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"AUDREYAUDREYAUDREYAUDREYAUDREY!" That is how I woke up. I heard this siren screeching from downstairs and footsteps as Vic burst through my door and jumped on my bed. "AUDREYHAPPYBIRTHDAY!" He screamed. I moaned and turned over. "WE'REGOINGTOHAVESOMUCHFUNGETUPAUDREY--" I blindly reached my hand out and put a finger over his lips.

"Shhh..." I dropped my hand.

"Happy birthday!" He whisper-screamed in my face. I rolled my eyes and Vic dropped down on me and hugged me.

"...Oof..." I said.

"Get up so I can give you your presents!" He said and rolled off my bed. He started running out of my room. "Hurry I'm making breakfast!" I sighed and rolled out of bed. I looked at my dresser; yeah, I'm not getting dressed yet. I yawned and walked downstairs. In my sleepy state I stalked into the kitchen my eyes drooping to the ground; until I stepped on something and it popped. I slowly looked up and saw a sea of colorful balloons flooding the room.

"Surprise!" I looked around the room which was filled with our whole crew and the guys. It was the first time I had seen them since we got off tour except Mike since he had been staying here. I was suddenly awake and my face brightened up.

"Guys! Hey, what are you doing here?" I asked, hugging each of them.

"We weren't going to miss your birthday Li'l Fry!" Tony chuckled, patting my head.

"Happy birthday Audrey!" Jaime squealed. I giggled.

"Thanks guys."

"Hey, you hungry?" Vic asked, and I nodded. He pointed toward the table and some people moved out of the way revealing the table piled high with waffles and ice cream. I grinned at him and everyone took a plate of waffles and ice cream. Music started blasting and it was a full out party before ten in the morning.

"Why'd you do this?" I called to Vic over the noise. He smiled.

"Because I wanted you to have a fun birthday!" He said back. "Do you like it?" I nodded.

"Thanks Dad." I hugged him. "I love you."

"I love you too, now go have fun!" He pushed me towards the Ping-pong table where Mike was playing--and owning--one of the light guys for the band. Mike waved me over after he beat the guy and I replaced the him to face Mike. Mike smirked and served the ball. We passed back and forth for a while, but we were pretty evenly matched.

The party went on all morning and into the afternoon. Dad ordered pizza for lunch and he and the guys had made a huge cake. They put it on the table and Jaime jumped up on the counter.

"Time to sing happy birthday!" Jaime yelled over the music and all the people. Mike lifted me up and put me on his shoulders. All eyes were on me and I glared at Jaime and Mike. They all sang and clapped for me to blow out the candles on the cake. It was really good, even though it started a food fight. One of the light guys threw a piece at Jaime who spun around and threw a handful back, although he ended up hitting Vic, who missed and hit me. I cringed and the room erupted in screaming and flying cake. Mike scooped me up and ran out of the room.

"No hurting the birthday girl! Don't worry, I'll protect you!" He yelled as he ran towards the bathroom with me in his arms. There was cake splattered on the floor and Mike slipped in it sending me flying down the hall. Mike looked up with a sorry expression and reached his hand towards me. "Leave me princess, find safety in the room of bathing. There's no hope for me no--" I slammed the door behind me, trying to control my laughter.

Eventually the yelling and cake throwing slowed down and I deemed it safe to leave the bathroom. There were people dramatically sprawled out on the couch and covered in frosting. Others were walking through all the devastation. It looked like people were staring to leave so I thanked everyone as they left.

"See you guys on tour, happy birthday Audrey!" Said they guys' tour manager.

"Thank you, see you later!" I called back as he left. I turned back to the guys and looked around the room. "Ew."

"Yeah, this will be fun to clean up..." Vic said. "Anyway, present time!" He yelled. He took my arm and dragged me outside, towards the garage.

"What? Didn't I tell you not to get me anything!?" I asked. Vic ignored me. He held a hand over my eyes and I think the rest of the guys stayed in the house. Why were we going to the garage?

"And voilà!" Vic said as he took his hand away and revealed a huge sheet covering something shaped like a car.

"You did not get me a car." I said. Vic shrugged.

"Well, let's see it!" He said, encouraging me to pull the sheet off. I gave him a wary look and yanked the sheet. Under it was Vic's old car. He leaned up against it. "I didn't; this is my car." I gave him a confused look and noticed the small green wrapped box sitting in the driver's seat. Vic nodded to it and smirked. I opened the door and took the box. I lifted the top off and reached inside it. There was a set of keys in my hand and I looked at Vic, still confused. I thought he said he wasn't giving me his car.

"Keys?" He nodded.

"Take it for a drive." He said. I shrugged and got in the car. I didn't actually know how to drive, and Vic knew that. I was pretty sure he had another idea up his sleeve. I turned the keys in the ignition, but the didn't even fit in the key hole.

"Vic, what's going on?" I asked. He grinned and I heard a car horn behind me. I jumped up and spun around to the open end of the garage were a black convertible pulled up. My jaw dropped and I turned back to Vic who held a cheeky grin. "Oh my god."

"Or...oh that's right! I did buy you a car!" Vic said in a fake remembering tone. I couldn't help but smile widely and I threw my arms around his neck.

"Thank you Daddy!" I squealed. This was way too much, and I think Vic knew that. But who said he had any common sense at all?

"No problem Sweetheart. Now go check it out, there's one more surprise." I nodded and ran over to the car.

The top was up right now and the windows were tinted so I couldn't see in the front, but Mike and Jaime were hanging out the back windows. As I got closer to the car, the driver's window rolled down. I expected Tony to be the one sitting there, but it wasn't him.

"Happy birthday, Audrey!"

"Oh my god, Alex!"

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