After What You Did Yesterday, You're Next, Princess

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Brittney's POV

Walking into the locker room, I was making fun of Adam because it had looked like some three year old had beat him up. The mark on his face, and the so called bruise on his stomach. I couldn't contain my laughter. Conway walked up to the three of us, wondering what was wrong with Banks. 

Matt scoffs and looks at him. "None of your business, Conway," She said.

Banks had already continued walking to go and get dressed. I stood next to Matt and listened. "What was so wrong about what I said?"

"Nothing, I just don't like your guts. Ya know, if I were on the Hawks still, you'd be my target," I definitely knew she hated him, but not this much. He gulped and his face went pale, as if he had seen a ghost. He looked scared, and a little nervous. 

I chuckled a fake laugh and looked at all of them that were looking at us. "Haha, she doesn't mean it," I said pulling her away.

"I do so!" We walked back to the other end of the room where we started getting our gear on. Coach sat out on the bench waiting, along with Hans, who had been here for the last couple practices to help the team out. We've all been working really hard to up our game, and I knew that if we stuck together and played like a team, then we could accomplish anything.

Before the game started, we all stood in a line on the ice. With tensions rising, the Hawks and Ducks exchanged grimacing looks at one another during the national anthem, we all were facing the flag, and so were the people in the crowd. I looked forward because I didn't need to who was staring at me and when.

Once the anthem finished, we all headed back to our respected sides. The Hawks started chanting and I had the urge to chant too, since I was originally one of them for so many years of my life. But I instead listened to Coach Bombay and he asked for everyone's hands in the middle. We all gathered around in a bunch, some hands aren't even in the middle, are hanging off of others' shoulders and we all chanted to the Ducks' cheer.

Charlie headed out to the right side and before Banks got ont he ice, Jesse stopped him, angered, he had told him to remember what side he was playing for. Matt and I took our seats on the bench with the others. Coach told Jesse to be nice and take an easy, and that he was just as much as a Duck as he was.

Adam skates into position, in front of him was McGill. The puck dropped and McGill didn't hesitate to get the puck, but instead had pushed Adam into Larson, and the both of them had thrown him to the ground until he laid there on his back. Averman, Germaine, Conway, and Jesse had to attempt to go after the puck while Adam got up. 

I got pist when Coach Reilly had congragulated his boys on their efforts for knocking Banks down. I shook my head in anger, I didn't like Banks, but knew that that was no way to treat him. Sure he was a pain, but he was a kid just like I am. And he did nothing wrong. I wonder how bad it'll be when Matt and I go out on the ice.

The Hawks all came down the ice with full force, knocking the Ducks in every way possible and most of all, keeping Adam out of the way. As long as Adam was down, the Hawks knew they had the high spring against us. 

Banks managed to get the puck and skated out down the ice, a couple Hawks around and watching him. He hit it to the boards, not really aiming in a specific direction. One of the Hawks grabs the puck and heads alongside the boards towards our side. Banks stayed on a guy, and when the lead Hawk went to pass the puck back, thinking it was clear. Banks had hit the puck away. He chased it with the Hawk by his side, and Conway was able to get it.

He passed it to Germaine, but a Hawk caught it before him and threw it to the boards. Banks soared down the ice, retrieving the puck and he came from behind the Hawks' net. He looked around for help, and Conway called out. He just gave it away when Lason and McGill crushed Adam into the boards and he fell.

All of us on the bench groaned at the sight. It was awful how thye were going after him. But hey, I'm sure by now that Banks would much rather have me picking on him than the two of them. But ya see, I gotta be a hockey player and not beat up on my sister's best friend. One of the Hawks managed to get the puck and skated down the ice, the Ducks all trialing behind while Banks was still on the ground. The Hawks scored with ease and we were now loosing by one point. Banks had finally got up once the buzzer went off. Matt was looking at him, and I stole a glance over there as well, I did worry that he'd get hurt. 

If he did, then I wouldn't be able to pick on him for ahwile. I'd have to pick on Matt or even one of the Ducks. Now that Germaine had the puck, he managed to make his way down the ice. Up until he got to the Hawks' net and three Hawks ganged up on him. He lost it, but Banks got it, and lost it within seconds as he was pucjed to the outer side.

With four Hawks racing down the ice, the Ducks once again struggled to catch up. Coach needed to change it up, they were tired, and we needed more power. One of the Hawks passed the puck up and McGill had caugther, he faked a shot, making Goldberg exit the net. McGill rounds the net, shoots, and scores a perfect goal. Now making it 2-0.

The second period came along, now 3-0. and Coach had finally switched it up. Entering the rink now was Jesse, Banks, Conway, Matt, and myself. Coach warned Matt and I to watch out and that the Hawks were playing dirty against Adam, which meant they probably were against us as well. It was a little nerve racking, but I dealt with it. 

I watched as McGill and Larson had gotten pulled back by Coach Reilly and he spoke to them. I skated up to Matt before I went to my position. "They're talking about something. What do ya think it is?"

She took a glance over there and the two left the bench. "I don't know, maybe they're out to get us,"

I shrugged and headed over into positon when Coach hollered for me to get ready. Matt kinda ignored Coach's wishes and told him that she'd be fine. Honestly, I'm not so sure. But it'd be her fault that he told her so when she gets hurt or something. We're tough, she should be fine. The other two skated out. Larson got next to me and McGill stood in front of Banks.

McGill turned on his skate, shoving Adam back and he got the puck, passing it to Stickler. Sticker skated and passed it, but Conway caught it and passed it up to Banks as he raced by her. I shoved Larson to the ground. McGill skated after Banks. When Banks went to shoot, McGill cross checked him from behind, sending Banks to the ground, where he had slid into the net. He scored and we all cheered. 

When Banks didn't move, Matt and I rushed over to his aid, while McGill stood there and Larson did too. "What'd you do?" Larson asked.

"My job," He smirked and skated off, hitting my shoulder and I fell to the ground. It was unexpected. Banks laid there lifeless and for the first time, I about teared up. I stood up and pushed off with my right foot towards the bench where the others were and where Coach was running over to Adam. 

The medics came out, checking Banks while his dad followed him out. The crowd on their feet, I couldn't bare to look. Someone skated up to me as I stood leaning against the boards, with my new team behind me. Everyone sent him glares and wanted to give him a piece of their mind. "After what you did yesterday, you're next, Princess," He said, looking at me.

I noticed a cut on his upper lip at that point, and he skated off after hitting my shoulder once again and I fell into the boards. I watched him skate off, wondering what I did yesterday that was so wrong. I don't remember doing anything to him, let alone seeing him. Maybe he mistakened me for Matt. He probably didn't notice that it was me and not her.

"Mattie, are you okay?" 

"Man, you took a pretty good hit,"

"Here, let me help you up," I looked above me to see Fulton standing above me and was in the box. The others had asked if I was all right. I took his hand and he hosted me up with ease. "You okay, Brittney?"

"What, no, that's Mattie!" Averman claimed.

I shook my head, "It's Brittney, and thank you, Fulton," He gave me a light smile and I stood there watching.

With Banks off the ice, and McGill in the box, the game was about to start up again. Everyone was at the bench now, and Coach walked back. Everyone furious, Fulton piped up asking to let him go at them. Which was a no from Coach. He gave a small speech and changed up the lines now. I was finally going to play now.

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