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A/N: Hey guys! So I think only 30 chapters in this one. Almost done! I'm not sure about a sequel yet but I'll let you know eventually.

I stalked into the kitchen living room area and flopped face down in the couch. I sighed and waited for any sort of response from Vic who was sitting on the chair on his phone. He didn't even look up at me, so I sighed again, slightly louder and more dramatic. He glanced up at me for a second but looked back down at his phone.

"HUUUUUHHHHH." I sighed again.

"I get the feeling you're trying to let me know you're upset." Vic said chuckling.

"Hey!" I tossed a pillow at him. "Don't laugh at my sadness." Vic scoffed and moved over to the couch. He pushed me onto my side.

"What's got you so down then? You haven't been the same since your birthday. Did you not like it?" He asked. He sounded worried but I shook my head.

"No, Dad I loved it. I just...I don't know."

"Well you have a car waiting for you which you haven't even taken out yet." He said. I looked up at him and giggled.

"It would help if I knew how to drive it..." I noted. Vic made a face and chuckled.

"How 'bout I teach you?" I smiled and nodded.

"Okay, right now?" Vic nodded and pulled me up.

"Sure! But, are you sure everything's okay? do I need to kill anyone?" I giggled and shook my head.

"No I'm okay, just bored I guess." He shrugged.

"As long as you're sure. Got your keys?" I nodded and followed him outside. I got in the drivers side for the first time and waited for Dad to get in.

"So seat belt, obviously, now check the mirrors. They were set for Mike so you might need to fix them." I adjusted the mirror so I could see out the back and then the side mirrors.


"Put the key in, put it in reverse and back out." I started the car and cautiously pulled out of the driveway. He coached me as I drove taking turns and stopping where he told me to.

"Dad? Where are we going?" I asked after a few minutes if silence.

"Just the park, down the street. I'll drive home if you want. Let's go hang out for a while." We got out at the park and I leaned on the door of the car. I looked around at the few people here sitting in the grass and saw a familiar face: Alex. I immediately wanted to go over say hi, but then I realized he was with someone. Some girl, probably that Becca chic he's dating. Alex looked up from whatever they were doing and noticed me and smiled. I smiled back and gave a small wave, but didn't want to seem to excited to see him.

"Nice driving! Hey, isn't that Alex? He has a girlfriend?" Dad asked as he came over to my side. I shrugged.

"Yeah, he told me about her the other day." I said. I wasn't desperate for his attention or anything, and I wasn't jealous of Becca, I just missed Alex. He was a good friend and helped me out on tour a lot.

"Anyway, so when you park you have to be within a foot of the curb so just make sure to pay attention to that." Dad said motioning to the tires which were much more than a foot away.

"Okay. Hey, is that your phone?" I asked when I heard a ringing.

"'s Mike hold on a sec." He said and answered it. He wandered around to the other side of the car as he talked and I stayed where I was and looked around the park, my gaze landing anywhere but on Alex.

I noticed movement in the direction of Alex and glanced over. The girl he was with had stood up and was walking towards me. She looked unhappy, actually, she looked really pissed off. Why was she coming over here? I stood back on my feet from leaning in my car and swallowed. She was staring right at me, but I noticed Alex had jumped up and was coming over too.

"Why don't you do us all a favor and get out of here bitch!" She yelled when she got up to me.

"Wha--" I started but was shut up when her hand slapped across my face. I fell back onto the car door and yelped. I instantly held a hand to my cheek which was stinging like crazy.

"Audrey Mike needs us to--Shit! What the hell is wrong with you!?" Dad yelled at Becca. He ran back to us and pushed me behind him. He was glaring at her and I knew he was holding back from punching her.

"Becca what the fuck!? Get away from her!" Alex yelled when he got to us. He pulled her back and started arguing with her. Dad turned back to me and pulled my hand away from my face.

"Are you okay?" He sighed as he looked over my cheek which was probably red by now. It stung but I nodded.


"Just go!" Alex said and shooed Becca away. He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair before bending down to my height. "Audrey I'm sorry. Are you alright? Did she hurt you bad?" I shook my head.

"I'm okay." I tried smiling to reassure them that I was alright. Alex nodded.

"Good. I'm really sorry, I don't know what that was for."

"No it's okay, you didn't do anything." He smiled and stood up.

"Well, hey you two, what's up?" He asked since it was purely coincidence that we both ended up here. Dad scoffed.

"Your girlfriend just hit my daughter; that's new." He groaned. Alex shifted; I knew he felt bad about that.

"Well, she--" He started, but I cut him off.

"Hey Dad, what did you say Mike needed?" I asked to change the subject.

"Oh yeah! Mike wants us to meet him at the skate park. He just bought a new deck. It's close by, we can walk." I made a face as I thought about that for a second. "You don't know how to skate, do you?" Vic asked when he realized why I was thinking. I shrugged and shook my head. "Well, that's okay; we can go home."

"No, Dad it's okay we can go!" I said. I didn't like keeping him from having fun.

"Audrey it's not going to be fun for you."

"It won't be for you if you're stuck at home with me all day." I said. Vic sighed; he had told me a million times that he put me first and that there was no use arguing with him, yet I always won.

"I could take her home." Alex said. "You could go and we could just hang out for a while." He suggested. I smiled and hoped Dad would agree to that. He looked unsure but nodded.

"Yeah, okay. Thanks Alex." Alex shrugged

"No problem!" Alex and I got in my car--Alex drove--and Dad walked towards the skate park. I guess I was getting a little attention from Alex today.

My Father's DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now