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Vic's POV

Finally! Today I get to meet my little girl for the first time! Hopefully anyway... Well I guess that's not true, her mother did let me see her when she was first born, and she was the most precious little thing I'd ever seen. Of course this time it's different.

I stood in front of the house that she was staying in, nervous out of my mind. I felt like a teenage boy trying to impress a girl's parents before he takes her out. Only Audrey is my daughter and taking her on a date would be completely inappropriate. I sighed in frustration. The guys came out of the bus and stood next to me as I tried to relax myself a little.

"Alright, I guess we better go in then..." I said. Mike patted my shoulder and nudged me so I would actually start walking. Oh, right, I have to use my legs... Why am I so nervous? I knocked on the door and took one more breath before it swung open revealing a woman with reddish hair. "Um...hi! I'm Vic, Audrey's--"

"Father, yes I know. Please come in, Vic...and friends." She moved aside so we could all go in. I warned the guys earlier not to talk since that would obviously hurt my case. I walked inside followed by Mike, Jaime, and Tony. "I'm Barbara Fisher, Rachel's mother. Let's talk in here." She led us into a room and we all took a seat on the couch, except Mrs. Fisher who sat in a chair across from us. "So, Vic, I understand that you do have legal custody over Audrey, but I am just concerned about the life she'll live with you."

"Well, like what? What do you need to know?" I asked, trying to sound as polite as possible as I sat stiffly on the couch.

"I would like to know why you have not kept a relationship with her. Why you never contacted her."

"Oh, well, when Abby, her mother, found out she was going to have Audrey, it was around the same time that our band started getting really big." I said motioning to the guys. "She told me that she didn't want Audrey knowing until she was older and out of school so she had the chance to define herself I guess." She nodded.

"'re in a band..." She said, more of a statement than a question. She sounded almost disgusted with the way it sounded.

"Uh, y-yeah, Pierce The Veil...I mean, we aren't the most popular band, but uh, we have a growing fan base..." I said, trying to convince her that we were successful. Mrs. Fisher looked up at us.

"Pierce The Veil?" I nodded. "Oh, well, I can see why Abby didn't want her to know you." She started. "Rachel, and Audrey are both big fans." She told us.

"Really?" I asked. She nodded.

"However, if you are as successful as it seems, all of you must be very busy. What will happen with Audrey, if you are always so preoccupied with work? And what about school?" She asked, concerned. Little did she know that I had already planned this out.

"We have a whole crew that travels around with us while we're on tour. There will always be someone to look out for her, and since we all live on the bus, she's never really going to be alone. As for school, there's a school in San Diego that has an online program she can take."

"But are you sure you are in the best position to care for a child? Don't you think she might feel a little neglected seeing you interact with all the fans and less with her?" I sighed and stared at Barbara.

"I've missed fifteen years of her life. I'm not missing any more. When she needs me, I'll always be there for her." I said sternly. Barbara looked surprised at how my demeanor had changed. She sighed and got up. I was about to follow her, but she soon returned from around the corner holding a suitcase.

"This is all Audrey's stuff. I packed it this morning." She said handing it to me. "I expect that you'll take good care of her." I nodded.

"It's not much..." I stated holding the incredibly light bag.

"There was a lot she had to leave behind when they took the house."

"When can I see her?" I asked eagerly.

"She's at school right now, so you could wait for her here if you like." I shook my head.

"We should go pick her up." I told the guys. They all nodded in agreement.

Mrs. Fisher led us out and told me that Audrey had her number if she ever needed her. I shook her hand and jumped onto the bus as we told the bus driver how to get to the school. As soon as we pulled into the parking lot I recognized the old building. It was were I went to school with Abby.

"Guys, I don't want you overwhelming her as soon as she gets out okay? She's probably not to thrilled that I'm here." I told the guys. They agreed to behave and I walked in to the main office. "Hey, uh, I'd like to dismiss my daughter." I told the office lady. She nodded and smiled.

"And what's her name?" She asked.

"Audrey Jones. She's a sophomore." She looked up at me, confused.

"You're her father?" I nodded. She typed a few things into the computer and then picked up the phone. "I'm glad you came to see her. She hasn't been doing very well since her mother passed away." She knew about that? Audrey wasn't doing well? I guess I couldn't expect her to be doing well, but it still broke my heart. "Yes, can you tell Audrey Jones that she is being dismissed? Her father is here to pick her up." She spoke into the phone. "She'll be down in a few minutes. You can wait outside if you would like." She told me as she hung up.

"Okay, thank you." I said smiling as I turned to leave. The guys waited on the bus like I told them to, but I waited outside. I started wondering about so many things. Would she recognized me? Could she forgive me for not being there for her? Would she even want to live with me?

All these thoughts and worries were running through my mind as I heard the door of the school creak shut. My head shot up and for the first time my eyes landed on the beautiful girl I was proud to call my daughter. I saw her pull her ear buds out and wrap them around her phone as she squinted in the bright sun. I stood up.

"Audrey..." I called to her. She spun around to see me, her bright green eyes looked tired, and almost glazed over. I walked up to her, and I could tell right away that she recognized me. She looked exactly like her mother. I felt my eyes well up with tears and I couldn't help but hug her. She buried her face in my shoulder and it felt so good to hug my daughter for the first time.

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