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Audrey's POV

"Hey." A voice said. "Audrey?" It whispered. I felt a hand be placed on my shoulder and shake me lightly. I shot up and almost hit my head on the bunk above me. "Hey! Hey, shhh it's just me." I rubbed my eyes and looked up to see Vic smiling. He stroked my hair. I sighed and relaxed back into the mattress. "Are you alright?" I nodded slightly.

"Yeah, I'm okay." I said.

"Okay, it's almost five-thirty. Don't you think you should get up?" I shook my head, too tired to respond. "Well, are you hungry? We have pizza." Suddenly I was wide awake. My eyes shot open and I slowly got up and walked by Vic silently, almost zombie-like. I followed my nose to the front lounge where Mike was bringing in four pizza boxes and two big bottles of soda.

"...Food?" I asked sleepily. I reached out to one of the boxes and Tony handed it to me. I stole it and ran to the back lounge, almost running into Vic as he was following me out of the bunk room.

"Hey share!" Jaime yelled after me.

"Nope it's mine! Finder's keeper's." I called back.

"More like robber's!" Jaime ran after me, but I was already eating a piece by the time he caught up to me and scooped me up from behind as we fell onto the couch. He wrestled the pizza box out of my hands and took a piece for himself.

"Aww..." I sighed. He grinned at me cheekily, with a mouth full of pizza. I sat up next to him and finished my pizza when Vic came in and sat on the other side of me with a few pieces of pizza from the other boxes.

"Be gentle with her, I don't want you killing my daughter the first day I actually get to meet her." Vic said. "So what do you guys want to do tonight?"

"Mario Kart tournament!" Jaime said excitedly. Vic sighed.

"Jaime, that's not going to be fun for Audrey." I stared at him confused. "What do you want to do?" He asked, this time directed only to me.

"...Mario Kart tournament...?" I suggested. Jaime pulled me onto his lap.

"See? She's on my side!" I leaned into him and Vic laughed.

"Really? Because we can do whatever you want." He offered. I shook my head.

"Mario Kart." I ordered.

"Haha, are you sure you're not my daughter?" Jaime asked. I shook my head.

"I have no Idea, I could be Tony's for all I know. Give me more pizza." I took the new slice that Jaime was about to bite into.

"No, You're definitely not Tony's. He would never do that." Vic said. I laughed as Jaime was still frozen in the same about-to-take-a-bite position, pouting at the pizza that was no longer in his hand. I sighed and pulled the second to last piece out of the box and putting it in his hand. He smiled and started eating it happily. I looked around the room and noticed a photo album under the couch which I of course, being the curious person I am, lifted onto my lap and started flipping trough.

"Who are these pictures of?" I asked. Vic leaned over and pointed to one.

"That's you when you were four." I was on a tricycle in the driveway. I nodded and continued flipping through it. The pictures were not in order because on the next page there was a picture of my mom holding me as a baby.

"Is that you?" I asked. There was a man standing next to my mom and I.

"Yeah. That was the only time I had ever met you." He said sadly. We sat in silence for a few moments as we stared at the picture. "...I want more pizza." Vic stated randomly.

"I want more pizza." Jaime said. The box was on my lap and there was only one more piece left. I glanced between the two of them as I saw the energy building up between them. I threw the box on the floor just before they attacked it and started wrestling over it. I pulled my feet up onto the couch with me to avoid the two brawling men.

"It's mine!" Jaime shouted.

"Heck no it ain't!" Vic screamed back. I heard the tearing of the cardboard box and yelps of pain and various other...sounds. I shut my eyes hoping to block out some of the violence.

"Uh...ah-hem?" I looked up and the guys stopped fighting over the pizza which had now been on the floor for well over five seconds.

"We felt left out." Tony murmured from the doorway next to Mike. We all just stared at them, not saying anything. Jaime took a bite of the pizza slice. Mike held up another box.

"We brought more pizza!" Mike said. We all got up and attacked the box.

"So I guess we're having a Mario Kart tournament after we're done." Vic informed Tony and Mike. Mike stood up and turned on the Wii and set up the game.

"Why wait till after?" He handed out four remotes.

"Aren't you playing?" I asked him since he didn't have a controller.

"Only four at once, I'm the best anyway. I'll play winner." I nodded.

"We'll see about that."

"OOOOOOOHHHHHH!!" Jaime said. Mike's jaw dropped and he stared at me.

"Is that a challenge?" I smirked.

"You bet!" I said deviously. I wiped my hands on my shirt to get rid of the pizza grease. We started the game and after the four tracks, I ended with the highest score. Tony was after me and Jaime was after him. Then the computers, and Vic was last. Dead last. That takes skill. I looked at him. "You really suck at this."

"Yeah...I know..."

"How did she do that?" Jaime asked in awe.

"What just happened?" Tony asked. Vic patted my shoulder, and Mike stood up.

"Alright, my turn." He said. I heard Jaime swallow hard as Mike shooed Vic out of the way.

"Mike...go easy on her...?" I heard Vic say quietly. Mike looked disappointed but nodded.

"Hey Mike...don't go easy on me that's no fun." I told him. "I swear I won't cry."

"Alright, is this track good?"

"Uh-uh." I took his remote and chose the track that had rainbow road. "This one." I pressed play and I got the boost on the first lap. I was in first the whole time and Mike could barely keep up.

"What the hell!?"

"Mike!" Vic scolded.

"Sorry, heck!?"

"FUCK YEAH!" I screamed as I crossed the finish line first for the fourth time. I threw the remote on the couch and jumped up with my hands in the air.

"Oh..." Vic said. I spun around and everyone's jaw was on the floor.



"Don't look at the high scores..."

"Why no--NO WAY NO FUCKING WAY SHE BEAT IT!?" I nodded cheekily at him and he collapsed on his knees and looked up at the ceiling. "NOOOOOO!!" He screamed. The screen to change my initials came up and I started to scroll through the letters. A...S... wait...

"Uh, Vic?"


"What's my last name now?" He looked puzzled for a moment, and got up and left. He returned with my birth certificate.

"Legally it's Jones. Do you want to change it?" I thought for a moment.

"What do you guys think?" They all nodded and I scrolled to F.

"Audrey Samantha Fuentes." Vic muttered. He put an arm around my shoulders and kissed the side of my head. "We can get it changed tomorrow after the show."

"Cool! You have a show tomorrow?"

"Yeah, and a certain girl gets VIP tickets for life!" Vic said. I squealed and hugged him.

"A certain girl is very happy."

A/N: So what do you guys think so far, you like it? Leave a comment!

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