Look What You've Done, She's About To Cry

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Mattie's POV

"Get off me!" I said while shoving McGill off me after we had fallen. We both attempted to get the puck out of the corner, but we ended up doing our things, yelling at the other, hitting each other with our sticks. In the end, we tripped ourselves.

Brittney someone how had tackled Adam down at faceoff. He was on the ground as she had placed her hand on his head, making sure he was down. I could hear the two of them bickering and whining, or jeering at one another. I gotta say, when we got up, we both started laughing at the two.

Coach had us get together and do some drills. I didn't like drills, but it was better than doing nothing at all or fooling around while we saw if the girls were better than the boys. It was clear that we were the best, we just needed to outbeat Banks. It was going to be tricky, but knowing that Britt hates him, she could possibly injure him good enough that we could be better than he is. Though, I'd hate to see that happen.

On point, all of us had raced down the ice with our sticks in hand, helmets on, and we shuffled together at the far end once we arrived. Some catching their breath, others loosing it still. We all got in line, and on cue we all raced to the far end once again. Coach had told us to stand where ever. Halfway, both Banks and Britt were on the ground. Clearly mad. How they got next to the other is beyond me. She always tries to stay away from him.

Some of us stood there laughing. I was laughing so hard, my arm rested on Larson's shoulder as he practically held me up as we laughed hysterically. Coach stood at the end of the line of kids and waited for the two. The two stood up, and it almost looked like they both ready to punch the other. If Banks were to punch my sister, I'd be the first over and with another boy so they could punch Banks for me. I wouldn't want to see that, but he can't get away with hurting my sister.

After practice, we all stood or sat in the locker room. We had replayed Banks and Britt's amazing scene many many times. The boys would act it out, making the two a little mad, but then Brittney kinda laughed along too. Her and I were in fact the first ones done getting undressed from our gear.

Heading out, we see our mother standing outside the door. "Hey, how was practice?"

"It was great!" I cheered, turning to walk backwards as I faced mom and Britt.

Mom lightly bumps Britt's shoulder. "And yours?"

"It was all right, I had almost beat up Banks,"

Mom didn't quite understand it. She thinks that it's all cool between all of us. But it's not, Brittney hates Adam and he hates her. Adam and I are friends, they're not. But it's nice to see when they actually try to be nice to the other. Some would think that two aren't mean at all, but they haven't seen the two of them together yet. Stick them in a room, we'll see who kills the other first.

"That certainly is something, but I don't want to find out ever that you, or you," Mom started and pointed at Britt and then at me. "have beaten up on some kid, whether you know 'em or not," She said. We left outside and followed her to the truck. "Now, when you two get home please wash up, supper will be ready soon,"

"Why? Is dad coming?" I spat. I reached the car and mom didn't bother with me, but got in. We both threw our stuff in the back and then hopped in the back seat. "Well? Is he or is he not?"

"Mattie-Rae, you will not act out tonight and you will listen to your father," I couldn't stand our father, and why she and Britt could was beyond me. He's a traitor. "I don't know why you can't just let it be how it use to be," She sighed, as we had pulled away from the arena.

Britt slaps my arm and I look at her, rubbing my shoulder where she had hit me. "Look what you've done, she's about to cry," She said, her eyes wide, like she was mad at me.

"So? You hate Adam, same thing," I retorted and slapped her back, twice as hard. I had more muscle than she did, but just a little, not too much. If you put the two of us in some wrestling ring, I'd beat her, but it'd take awhile.

We got home and I quickly jumped up into the bed of the truck, grabbing our bags. Mom had walked into the house, shaking her head. I passed Britt her bag and slid mine to the end of the truck, after grabbing it, I shut the tailgate. Walking up not to my sister, she looked at me and then looked at the door to the house. "What's gonna happen in the future? Are we still gonna be a happy family or a torn up one?"

I looked down, realizing that it didn't just hit me, but it had hit her too and she realized what actions have done. My actions, mostly mine. I know it's my fault, but I can't help myself. I can't stand dad, he just, he ditched me. We did everything together, I mean everything, and when he left me, he left a hole in my heart, and it's been broke ever since, waiting for something to happen. Waiting for that spark to ignite and stitch it back up, but I might be waiting a long time before it gets sewn.

"I'm real sorry, Britt. Ya gotta know that I do try, I really do,"

She simply nods, setting a hand on my shoulder, giving me a sympathetic look. "Don't worry, we just gotta try to keep ourselves as a whole," We walked into the house and dropped our bags at the front doors, hanging up our Hawks jackets and heading upstairs. We raced each other upstairs, and fell once, but we made it.

I was bottom and she had landed on top of me. We did like to fool around every now and then, hence the reason why we'll never be one of those girly girls. We'll always be those girls that get lost in the crowd, are always together, fool around and can be mature and immature, too. But that's what defines us, and so be it.

I walked into my room and had stripped clean, getting a whole new attire on for dinner tonight. I knew that when mom asked us to wash up, supper would be ready when we get back, it obviously meant that dad was coming over or we were going over there. She doesn't want us to smell and look like hobos or what ever. 

Honestly, my sister and I don't wear dresses and skirts, only at school because it's kinda mandatory. It's becoming winter, and it's coming pretty fast too. It isn't as cold here as it up in Canada, but still cold. I was dressed in jeans and a long sleeve shirt, while I had pulled my hair back and into a ponytail.

Exiting my room, my sister walks out as well, and she's wearing sweatpants with a tee-shirt. I would've worn that too, it's comfy, but mom wouldn't want us to wear that. She'd probably give an excuse or something, and I'd pipe up adding detail to the excuse. We help each other out most of the time, the odd time we fight, but doesn't every twin or sibling?

We entered the dinning room where both our parents were seated on the ends of the table. And the two center chairs were waiting for Britt and I. We walked in side by side and split once we went to our normal seats. They had been talking to one another, but had stopped when we arrived. "Brittney, what are you wearing?" Our mom asked, I tried not to laugh.

"Clothes, you said to wash up. And I did," Britt replied, and then mom turns her attention towards me. I sit up straight in my seat, making sure to keep my elbows off the table. Dad hadn't said a word, but then again I barely attention to him. I usually never do, and if I do, I make sure he's mad at me. Because he'll eventually give up on me. 

The evening was silent, so far.

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