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Audrey's POV

"Hey, Dad!" I called as Vic walked into the back lounge. He looked upset as he looked up at me.

"Hey, Audrey. Did you have fun today?" He smiled and sat on the couch next to me. I nodded.

"Yeah! Did you?" He shrugged and leaned back into the cushions.

"It would have been more fun with you." He put an arm around my shoulders and I leaned into his chest. "I missed you."

"I missed you too. Dad?"


"Were you and Mike talking about me?" I asked. I always felt self-conscious when people talked about me when I wasn't there. Vic shook his head.

"No, we just talked about the band and tour. We mostly just walked around town." Vic bit his lip; he was lying. I had gotten really good at being able to figure that out. I had to; they always told me my brother was getting better even though every time I saw him, he looked worse and worse. Vic still seemed upset, he had seemed on edge ever since the other night. I felt bad because I knew I was stressing him out.

"Hey?" Vic looked at me as I pulled him out of his thought.


"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, why do you ask?" I shrugged and looked away.

"You just seem...upset, ever since the other night." Vic turned my head to face him. "Is it my fault?"

"No Audrey! No, nothing's you're fault. You didn't do anything, I was just...thinking."

"You sure?" He nodded.

"Yeah, I'm okay...really." He shifted me so I was on his lap. "Hey, listen, Audrey, would you be okay with it if...I...went out tomorrow?"

"What like with a friend?" He nodded.

"Sorta..." Then realization ran through me and I smirked.

"So more like a lady friend?" Vic blushed and averted his eyes from mine. I giggled and nodded. "You don't need my permission to go on a date!" I leaned my head on his shoulder and he hugged me.

"So it's okay?"

"Yeah, I don't care. You need another girl in your life other than me." He tightened his grip on me.

"Hey." I looked up at him. "You're always my top priority, okay? You're the best girl in my life."

"Good, I better be..." I said sarcastically. Vic chuckled and kissed my cheek.

"No question." He picked me up bridal style. "But you need to go to bed." He started carrying me towards my bunk and I pounded on his chest.

"But it's only eight thirty!" I whined.

"Yeah, well just stay in your bunk then."

"Why? What are you going to do?"

"Grown up stuff." I rolled my eyes.

"Mhmm like call your girlfriend?" I asked in a knowing tone. He smirked.


"Yeeees. Wow she must be something to look at." Vic have me a surprised look an plonked me down in my bunk.


"Two words, Vic. Phone. Sex. She'll love it!" Vic's jaw dropped and he quickly turned away.

"Bed." He ordered and he walked away as I laughed my ass off.

"Do it! I swear! It'll be a great way to start off a blossoming relationship!" I called. Vic was already in the back lounge so I couldn't see him, but he called back to me.

"You are a piece of something, you know that?"

"Yeah, your own personal little piece if heaven!" He slammed the door shut and I continued to crack up at my own hilarity.

"Hey Li'l Fry, what's so funny?" Mike asked, kneeling now by my bunk.

"VIC'S HAVING PHONE SEX WITH HIS GIRLFRIEND." I said loud enough so Vic--and the entire bus--could hear me. Mike's jaw dropped.

"Oh my god!" He gasped. "Vic, you have a girlfriend!?" He asked getting up and walking towards the back lounge.

"Not my girlfriend and not having phone sex." Vic said through the door. Mike turned back to me, confused.

"I told him it would be a good start to a relationship." I said, extremely proud of the confusion I had caused. Mike rolled his eyes.

"Put that on twitter."

"I don't have one." Mike spun back towards me and Tony and Jaime burst through the door from the front lounge.

"What!?" They all yelled. I shrank back into my bunk.

"Sorry?" Mike shook his head.

"Give me your phone." I took it out and gave it to him. He poked at it for a few moments and gave it back. "There, now you do." Tony sighed in relief.

"Oh, thank god, I thought I was going to have to get Vic to disown you!"

"Wait...this is what you made my name?" I asked, cringing.

"Yup, be proud of it. Now when people tag you it's @ptvslilfry, like it?" I shook my head.

"Absolutely not..."

"Well, too late, you're already following all of us. You can go find all the other important people." I sighed.

"You are definitely the weirdest uncle I've ever had..." Mike grinned as if I meant that as a good thing. "How long has Vic been talking to this girl? And who is she anyway?" The guys shrugged.

"I think he met her today." Mike said. I sighed and rolled my eyes. He had been on the phone for almost an hour. I got up and pushed past them into the back lounge.

"No you hang up first...no you...no you!" Vic said into the phone. He was lying upside down on the couch, his feet up on the back and his head hanging off the edge. "Okay, let's hang up at the same time. Okay one...two...three." Vic put his hand over the mic so the girl on the other line would think he hung up. He had the biggest frown on his face...oh, wait...he's upside down. Smile. He had the biggest smile on his face. But this was getting ridiculous so I strode over to Vic and ripped the phone out of his hands. He flipped around and pouted. I held the phone up to my ear and waited to see if I could hear the girl.

"I know you didn't hang up." I said into the phone. I heard her sigh and giggle. "Hi, so you met Vic today right?" I asked.

"Um, yeah I'm Danielle, who is this?"

"Hi Danielle, I'm Audrey, Vic's daughter. I was just wondering if he told you about me." I glanced at Vic and he had a guilty expression on his face. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Oh, no he didn't, but I'm completely okay with that, I love kids!" I smiled.

"Great! I just wanted to talk to you before I let my dad go out with you. So...bye!"

"Bye, Audrey!" I took the phone away and Vic reached out to take it but I ended the call before he went back to "no you"ing again.

"What!? Audrey!" Vic groaned when I hung up. I tossed his phone to him.

"I approve!"

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