Adam's Got A Girlfriend!

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Mattie-Rae's POV

Skating for the puck at full speed, I pinned McGill into the boards as I attempted to grab the puck. We weren't doing a scrimmage but practicing what we'd do in case if someone did this to us in a real game.Plus, Coach wants everyone to be really ready for when we play District-5. They suck! They don't even wear the proper equipement, they're a bunch of losers.

I got the puck out and skated out, placing the puck back at center for Britt and King to show off what they could do. I skated to the back of the line where Adam and Larson were, McGill skating up next to me and joining the conversation. "-she's hot," I heard the rest of Larson's sentence. 

"Who?" I asked, leaning on my hockey stick.

"That girl in your class, the brunette," Adam said. 

I smirk. "Adam's got a girlfriend!" He lightly punched my shoulder as he knew I was just messing with him. If it were Britt, she'd probably punch harder than he would've thought. Adam still is trying to understand why she hates him. In general, they're both kind and great kids, but they have their differences. Everyone finds it odd how he and I love each other's company while she and him hate each other's company.

"I do not!" He retored, his cheeks becoming a little red. I smirked, knowing it was a complete lie. I honestly didn't know what girl he was talking about. There's about fifteen girls in our glass and half of them are brunettes, including my sister and I. Which I highly doubt it's us, because if it was, he'd say. Well, if it were Britt that'd be surprising and he would never tell me. I'd just tell my sister.

"Bombay! Banks!" Coach Reilly called, looking at the two of us. "Let's go, you two seem to have lots of energy,"

Banks is his star player, while the Bombay twins aren't far behind. Most people know us as Gordon Bombay's daughters, which is true considering he use to play for this team when he was really young and was their star player too. He was in fact number nine as well as Adam. Britt's 16 and I'm 7.

Banks and I skated over to center ice. We lined ourselves up in front of each other to do the face-off. The puck was set on the ground already. Adam winked and I looked at him, giving him a smile. "Hey look, it's Britt!" I told him, he looked away and I quickly shoved him to the ground and he fell onto his back, I grabbed the puck and took off towards the net. Lifting my stick, and took a powerful shot, getting it in. 

"Banks! What was that?" Coach Reilly asked, I winked as I passed by Adam and went to the back of the line.Others got ready once again and Adam had hollered to Coach that he had gotten distracted. I laughed.

Britt skates up to me and stops abruptly, shaving the ice. She smiles and I smile back. "What'd you tell him now?" She asked, each time Banks fell to the ground like that, she and I both knew that it was because I had said something about her. She laughs everytime, yet when someone says anything about Banks, she's the same way. Gets distracted, wondering where he is so she can either get away or think of some joke before he walks on over.

"I told him 'hey look, it's Britt'," I replied.

"God, I can't stand him," I laughed.

Coach had all of us do a couple more plays to strengthen the team a little. He knew all too well that we were gonna crush District-5 tomorrow. My sister and I walked out of the locker room, to see our father there waiting for us. I was quite surprise to see him there, but still, I walked right past him and headed outside to his red sports car. Britt had walked with him and said a friendly hello. I don't know how she can just like our father.

I've had it rough. Some kids deal with it differently. I use to be so close to my father, but once he became better at his job, and just tuned everyone out. I lost interest in my own father, I didn't want to be around him. He wasn't who I thought he was, he left us, he abandoned me. I can't forgive him, not yet at least. I don't want anything to do with him, he hasn't proven anything to me. He hasn't proven that he wants to be there for my sister, my mother, and I. 

I'd rather not have contact with him. Ever since he left, there's been a hole in my heart that he can't replace. And some wished that they could fill it, but they just can't. Having a friend or sibling relace the hole that my father left doesn't compare. A father is suppose to be there for their kids, he's suppose to cherish every moment, he's suppose to share smiles and memories that last forever. He's suppose to be there when no one else is, he's suppose to care when no else does. He's suppose to be there, period.

When I stepped outside with my hockey bag, I didn't see his sports car, and nor did I see mom's car. I saw a limo, who a fat man sitting there reading the paper. I couldn't see any further because the idiot with the limo parked right in front of the doors, blocking the rest of the street. The other two arrived outside and Britt stood next to me while our dad kept walking. "Where's your car?" I hollered with my arms crossed and my hockey bag on the ground next to me.

His hands were shoved in his pocket and he looks at us. "Right here," He says as he opens the door.

"No way," 

Britt pushed past me and headed for the limo and jumped in. My dad stood there and looked at me. He and I have faded, we don't get along too well. Which of course pisses him off because I'm twelve and should listen, but after what he's put me through, no way. When he comes over or mom comes over to his place, and I don't listen to him, he makes mom do something. I always get scowled at. She tells me that he's the same man I've called 'daddy' ever since I could talk and that deep down he supposedly still my best friend. "I'm not doing this today, Mattie-Rae. Get in the car or else you're explaining to your mother why you walked home,"

Kids from team walked past me with their parents. Some looked at me and Banks stared at s. He just shook his head and laughed and continued. He was just trying to pist me off. I grimaced and walked over to my dad's limo, threw my bag into the car and got in. Plopping in the seat next to Brittney. Our dad gets in and takes his seat, and what do ya know, he's on the phone again.

The guy in the front pulls away from th curb and heads back to which ever house we're going to. I didn't mind which house, either way. I wasn't gonna talk to him and if I did, it wasn't gonna be the prettiest. Brittney looks around, and I d too. Noticing how filthy it is and that there seems to be marks on the ground. Like by a knife or something. "Hey dad, what happened to the floor?" She asks.

I turn and stand on my knees, pushing the little glass window open. I look at the guy and eye him, he cocks a brow and speaks up. "What do you want?"

"Where the hell is the sports car?" I asked him.

"And you must be Mattie-Rae. Please to meet you, I'm Lewis. And uh, I guess your father decided he wanted a new car for a change," The older fat man replied. I noticed a bunch of scattered candy on the bench, floor, and dash board. He either likes his hand or some kids must've gotten it. 

You know, I do like the idea of travelling in a limo. I just don't know why my dad can't get off the phone. But it'll never change, work is more important than us. It's provable too. I'll never see my old man again, just the new one that I detest and my sister is all right with. And she does feel a little left out or like he likes work better than us, but she understands a little and forgives him whereas I do not.

I ended up talking to Lewis the entire time. I guess my dad did tell him about Brittney and myself. I am glad he did, it does mean that he knows we're here and cares for us, just not as much as I wish he would. Lewis ended up being a nice man, though he wasn't my dad, he was a great person to have a conversation with.

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