Kick Some Hawk Butt!

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Mattie's POV

Germaine, Duncan, Fulton, Britt, and myself took the ice against four Hawks. We had the advantage now, we had one more player than they did. Germaine took center with Britt and I on either side. He got ready and so did the rest of us. 

It was hard to get focused when all I could think about was is Adam. Was he all right? Were the X-rays going to show something bad? Will he play? I couldn't stop worrying but for the first time ever I had seen Britt skate away. It was like she felt bad, and usually she wouldn't. But this time it wasn't her fault he had gotten hurt, but from a friend she once trusted.

I was mad when McGill had pushed her to the ground, twice in a row. But was thankful that Fulton had helped her up. I was also glad to see a smile on Jesse's face when Adam had spoke to him, asking if they had scored. It lit up Jesse's world and for some reason, when we I went to leave the box. Jesse had hit my shoulder, warning me about the Hawks. It was like there was a sudden change of heart. It made me feel welcomed after he said that, because once Jesse liked you, everyone liked you. You know what he told Adam, and then me? 'Kick some Hawk butt!'

It was indeed true, but he didn't say a word to Britt because she had left before he could catch her. I stood there, and Larson was on my sister. Someone else, Jack, had taken McGill's spot at center. The puck dropped and Guy won it over, passing it out to me. I backed up, letting the Hawk fall ont he ground when he went to go after me. Cheers erupted and it continued as long as we had the puck in our possession.

We needed to get the puck to Fulton. I passed it over to Britt just as a Hawk had flipped me over. I wasn't gonna let them get away that easy. I got right back, not paying attention to what was going on like I was suppose to. I skated up to the kid and rammed him into the boards and he fell. I chuckled, "Now look who's on the ground,"

I skated away, and the buzzer went off. The crowd went wild and I looked at my sister. She had assisted Fulton and we now had a goal. 2-3, and boy was I extremly happy. By the bench, behind my teammates, I overheard Coach Reilly hollering at the boys. I did feel bad. He was telling them that none of them were gonna make the team next year if they blew this game. And that they wanted Fulton covered. I wanted to tell someone, but it's not like they'd believe me.

The Hawks scored once again, maintaining their two goal lead on us. Coach took Fulton off the ice, replacing him with the other Duncan. They were gonna do some twirl girl stunt. I wasn't impressed that we had figure skaters ont he team. Sure they can skate, shoot, and all that but they didn't know that until they joined this team. Figure skating and Hockey are two completely different things. In Figure skating there isn't any contact, unless you're doing a duet or what ever. Whereas there's much more contact than you'll ever see in Hockey. Plus, hockey's better, in my opinion.

After their little stunt, we were back up at one goal away from the Ducks. The second Duncan had got thrown to the ground by McGill, and that's when Fulton jumped the boards and gave them a piece of their mind. He picked up McGill and threw him over the boards. Then he started fighting with some of the others on the bench. I laughed.

The ref got him and Fulton was now off the ice for good. He had gotten thrown out of the game for game misconduct. I heard Coach Bombay from over here, apparently Fulton had barely touched him. Mind you, both were pretty funny.

The second Duncan got off the ice, along with her brother. And now Karp and Mark joined us. I honestly didn't like Mark at all, he was such a flirt. He was punie, but annoying and practically hit on every girl that he sees. I was ready to knock his face in, but didn't.

I chased the puck as McGill and I both went after it, he had knocked Britt down while making his way over here. She probably cussed under her breath, but got back up anyways. McGill pushed me into the boards, I tried looking down, but the impact had moved my helmet off my head a little. It was hard to see, and some of the others from our bench were hollering our Britt's or my name, since they didn't know who was who. Most fo them knew who was because they remembered who wore what jersey, but when we didn't, none of them knew us.

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