I'll Wear Orange - Star in the night

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Here goes chapter two

Thanks for the people who made it writeable.

You better know who you are!

Anyways, vote comment, blah blah blah


P.S-> you have to play the song! Tis crucial! x


Chapter Two - Star in the night


It was a half hour drive to Owens house, though it felt so much longer. The whole way there my heart was sinking. Cole drove down then gravel driveway before stopping in font on the door. He cut the engine and turned to me. I just started forwards.

'Are you going to go in and see him?' he asked, putting a hand on my knee.

'Yes, I am,' I nodded. I reached for the door handle and stopped. I shook my head, 'No, I'm not' I said, 'I can't go in he said he didn't want to see me. I shouldn't go in. Let's just go back to your house.' Cole shook his head.

'We are here, we go in. I shall wait downstairs for you. If you need me, I am merely a shout away' I took at deep breath and reached for the handle again. This time, I opened it. I stumbled out the door, my eyes were still wet. I probably looked like a panda, with eyeliner running down my cheeks.

Cole got out of the car and move to beside me. He put his arm around my shoulders. I let him walk me to the door. I concentrated on the sound of the crunching gravel under my feet, the sounds of birds in the trees, the wind in the air. I listened to anything just so I didn't think about what I would see inside the house. It didn't work.

Cole knocked on the door, while I stood there like a statue, go ol moron me. One of Owens older brothers answered the door.

'Hi, Chris,' I croaked.

'Hey, Ash, long time so see. How ya been?' Chris stood in the doorway resting his hand on the top of the door. He was wearing jogging bottoms and a t-shirt, the usual stuff. He has dark brown hair, it's too long to spike up, but not long enough to style with a fringe. He is twenty one, the middle child . . . now.

I shrugged, 'Up's and downs. Major down today,' he straightened up.

'Someone hurt you?' he growled.

'Not really,' he relaxed a little. 'Your brother,' I said. He tensed right back up again.

'Yeah, Dom's upstairs, you want him?' he stepped aside a little, but not enough for us to get in.

'Cut the crap, Chris. I know he's here, I know he's sick. Let me see him!' Cole's arm tightened on my shoulders.

'Ash, I don't know what you're talking about. Owen is in Ireland if that's who you're on about. It's just me and Dom here.' Chris said calmly.

'Chris,' I breathed, 'If you don't let me in, you know I'll just push you out of the way. I know he's here, because I talked to your dad' I shrugged out of Cole's grip. I didn't want holding back. I wanted to see Owen . . . right now.

'He doesn't want to see you. He specifically told us not to tell you he was back either,' he sighed. 'I go against you, or I go against my brother. I can't win here, Ash. Can't you just leave?' he sighed, a look of sorrow appeared in his eyes.

'I'll make it easy then,' I said. I put both my hands on his chest, and shoved. He stumbled back giving me enough room to run in. I'm not very big, kind of small actually. Five foot three, people find it weird that someone as small as me has horses as big as the ones I have. But oh well, I don't care. No one suspects the innocent looking one anyway. 'There you go, you didn't go against anyone.'

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