Watch Your Big Mouth, Banks

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Brittney's POV

During dinner, Matt had been a little quiet. She didn't like talking much when dad was here or when we were at his house. at his house, we'd usually eat together at the table because he was too busy doing work or we'd eat in our rooms and do homeowrk. Unless mom came over. And they get along fine, they just will never get back together. She knows how he is and wishes he could be more for us, but says it may not happen.

I love dad, but sometimes he gets caught up and we're the third wheel for everything. But I'm still happy that we get to see him, and that he's willing to take us for the night. And even Matt, considering she hates him and he knows it, but doesn't do much. He just won't tolerate her after awhile and will give in just to make her shut up sometimes. He's never once asked if she was all right, or asked me or her what the problem was. He's never taken the time to sit down and ask. He just works, works, and works.

Dad spoke up, and this got everyone's attention. "I have more time now on my hands. I'm, well, I am coaching a peewee hockey team,"

Mattie had set her cup down and started laughing hysterically and I laughed quietly, but covered my mouth and looked away. It may make sense, I had seen him yelling at the District-5 team. "Yeah right! You can't coach, you were yelling at them the entire,"

"Gordon..." Mom said, trailing off and looking at him. He looked a ther shrugging his shoulders.

"What! I hate the job, I hate kids, and they don't listen," He retorted.

"Guess who else is like that?" I laughed and looked at Matt, she glared at me and stopped laughing.

Dad had pushed his plate forward and fixed his tie. "They suck!" Matt said, I nod agreeing with her and Mom looks at the two of us with an unpleasant look.

"Look, we're not Hawks, we're some stupid number. And I know they suck, but if they don't listen, then they'll suck for the rest of their lives," He laughed at the end, shaking his head like he didn't care. He probably didn't, much like with us. But now that we know that he has more time on his hands, I a quite excited about all this.

"Why did all of a sudden you quite your job? You seemed to love it a lot," Mom said, picking up her, plate, and grabbing everyone else's.

He thought for a minute. he seemed hesitant. "I got a DUI,"

"A DUI, Gordon! How could you do such a thing?" Mom called, almost breaking the plates. Matt tensed up in her seat and I sat there silently, not moving, nor did she. Mom walked over with her arms crossed. "That's no example for the girls,"

Dad gets up and looks at us. "Girls, could you give us a minute?" He asked, I started getting but matt didn't bother and just sat there. Staring at her, with that stare, he knows that stare as too well. He knows he's hated by her, we all know she hates him. "Mattie, please get up and go," He said once more. I had arrived at the door that parted the dinning room and foyer. 

Mom turned and looked at her. With one look, Matt stood up and walked over to me and we headed down the foyer and into the living room. I walked over to the TV and started setting up the TV and the Nintendo Entertainement System which had New Super Mario. I handed her a remote and we sat on the couch and started playing, and somewhat eveasdropping onto their conversation.

While sitting here, Matt pipes up. "What do you think they're talking about?"

I shrugged my shoulders, "Anything by now," I replied. We were those kids that yelled at the TV screen, I knew other kids who yelled at their TVs too. We helped each other with this game, but when one came close to death, we screamed. And our screams are high pitched, which is why no one is allowed to yell in the house. Mom would rather have us yell outside than any other place.

After awhile, we took a little break after they told us to get off the System because we apparently yelled too much. So, we did the only thing we could, we eavesdropped on them. "Look, I better be heading out. I got a stupid game tomorrow to be at,"

"Bye Gordon, drive safe," Our mother said. In two minutes, the door had shut and the house was quiet. Mom entered the living room and looked at the two of us. She was busy sometimes too or she was just tired, so we usually spent time with her or we'd leave to give her alone time. So, right now, we both parted ways and told her that we'd be outside playing hockey or with friends if they showed up too.

Running out the door with our boots, hats, gloves, scarves, and jackets, we grabbed our hockey sticks and a couple pucks, pulling the net in front of the garage. Some of our friends didn't live too far away from here. Adam was a couple houses down, so was Larson, while McGill was a couple blocks. We usually got him after school or on the weekends because at a time like this, it's a little late to be getting him. So we could grab Adam and Larson if we wanted to, but I'd never get Adam. I'd rather see him go net and we shoot on him, he'd probably have no idea what he's doing.

"Pass it here!" Matt yelled, and I sailed the puck over to her and in one swift move she hit the puck at the net, scoring. It was easy to score, but was it easy to score with a truck in the laneway and windows around? And other vehicles on the road? No. 

"Woah, nice shot Mattie," I heard, I rolled my eyes and turned away once hearing the voice.

"It was a great shot," Another voice added, and I didn't mind them at all. "Mind if we join?"

"Yes," I retorted. "I mean, you can join, but it depends for Banks,"

Matt laughs and throws them each a stick. "All right, Larson and Brittney against Mattie and I," Adam said. I walked up to him, shoving my stick against his chest.

"And what makes you think that you get to make teams?" I asked, poking his chest. He took a step back, rubbing his chest where I had poked him. Matt didn't anything, she seemed quite amused. She does find it funny when I pick on Banks, only because he does it to me too. We know what annoys the other, which is basically anything considering we both hate the other.

He shrugged his shoulders, looking at Matt for some help. Larson couldn't help but stifle a laugh and stand there. "What did you want the teams to be?" He asked, walking up to me. I walked backwards and had ran into the side of the truck and he looked at me. "That's what I thought,"

I rolled my eyes when he walked away. We decided to just play schoolyard hockey. Play with points, but not many rules and have fun. So, it wouldn't matter if I knocked Adam to the ground or not. Larson would knock Matt over if he could, which he probably wouldn't knowing I'd push him back.

Banks started at the end of the lane way with the puck in hand. I took him on while Larson took on my sister. Larsone had declared that the Twins couldn't go after the other considering we know one another's weakness so well. So I was stuck going after Banks, which clearly didn't bother me. Maybe I'll get him back for what happened today. At practice, at school, and like two minutes ago.

Banks passed the puck down to my sister, and stayed by him, making sure he wouldn't get the puck. When Matt had the puck, I looked up at the living room window, seeing Mom with a cup of coffee in her hands as a smile on her face. I grinned and she smiled even wider, shaking her head at one of her crazy kids.

Matt went to shoot when Larson blocked the puck and passed it out to me to clear it. I looked around to see if I could pass it to him, but Matt stuck by his side. I decided to try a drive and ended up pushing Adam into the snow bank. I scored and stood by the net with Larson, laughing while Matt helped him out of the snow. "Watch your big mouth, Banks," I said.

"Haha, very funny, Bombay,"

Indeed I was a Bombay, but little did he know that I was actually related to the Gordon Bombay who use to play for the Hawks. He's seen him at the Hawks game, but Adam hasn't seen our father yet, which is surprising. But then again very possible because dad was never around when he lived here and if he was, he probably slammed the door in his face or had ignored it and did work. But I doubt he did the first one I suggested, it'd be me who would do that. I've actually done it ever single time he's come over, but he still waits because every time my mother or Matt will get the door.

God do I hate him.

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