Matt, Are You Playing Today?

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Mattie's POV

After everyone else had left to go home or celebrate their win, it was just Britt, Dad, and myself in the locker room. I didn't play once and I told him not to play me. He asked why, and I gave him the exact same answer that I gave Adam and Britt. He was mad all right, he wanted me to play, but either his team won. Britt left and said she'd be out in lobby or at the limo waiting for us.

I was told to stay back because he wanted to talk to me. So, I sat on the bench with my arms crossed as I looked at the ground. He sighed before talking, setting his hands on his knees as he looked at me. "Mattie, I know this is hard for you. I know you don't like me and I realised that I haven't been there for you or your sister-"

"It doesn't mean I'm gonna forgive you,"

He nods, understanding. "I want you to know that I love you. I always have and will, and I haven't been the father you've wanted. I know, I got caught up in my work and left you guys. I want to try and be that father that you and Brittney need and want,"

I stood up. "It's a nice speech and all, but I'm not ready to forgive. And you can try right now to be my father again, but it'll take awhile before I see you as who you were before you left us,"

He sighed and ran his hands through his hair, clearly upset. I walked out of the room and he followed behind with his bag. Getting outside, I walk over to the car that was once again pulled up next to the curb. Getting in, I plop next to Britt and then dad hopes into the front. She smiles lightly and it was silent the rest of the way home.


Four days later we had another game against the Cardinals, and if we win then we go to playoffs against the Hawks. Adam has gave it his all so far. The Ducks don't seem to like us too much, and some won't even bother with us. Some probably think that we're here for the rest of the season and then next season we'll be gone or something.

 Banks, Britt, and I were walking together down to the locker room. My dad was already there and probably talking or just sitting around waiting for his team. I have no idea if he actually introduced us, except Adam, to the team. It was professionally done, but then again we didn't stick around long enough to be presented. So, he might do it today, he might not.

I also don't know if I'm gonna play or not. At school today, Larson said we were traitors. But he probably doesn't understand that this was our only option if we wanted to play hockey. Larson has been a pain in the butt lately, and McGill too. They've kinda drifted from the three of us all of a sudden. It pains me but I know that when things take a turn for the worse, something good always comes out of it.

The three of us walk into the locker room. Britt being first, then myself, and then Adam. When we stepped in, the noise level of course lowered to none. My dad stood up and walked over. Our mom had driven us and Adam here since we were all together after school. She offered to bring Adam since he didn't live far from us. "Banks," Our dad nods. 

Banks slightly nods, but stands next to me, our shoulders kissing one another. Our dad turns around and faces the Ducks, who all stood together in a messy crowd. "Ducks, this is Mattie-Rae," He started and pointed to me. "and this is Brittney," He said putting a hand on her shoulder. He knew that if he had put his hand on my shoulder, I would've shook it off.

The Ducks started talking lightly. "My daughters," He finished.

Then it turned to complete silence once again. In the long run, he did present us to his team in a professional manner I guess. Britt, Adam, and I headed to a couple free lockers. We walked to the second row and walked down to the end of the lockers in that row. At the front of the row was Jesse, his brother, and two other boys. "Matt, are you playing today?" Adam asked.

I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know,"

Britt started pulling her gear out of her bag and Adam did the same, as they exchanged not so friendly glances. "Matt, you gotta play. We're not the threesome line without you," Britt spoke up.

"As much as I hate her, I agree with her. We're great, but we'd be exceptional with you," Adam added.

I thought, sitting there and our dad walked down the row of lockers, heading to the far end talking to some of the other kids. I started pulling out my gear as well, bringing a smile to their lips. I knew I had to play hockey sooner or later, and if I want to play at the next game, if we win, then I guess I need to show this team what I got. Even though they've seen me play before.


All of us cheered as we had made another goal. Making it a tie now, 3-3. Banks, Britt, Fulton, Duncan, and myself got back into position. Adam took the face off with Brittney and I on either side. He passed the puck out to Britt once he had won it over. The five of us headed down the ice within seconds. The Cardinals gathering together by their net to help defend it.

Britt passed the puck over to me and I caught it. Skating alongside the boards, a Cardinal came at me and I bent over, letting him flip over me. I skated out to clear the puck, and passed it to Fulton. He took his shot, and it hit the post, flying to the boards and rebounding. No one was on the puck no, so Britt, Adam, and two Cardinals went after the puck.

I skated over and got myself into a position where I was able to accept the puck if they were to pass it. There was a lot shoving and not much talking, just muffled words and grunts. Adam managed to get his skate between two of the guys and kick the puck out. Before I was able to grab it, one of the defenders from the Cardinals came out of no where, pushing me out of the way and started skating down towards our end.

Britt and Adam shoved the Cardinal players out of their way. I skated at my fastest down the ice alongside Duncan and Fulton. Fulton was just able to reach him and push the guy into the boards, but not long did another Cardinal get the puck. He was about to shoot when I got shoved, fell and slid, hitting the puck away with my stick. The Cardinal player fell on top of me and Britt skated around, retrieving the puck. She passed it out alongside the boards to Adam and he made his way down to the other end.

I got up and skated down the ice. Adam took a shot and the Cardinal blocked it. I chased after the puck, bringing it out towards the net again where most of us fought around the front of the net for it. I was able to get it out again, and passed it to Britt who had taken her shot and scored. The announcer had announced our names for everyone to hear after that. We all gathered together and started cheering together.

Maybe it was worth playing today. Maybe it was worth showing up and believing in what Banks and Britt had said. They were right, the three of us were unstoppable, and with the help of our defense, it was even better. We were still warming up to them. I also don't know their names, but with time will. For instance Duncan, it was the boy, and he has sister, but I don't know their names. I don't Jesse's brother's name. I don't know the girl's name, hell, I don't know most of their names. Fulton was a good one to remember, his jersey read 'Fulton' and he was noticeable, he was taller than all of us.

I know I don't like the Ducks, but seeing that I'm on a team with them, and maybe next year too. I do want to try and make an effort to like these Ducks and to be friends. It's hard to play with kids when you don't know them. It'd be better if I knew them better, U could start off with their non elected captain, Charlie Conway. But in order to do that, I'd have to approach him, which I doubt I'll do. So next up would be someone else, maybe the girl. Maybe she'd be an easy catch and once we know her, maybe she'll let the others open up about us.

Who knows? But maybe I could change something. Just maybe the three of us and the how ever many of them could put our differences aside for a little and be friends or even better, teammates.

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