, but his smile soon faded when I set my hand on the door knob. I heard him mumble something sweet, but pretended like I didn't hear him. I didn't need him to hear what I had to say next.

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