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Audrey's POV

"Hey, Babe?" Vic called from the front of the bus.

"Yes?" Jaime called back. Vic scoffed and I got up from the couch.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"We have a signing after the show, do you want to be there?" He asked as he finished buttoning his shirt.

"What are my options?"

"Stay here and do nothing or be with us and do nothing." I sighed dramatically and flipped my hair.

"I guess I'll go with you then." I said sassily. Vic chuckled and nodded.

"Alright then. Bring something to do 'cause it's going to take forever."

"Okay. Are the other bands going to be there?"

"Yup, why? You love them?" Vic asked cheekily. I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, sometimes I wish Zack was my dad instead of you. At least he's strong." I said sarcastically. Vic pouted and I hugged him. "I'M KIDDING I LOVE YOU!" He chuckled and hugged me back.

"I know, I love you too."

"You know, I'm going to start dating a band member twice my age and you're really going to regret putting the idea in my head."

"Oh, sure. I bet you got the idea from seeing me on a poster or something." I laughed because it may or may not have been true... I tried to step back but Vic wouldn't let me go.



"You can let me go now..."

"Yeah, who's strong now!?" He said as I struggled to break free of his grasp. I just ended up spinning around in his arms and Vic lifted me up and carried me off the bus.

"Okay. Okay! You're strong." He put me down and we walked towards the venue. "JustnotasstrongasZack!" I yelled before sprinting to the open door in the back.

"Hey!" I heard Vic whine from behind me. I giggled to myself and found ATL's dressing room.

"Audreeeyyyy!" Jack yelled.

"Hey guys!" Jack came over and smothered me in a hug. "Hey, Zack?"


"Do you think you could beat up Vic?"

"Probably, why?"

"Because I think you're stronger than him but he doesn't."

"Wow, thanks for the faith, Kiddo. Really feeling the love right now. First you say you wish Zack was your dad and now you think I would lose in a fight." Vic said from behind me.

"Ahhh! The dwarf!" I screamed. Jack lifted me up and put me on one of his shoulders.

"I'm two inches taller than you are!" He said.

"Yeah, but who's looking up at who right now?" I said. "Wow, I like being tall." I looked around the room and realized I could reach all the high shelves.

"It's nice, isn't it?" Rian said. I nodded and Jack put me down.

"Careful guys, she's threatening to date a band member who's twice her age." Vic said. Alex cleared his throat.

"I wouldn't mind..." He said. Vic's eyes widened and I crawled onto Alex's lap and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Me neither. I think we'd make a cute couple, don't you think so Vic?" I asked just to piss him off. He looked so annoyed, and Alex just made it worse. He pulled me closer and kissed my cheek. "All Time Low is so much more fun than Pierce The Veil, can we have a bus sleep over?" I asked suggestively looking at Alex. Vic rolled his eyes and groaned. Alex and I gave him puppy dog eyes.

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