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Alex's POV

I hugged Audrey as tight as I dared. She seemed so fragile although I knew how tough she really was. I played with her hair and tried to calm her down. She was upset, but it didn't seem like she would have an attack. Eventually her sobbing subsided and she just laid against my chest.

"Audrey?" I asked. She mumbled something. "I wasn't pretending to like you. I really do, I was just surprised." She sniffed and lifted her head so she could see me.

"Then why didn't you ever tell me?" She asked. He face was red and her tears had plastered some of her hair to her face.

"Because...well, I didn't really realize it until you said you liked me. It's one of those things, you know? If you know someone likes you, then you can admit to yourself that you like them too." She nodded and looked away from me. "I'm sorry, I wish I had known sooner. If I did, I would have told you." I insisted. She shook her head.

"It's okay. I'm sorry I almost cut you." I chuckled and pulled her back into a hug.

"It's okay. I'm also sorry I was kind of flaunting Becca at you on your birthday."

"I'm sorry I got your shirt all slobbery."

"It was an ugly shirt anyway. It's like dog slobber." Audrey snapped her head up.

"Are you calling me a bitch?" I laughed and shook my head.

"Never; I love your slobber."

"Gross." I pulled some of the hair out of her face and tucked it behind her ear. Audrey kept her head down.

"Please...look at me?" I asked. She slowly looked up at me and I couldn't help but smile. She shifted uncomfortably when I would stare at her. She tried to drop her head again but I lifted her chin up. "You're not allowed to have such a pretty face and not let me look at it!" I whined. She blushed and I pulled her closer. I cupped her cheek and glanced at her lips. "Our first kiss was kind if slobbery; and you pushed me away." I pointed out.

"Our first?" I nodded and smiled.

"Yup, just our first. Which means we have to have at least one more; wanna try again?" She shied away a little and looked all nervous.

"I-I don't know..." She stuttered. I chuckled at how cute she was.

"How about we give it a go then?" I suggested and she nodded after a short pause. I leaned closer to her and lightly kissed her again. She hesitated and didn't do anything. I pulled away for a second to speak. "Relax." I whispered and held her hand. She relaxed against my lips and kissed me back.

"You know your dad is going to kill me, but, Audrey, can I take you out?" I asked when we pulled away. Her blush deepened and she nodded sheepishly. I couldn't wait to spend more time with her, but I didn't want us to have to be a secret. "We have to talk to Vic though, alright?"

"But he won't let me go out with you." She said sadly. I sighed.

"Maybe not, but I don't want to be sneaking around. If he finds out, that would make it worse. But he might. We've been friends for a while and I think he trusts me. And I've never done anything to hurt you, have I?" Audrey shook her head.

"But he hates it even when I joke about us."

"Yeah, but because we were talking about stuff that made him uncomfortable. If we just make it out to be a casual more-than-friends kind if thing, he might be okay with it." Audrey sighed and nodded.

"I guess you're right." I heard the door downstairs close and someone--presumably Vic--walk in. Audrey retained that look of nervousness and I nudged her.

"Hey. Now's as good a time as any." She nodded and climbed off me and stood up. I stood next to her and pulled her into the bathroom. "He'll never let me near you again if he sees that I made you cry." I said and lifted her into the counter. I dried her face off and brushed through her hair which got all messed up.

"I'm fine, let's go talk to him." Audrey giggled and swatted my hand away after a few too many minutes of me fussing over her. I smiled and nodded, helping her down even though I knew she didn't need it. She took my hand and led me downstairs. Vic was in the kitchen getting a beer.

"Hey guys! Thanks for taking her home, Alex." I shrugged.

"No problem. I missed my little munchkin!" I said, budgeting Audrey playfully. Vic smiled and nodded and I decided I should start this. "Uh, so Vic, we need to talk to you about something..." I started, trailing off. Vic cocked his head and nodded to the living room.

"So, what's up then?" He asked once we had sat down. Audrey and I were on the couch and Vic was in a chair near us.

"Um, well see...Audrey and I, we're kind of..." I sighed. This was harder than I expected. "We want to be together but I wanted to make sure you were okay with it first." I explained quickly. Vic looked shocked and shifted his gaze between me, Audrey, and our hands which were still intertwined.

"Uh..." He started.

"Dad he even made us ask your permission first like they did back in the olden days. Oh classy." Audrey said, trying to make me look good. Vic was frozen but shook his head to think clearly.

"Um...well, are you two sure? Like I don't know if this is a good idea." Vic said. I saw the wary look in his eye when he glanced at me. We both nodded.

"We're sure." I said. Vic sighed and leaned back in the chair. He shut his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nosed.

"Audrey, I don't really think you know Alex that well. Are you sure you trust him like this?" Audrey nodded.

"I know him enough." I knew Audrey was getting nervous; she was getting restless and I squeezed her hand. Vic nodded and took another breath as he leaned forward again.

"She's sixteen Alex. You know that means you can't, like, you know?" I shook my head.

"No, I know. I would never try to do that. She's smarter than that anyway." I said, looking at Audrey who was now leaning her head on my shoulder. She smiled, remembering our conversation from earlier.

"Um, okay. You know with touring and stuff you won't see each other much?" I nodded.

"Yeah, we get it." Audrey said.

"We can make it work." I added. Vic bit his lip as he thought and sighed.

"Well, I guess I don't really have a problem with it...I'm trusting you with my daughter, Alex." He warned and I nodded.

"Of course. Vic, you can trust me, I won't screw it up." Audrey jumped up from the couch, pulling me up with her. "So like, it's cool if we go out for lunch?"Audrey's eyes grew wide and she hugged me around my waist.

"You are the best person on the planet!" She squealed.

"Hey!" Vic whined.

"Oh right, after me, of course. FOOD!" She turned and bolted towards the door.

"Well, considering she'll probably eat me if I don't let you, yeah it's fine." Vic said. I laughed and nodded.

"I'll see you later then." I said and started towards the door.

"And Alex!" Vic called after me. I turned back at the door. "Don't hurt her, alright? She's been through so much; she can't handle anything else." He said solemnly. I smiled and nodded.

"She'll be the one to hurt me, Vic."

A/N: Tell me you guys ship them as much as I do??

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