I'll Wear Orange - When you think things can't get any worse...they do

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Here is the next part.

It's really short, sorry.

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Thanks and sorry's times infinities to the people who know who they are. Love you guys!x


Chapter Four - When you think things can't get any worse . . . they do.

Tuesday morning.

Okay, so yesterday was shit. Get told I'm being screened for Leukaemia, Owen still didn't talk to me, I upset Jay and Lisha well. I was up being sick again; I had another freaking nose bleed. Cole ended up coming round, at something like two in the morning. Just in time to see me chuck up again. Please just let it be a stomach bug.

I planned on going to school today, you know, actually do work. That all changed after my stupid shower. I found a lump, under my arm. I don't particularly want to admit it, but I'm scared now. Maybe I'm just over reacting, but I know about Luke, swollen lymph glands. That's another symptom. So yeah, I'm scared.

I kept Jay and Lisha up till gone four in the morning, and they wanted to sleep. Dare I say it? Bitch much. He says he doesn't mind, so does Lisha, but still, it's a bit selfish of me. Because I want to talk to them, they should stay up till God knows when? I don't think they should.

I'm on my way to the doctors as I write this, Cole panicked when I told him about the lump and decided I was immediately going to the hospital. I didn't want to so we settled on me going to the doctors, and if they think I need to. I will go to the hospital after.

I don't care what the doctors say, or what the hospital says either. I am going to see Morgan and Kate tonight. I am going to find and sort out what the Tommy has been doing to my Morgan. Then I am going to the stables, I won't ride, my back hurts too much and my bones ache for no reason. Then after that, I will brave Owen's house again. Maybe if he knows about me, then he will be more inclined to talk to me about it. Oh I don't know. I still feel sick this morning, but no more nose bleeds! Woo hoo.

Anyway, diary. I will come back to you later.



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