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A/N: Okay three things:

1. Guys last chapter!!! Holy fuck I love you all so much for sticking with me on this! I honestly wasn't that excited about this story at the beginning but now it's one of my favorites. Thanks so much for reading voting and commenting; I love reading what you guys write XD

2. Idk do you guys want a sequel? Let me know after you've read this chapter. I don't want to start it until after I've finished the sequel to another story I have which won't be for a while since school is starting soon (ugh). But tell me what you think and what you want to happen. I could also do an epilogue thing which would probably just be and extra long chapter

3. Also: I'm going to do a prequel for this story which will be up either tomorrow or the next day. It's only like a one-shot sort of thing but you will be able to find it on my page. This is super long so okay bye!

I glanced between Dad's face and his arms. He was soaked in blood, and so was I. I didn't know what to say or do. I was getting dizzier by the minute as the blood continued to pour out of those cuts.

"Audrey..." Vic said. I just noticed he was crying again, if he ever stopped. My lip was quivering and tears were still falling down my cheeks. Why would he do this? I didn't even know how to feel about it. Bad because he was hurting, guilty because in some way it was probably linked to me, or angry that he went against his own preaching. He must have been just as confused because for a moment neither of us spoke. The amount of blood that was everywhere scared me.

"Audrey, I--huh..." Dad started. He tried to get up but almost fell. I grabbed his arm before he fell off the side of the bus. "L-Let's go back inside..." I nodded and we leaned on each other for support. He climbed down first and helped me down. Once inside, Dad pulled me into the bathroom. "Sit up here." He ordered, though weakly.

"Dad, you're worse..." I pointed out. He looked like he was about to pass out any second.

"I'm fine." I nodded. I got up on the counter and watched as Dad took out hydrogen peroxide and bandages. "Take off your shirt." He said. I pulled it off over my head and tossed it on the ground. It peeled away from my bloody sides and arms an I cringed in pain. "This is going to sting." He warned as her dabbed a hydrogen peroxide-soaked towel against my cuts. I seethed in pain and he pulled it away for a second. "Sorry."

He wrapped bandages around my torso and pinned it. He did the same with my arms but fumbled with the pin. I pushed his hands away and did it myself. When I looked up, Dad was leaning against the wall with his head drooping to the side. He was so pale and his arm was still pouring blood. I quickly cleaned and bandaged his arm in the same manner.

"Come on." He mumbled and led me out to the lounge. I started getting tunnel vision and my head was pounding. I groaned without thinking and Vic looked at me. "You okay?" He asked breathlessly.

"My head hurts... I can't see straight." I said. I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to force away the shaky feeling I had. I heard Vic rummaging things around and then he nudged me, pushing onto the couch.

"Here." He handed me a bottle of water and sipped one himself. We sat in silence for a few minutes as we drank. I felt a little better once I had finished it, but still not very well.

"Audrey?" Dad broke the silence.

"Hmm?" I asked, too exhausted to really speak.

"Don't fall asleep on me. Try to stay awake. to me."

"I'm cold." He pulled a blanket over the both of us and I leaned on his chest. "Why did you do that Daddy?" I asked, forcing myself awake.

"I...was afraid to lose you." I took another breath, hoping to get more blood to my head.


"Because everyone was leaving. Danny died, you're going to go to college. It's hard to keep friends when we're on tour. What about you?"

"Internet hate." Vic chuckled. "What?" I asked, annoyed that he always had that reaction when I was upset.

"You have haters."


"That means people know who you are, and that someone has to worship you enough to annyoy haters enough that they actually start hating."

"What?" I asked, not following what he had just said completely.

"You have crazed fans."

"Oh, joy." I sighed.

"You know, it was probably Alex. He really likes you." I nodded.

"Have you seen twitter? It was only Alex." Vic tightened his arm around me. I was starting to get some energy back.

"Maybe so, but I know he annoyed the hell out of me when you two were always flirting with each other." He said, rolling his eyes. I laughed and shrugged.

"Daddy, what's wrong with us?" He swallowed and rested his head back.

"I don't know. But I think we should get help."

"Like therapy?" He nodded.

"Yeah, like therapy." I sighed. I never wanted to get involved with something like that. I didn't want to bore someone with my problems when the only reason I was there was to learn how to deal with everyday shit. "We'll go together, okay?" He suggested.

"Okay..." I knew there was no getting out of this, but it was what was best. I didn't want to feel like this ever again. I found my phone on the couch next to me where I had dropped it. I had three missed calls from Alex and nine texts. "I need to call Alex." I said. I wasn't sure why I said that, I could have just called him.

"Audrey!?" Alex answered right away.

"Yeah, hi." I heard him sigh in relief.

"Oh, thank god you're okay! Never do that again I was so worried. Are you really okay? What happened?" He asked frantically. I don't think he realized he was screaming, and I had to hold the phone away from my ear. Vic was chuckling again.

"Alex, I'm fine. I just got upset over some haters. Dad's right here. We're okay now."

"Really? Can I talk to him?" I handed the phone to Dad and he took it.

"Hey Alex." He said.

"Vic why did she still have blades? I thought you took them away from her! Never let her do that again, it scared the hell out of me! Why did she say 'We're okay now?' Did you relapse again? Aww, Vic!" Alex said, still yelling so I could hear.

"Alex! We're okay. Yes I relapsed, but we're okay. It's not going to happen again, stop mothering me!" Dad screamed into the phone. I laughed and Vic scoffed. "Gotta go, Audrey'll call you later." He said and hung up my phone. "Gosh..." He sighed.

"Why did Alex know but you didn't tell me?" I asked. Dad looked down at me.

"Uh, well, I knew you were struggling with it, and um, I guess I just wanted to help you. I knew you wouldn't get any better if I couldn't do it myself. I told Alex at the hospital. I'm sorry."

"It's okay. We can get better together." I said. Vic smiled and kissed my head.

"I love you." He said.

"I love you too."

A/N: It's over. Wow. Anyway, so sequel? See you all in another story! Love you guys so much!

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