We Cannot Let Them Win!

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Brittney's POV

A week and a half later at practice, Coach had all of us get on one knee as he wanted to talk to us about something. No one knew what it was about, but we listened, and intently at that. He was pacing back and forth, observing us, and looking down at Matt and I as he did. I didn't know why, but then he looked away and continued speaking tot he entire team. Some fo the boys poked one another, some snickered, some sat still and didn't say a word. Matt was obviously talking to Adam, if I talked to him, it'd be my fist greeting him, probably. And if it did happen, I surely would be benched or something by Coach.

"District-5 tied their last game with the Cardinals, which means they're getting better," He started.

Damn. I didn't know my dad was actually gonna try and help them. Sure, they're bad and all, and everyone knows that. But what if they actually make playoffs? I know it'd be a huge victory for that team considering they're always at the bottom of the league. I was happy for sure for them, but I sure didn't want to go head to head against them. What if they actually do make playoffs? 

Someone nudged my shoulder and I looked over at Larson. He smirked and looked up at Coach as he spoke to me. "Heard you two were at one of their practices,"

I looked at him. "We had no choice, Larson... I've heard that you, Banks, and McGill had went and beat up on them after the game we had against them," 

"How do you know?"

"Girls are always right," And with that, the two of us had shut our mouths and continued listening to Coach.

"And we cannot let them make playoffs. We cannot let them win!" He stopped in front of the entire team with his hands on his hips and glanced at each and every one of us. "Let's go, hit those drills!" He called.

Everyone got on their feet within seconds. We all skated to the end of the arena and got into position. Once he blew his whistle and stood by the baords to watch, we all took off at our fastest. Because in this competition there's no losers, only winners and everyone must exceed their limits no matter what.

I came to a halt when I reached the far end. Some how my sister found her way over to me. She set her arm on my left shoulder . "What was Larson talking about?"

"Apparently he heard that we were at one of the D-5's practices," I replied, she nods and we both took off down the ice as Coach blew his whistle again. 

Another whistle blew, another bolt down the ice. It wasn't boring at all, I'm sure I've said that before. This was part of my life, my grandpa played, my dad played, and now I play. I can't say anything about the future though because I have no idea where it's gonna take me. Will I leave my sister after high school for a different college or university? Will I leave her for a different hockey team, that's if I still play when I get older? I don't really know so I can't say what the future will look like, I just gotta live the present and see what happens.

After drills, we did some plays. We didn't really have fun time, I guess you could say. This team was hand selected, it's got the best players in all of Edina. This team was devoted to their work, this team didn't give up, this team didn't question the teachings of the Coach. This team was everything.


At school, we all were seated in our assigned seats while the teacher was explaining to us about the world map. We were learning the different states, and we had to know where each one was and how to spell them. We had a test coming up. Matt was across the room at the front while I was in the second seat from the back row and my row was second from the outer aisle.

What I hated most is that no one understood my wishes, ever. I was always put next to Adam, with him, or near him for everything. And sadly, he was behind me. And because he knew what irritated me, he started doing it during classes. So, he'd kick the bottom of my chair, or the back. He pull my hair lightly, he even lean over and whisper stuff into my ear.

I haven't reacted yet, and I will soon. And usually I'd just get him back on the bus or in the hall, or even in gym. Anyways, I was copying notes down when a girl in front of me had handed me a folded piece of paper. I leaned forward after it had been placed on my desk. "Psst, do I pass it on?" I asked her.

She turned in her seat quietly once again. "Nope, it's yours,"

I nod with a light smile and take my seat once again. I tried to open the letter but someone kept kicking my chair and it was hard to open the letter. So I left it alone and pretended like it didn't bother me. Banks kept hitting my chair, and the teacher continued talking, barely noticing what Banks was doing. So as long as she didn't notice or I didn't punch him, then he was gonna continue until he got tired or class ended.

Some would always think that Banks is a nice kid, well he can be, just not towards me. I'm the same way towards him. We've got some sort of friendship-enemi-thingy going on between us. But hey, now my sister hates a kid too. His name? Spazway from D-5. But who would like any of them in the first place? I'd be devasted if I had to play for that team, imagine how it'd be to loose every single game? I could never do that.

I was becoming tired by the minute. We had a game tonight and I had to be energized for that. Mom was gonna be taking us because Dad had a game of his own to get to. His team was gonna be at the opposing arena while we had the main arena. I was excited for the game actually, we play the Panthers tonight. 

Class had ended now, and thank god for that. School was now coming to a close end. We had about an hour more of class and then we'd be outta here. But right now everyone's heading outside for recess. I grabbed my coat, hat, gloves, scarf and pulled those on over my uniform. Seeing Matt do the same thing and had finished at the same time, we both headed to grab our boots off the shelves.

Heading outside, we ran over to a couple of our friends who were standing by the wall. We joined them and they had already started talking about something. I kinda stood and listened while Matt fixed her coat and scarf, but not long after did snowballs hit all of us. They screamed quite loudly and Matt and I turned around, eyeing around. Upon seeing a group of boys, Matt turned and picked up some snow, forming it into a perfect snowball.

So, I did the same thing as she did and when she called three, we both threw our snowballs over at them. The boys snuck behind McGill and we ended up hitting McGill square in the chest. A supervisor outside who was watching the kids had noticed what we had done and walked over to us. McGill and the boys had already formed snowballs and went to throw them at us, but accidentally had hit the supervisor. He turned and took at them, only to get hit in the face with one. Matt and I stood, the girls behind us, and we chuckled a laugh.

"You boys and you two," He said, and turned pointing to Matt and I. "My classroom. Now," He demanded. The eight of us gathered together and headed inside. We just got outside and already were in trouble. If we get into some real trouble I so hope they don't keep us after school. We can't miss our game, none of us can. There's six of us from the Hawks who got caught, and the other two are just friends.

The eight of us stood in a single line in front of Mr. Galloe's desk. He wiped his glasses off his sweater and looked at us. I looked at the ground, and simply closed my eyes as I waited to hear what he had to say about all this. If we were gonna be in trouble or more than trouble. Boy do I hope that we do not miss our game. 

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