We're Gonna Kill The Hawks!

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Mattie's POV

The next day I was shoveling the snow off the driveway for my mother. Britt was inside cleaning the floors since we had accidentally dropped spaghetti plates on the floor. So, we got split and were told to do chores, even mom is doing her own chores. She's doing the bigger chores that we can't do. Like the laundry because she doesn't trust around with the machines, but we have to fold our own clothes which I don't mind.

While shoveling the yard, I heard a bunch of giggling. I decided to get back to work, but when I started hearing screams, I walked to the end of the driveway. Looking both ways and saw nothing. I ran down the sidewalk, witht he shovel in hand because I forgot to throw it in the snow bank when I left. I couldn't just drop it now because I'd loose it.

I skidded to a halt when I had seen McGill, Larson, and Brown ganging up on Adam. They all had hockey sticks, which meant they were playing hockey. I stood there and observed, the street was very quiet, meaning most were in their homes or out for the day. When I had seen McGill check Banks to the ground, I had to do something. Seeing the way they were treating him didn't please me. 

They can't just do that. There's gotta be a reason for this. I ran over, throwing my shovel on the ground and ran onto the ice. Almost falling, I ran and pushed McGill. I probably knocked the wind out of him. I'm quite surprised that I actually did that. Larson and Brown took a step back. They looked at me, and quickly McGill got up. "What's that for?"

"You know exactly what you did wrong,"I told him. He laughs and I turn, walking over to Banks. Giving him my hand, once he took my hand, I pull him up so he's off the ice. He stands next to me and relaxes himself.

"Oh, look who showed up," Larson laughs.

I fill with anger now. I went to go at him when Adam held me back. "Don't, you'll get hurt," I looked at him in the eye, but then turned and glanced at McGill when he spoke up.

"Come on Banks, if she wants to, let her," Brown kinda stood there, not really doing much. Because of one little mistake, one transfer, all of a sudden there's tension between us all. And now it's all right to beat up on others.

McGill wiped the blood off his upper lip. I yanked my arm out of Adam's grip and walked up McGill, because I didn't want to fall. "You don't need to do this. I don't see why we can't just get along. We shouldn't be fighting over some transfer," 

"Save it, Princess," Larson said, walking up next to McGill, and pushing my shoulder. I look down at my shoulder and when I looked up, McGill already had his fist in a ball.

"Mattie!" Adam called. Adam ran up and pushed me into the snow, taking the blow to the stomach. With that blow, Adam fell to his knees, doubled over in pain. McGills laughs an evil laugh and they leave, throwing Adam's stick in front of him, and it breaks in two.

I get out of the snow and run over to Adam. Getting on my knees by his side, I try asking if he's all right and he doesn't respond. "Adam... Adam, are you okay?"

"Y-yeah," He groaned, a tear escaped and I set my hand on his chin, bringing his head up so he was looking at me. 

"I'm so sorry," I cried. I stood up, and had put my hand under his arm, helping him up. McGill was bigger than us. He had more strength than we both did. I'm small, but when I get older I will be taller, so will Britt. Maybe we'll even be taller than Adam.

Once Adam was up, I held him there until he calmed down and relaxed, along with the pain. I went to grab his stick when I felt him kiss my cheek. I turned and looked at him. "I don't know what I'd do without you," He smiled lightly, but the groaned at the pain.

"I'll never ditch you Adam, no matter what,"


Walking out of my room later that evening, Britt leaning against her door frame and looked at me with her arms crossed and a smirk on her face. "Never seen you so content," 

I looked at her. "What do you mean? I was cleaning my room?"

"And are happy about it?"

I nod, and make my way downstairs. I don't need to tell her everything, and I'm sure there's things she knows that I don't know. So, ha. I mean, I am growing up and she doesn't need to every single thing that happens in my life and I don't either for her. I just know that in the future we will grow apart or closer, it all depends.

I don't want to loose her, but I know that one day we'll both want to go our own ways. Meet new people, be with new people, and what not. Hockey may not stick around forever, but I'm gonna cherish it while it lasts. She probably has thought the same things too. I know it's mean to think this, but it's the truth.

"Excited about tomorrow's game?" I asked her. It's Saturday night and we had our game just before lunch. We'll be playing during lunch, but we can always eat after. Mom always takes out, and usually witht he Hawks, once we win we have this big party. It's always been fun and what not. Plus, every year we take hockey photos. Every team is suppose to have their professional team photo. 

We're in the Hawks one, because we had done it about a month ago. While Ducks we aren't, but I have no idea if they have done theirs or not. They might redo them now that they have three new players or they'll leave it alone. "Of course I am! We're gonna kill the Hawks!"

I've never played against the Hawks, I've only ever played with them. And a scrimmage doesn't count. I was indeed nervous, I was curious how things were gonna go down. But knowing that there's high tension between some Hawks and Ducks, it's even worse because who knows what they'll do or we'll do.

"Man, I hope we do," I replied as I plopped on the couch, and she jumped the couch taking her seat. I heard mom talking to someone, obviously it was dad and she was on the phone. She was in the dinning room on the phone or what ever. She was doing some work, and we had to be in bed soon as it was. We finished supper and cleaned, well mom did because she doesn't want another episode of lunch.

Man, I sure hope we destroy those Hawks at Tomorrow's game.

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