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Audrey's POV

I put in my headphones as soon as I left my classroom since it was a long walk to the office where I had to check out and then out front where my father was going to pick me up. Plus I was getting super anxious and I didn't want to start having like a panic attack or something.

I stopped at my locker to get everything out to bring home, or, wherever I was going to go now. I shakily spun the dial until it clicked open and I took out the remainder of my books. I played Hold On 'Till May by Pierce The Veil, humming along to the words until I got to the front office.

"I got called down to get dismissed...I think is here." I said to the lady at the desk. It felt so weird to say that. The office lady smiled and nodded, making a little check next to my name on a sheet in front of her. I knew she knew about my brother, and my mother, everyone knew. It was on the news. It was in the papers. It was everywhere. I hated it all.

"Yes, he's right out front, Audrey. He seems like a very nice man. I'm so sorry to see you leaving, you will be missed." She said. Me? Be missed? Oh, please. I'm just the quiet girl who sits in the back and only talks to the people she knows are worth wasting her breath on. Which is very few people. I thanked the office lady and turned to head outside after leaving all my textbooks with her. I pulled open the door to the front entrance and squinted in the sun as I walked out.

I kept my head low until my eyes became accustomed to the light. I paused my music and pulled out my ear buds and looked up. The first thing I saw was an enormous bus. It was a mahogany color with tan details on it. I studied it like it was a piece of art, yet I was really just confused as to why it was there.

"Audrey?" I spun my head at the sound of my name as someone approached me. My first instinct was to recoil, but I stood there squinting to see who my father really was. "Audrey..." My eyes widened even in the sun as I realized who was standing before me. My jaw fell a little in shock.

Vic Fuentes, the singer of one of my favorite bands was staring at me, nervously smiling. I felt my eyes filling with tears, as were his. I didn't say anything, and neither did he. He pulled me into a hug and I never wanted to let go of him. I buried my face in his shoulder and tried not to cry. My mind kept telling me I was crazy but for some reason I believed what I was seeing. Eventually though I had to reluctantly pull away.

"Y-You're my father?" I asked, fearing that he would say no, and that all this was just a cruel joke. But he nodded, and smiled as he brushed my hair out of my face.

"Yeah, do you know who I am?" I giggled lightly and nodded. "I'm so sorry about your mother." I dropped my grin at the thought of my mother, dead. Vic lifted my chin and looked into my eyes. "God, you look just like her." My mother was a beautiful woman, and thinking that I look like her made the smile return to my face.

"Why did you come to get me? Why didn't you guys tell me?" I asked. I had so many questions left unanswered. Vic shook his head.

"We can talk about that later. Right now I just need to know if you'll come with me?"

"You mean like live with you?" I asked. He smiled and nodded. I pushed away all the questions and responded quickly. "Yeah, if it's not too much trouble..." I said. Vic chuckled and hugged me again.

"Trouble. Audrey, if your mother would have let me, I would have had you on stage with me before you could walk."

"Why didn't she?"

"It's complicated..."

"Oh." I looked past Vic at the window of the bus. I saw the curtains jerk closed. "I think we better go, the guys are spying on us..." Vic turned back to the bus and nodded as he scoffed.

"Yeah, we better." He put an arm around me and led me to the door which swung open before we had a chance to open it.

"Ohmygod ohmygod ohmygod Audrey!" The guys squealed as they poured out of the bus. Mike hugged me first and whispered in my ear.

"I'm going to be the best uncle you've ever had!"

"I'm so excited I'm finally meeting you!" Jaime yelled as he picked me up and spun me around.

"Hey, kiddo, glad you're finally here. Vic has been talking about you nonstop for the past two weeks." Tony said. I noticed Vic blush and then pull me away from the three guys.

"Guys! Didn't I ask you not to smother her?" He scolded them. They all nodded and muttered apologies. Tony took my backpack and Mike scooped me up and carried me inside. He set me down on the couch and we all sat around the table.

"Next stop: Cleveland!" Jaime shouted.

"Wait, shouldn't I get my stuff first?" I asked. Vic shook his head as he followed us onto the bus.

"We already got everything. We were at your friends house and talked to her parents. We already got the custody thing worked out and you're officially my daughter. Well technically you already were, but whatever. Now I have forms, so that makes it legit."

"Oh, cool. But, then why'd you ask if I wanted to come with you if you already have custody?"

"Just to seem less creepy. I mean I probably would have kidnapped you if you said no anyway so..." He explained, smirking. I laughed and swatted his arm. "Here, let me show you your bunk." I nodded and followed him. But as I got up, the bus jolted forward and made me fall back, but Tony caught me.

"Yeah, it takes some getting used to." He told me. I nodded and stood up. Vic held onto me to make sure I didn't fall again as he pointed out who each bunk belonged to.

"And here's your's. You can unpack if you want." I smiled and nodded. Vic turned back to me. "You look tired. You should get some rest okay?" I nodded and unzipped my bag as I started to pull out the clothes and stuff and put them in the drawers under the bunk. "Let me know if you need anything." Vic called as he walked back to the front lounge, leaving me alone. Once I was finished unpacking, I laid down in the bunk and closed my eyes. I couldn't believe Vic Fuentes was my father. I felt like I was in some state of shock--like it couldn't even sink in. I was so stressed out when I heard my father was coming. Now, I'd be scared to know he was leaving.

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