Cheat? In Hockey?

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Mattie's POV

Today on the bus coming home from shcool, everyone was seated in their seats. The noise level was high, and there was some kids who were either turned around, on their knees, or had feet in the aisle. The bus driver always gets mad, but she still tells us every time. We never usually listen, not that it's us most of the time causing trouble.

Britt and I were in the same chair together, somewhat near the back of the bus. I'd say middle, the older kids had over taken the back of the bus. We're a little bit of a private school, we're middle school. So grade four to eight. We were considered in the middle since we were grade six. Anyways, behind was Adam and McGill. In the seat next to them was Larson and King, and across from us was Cayleb Brown, he was alone in his seat.

Britt and I were pretty quiet, we liked listening to other people's conversations, or she liked pissing off banks and he'd do the same in return. Or we'd sit there and be quiet, it all depends, kinda. "Come on, like we could," I heard McGill say.

"Yeah right, out of all girls, you like her?" King said, he was another on our team along with Caleb. I turned around, stood on my knees and leaned over the seat a bit. Setting my arms on the seat and resting my chin on my hands as I looked at the two of us them.

Adam was screwing around and doing something else with his feet. He was kicking something under our bench. I looked down in our seat, noticing that Britt was kicking his feet or something. And they kinda were just trying to get the other mad, from the looks of it. "What girl are you guys talking about? Adam's so called girlfriend?"

He looks up. "Nah un," He whined and returned to what ever the hell he was doing.

"Some girl at school, a brunette,"

"You guys, and girls, I hope you three choke on your spit before a girl asks you dim-wads out," Britt looks up and starts laughing, but then got kicked and she stood up on her knees, leaning over the seat and into Adam and McGill's, punching Adam's shoulder.

"That hurt!" I laughed and he stood up and tapped her upside the head. Then the two of us had went back at him and punched each side of his shoulders. 

"Ow!" He shook his head, and looked up at us. 

Before we knew it, it was our stop and the four of us plus three other kids had gotten off the bus. Once Britt got off the bus, we sprinted to the house, seeing the limo here which meant dad was here. When we stepped inside, dad was there but we didn't see mom. "Hey girls, how was your day?" He asked.

"Fine..." We both said unison.

He nods and looks at his watch. "Your mother is busy for the night and I'm not leaving you here or at my place for a couple hours alone. So you're coming to the arena with me,"

I sighed dramatically and banged my head off the wall purposely. Britt shrugged her shoulders and grabbed her hockey bag. "Oh, you guys aren't skating. Unless you want to help make this dumb team cheat,"

"Cheat? In hockey?" Britt asked dropping her bag. He nods and we follow him out the door, our school bags still on our backs and we were still in our uniforms. We headed out to the limo and got in, I went ahead and spoke to Lewis again while Dad was talking to Britt.

I didn't mind going around in a limo. There's not many in the place anyways, considering a smallish town. I guess it depends on where you live in. Some live in all different places in Minnesota. For example, we live in Edina Minnesota, well, I actually don't really know because technically one of our parents lives in Edina while the other lives in Minneapolis. 

We got to the arena where my dad was gonna be showing the District-5 hockey team how to cheat. It might be better because half of them suck in the first place. I don't really like them, we've encountered them before a couple times. Mind you, we've been with Banks, Larson, and McGill. I've never really beaten up on any of them, and neither have they. They've always just given them insults and circled them. I guess they've punched one or two once or twice, but that might be it. It ain't nothing major.

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