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A/N: I like how you guys were like freaking out in the comments and I was just behind the scenes like >:D ALSO SPOILER ALERT VIC DIES IN THIS CHAPTER

Audrey's POV

"Audrey, Tony, Mike, and I are going out for breakfast, do you want to come?" Jaime asked, popping his head into the back lounge. I looked up from my computer at him.

"Oh, uh, no thanks I'm not hungry. I'll eat later." I said and looked back at my computer screen.

"Okay, I expect Vic probably won't go either. I'll let him know you're here. Hey, maybe you could try talking to him again? He's not getting any better. I nodded.

"I know. I hope he's okay." I said. Jaime nodded. He closed the door and I went back to scrolling through random stuff on twitter.

@ptvslilfry I miss you come home!

Alex tweeted. I smiled. I liked that he was so open about the fact that we were kind of a thing now.


I sighed and tweeted back.

@awgaskarth YOU ARE SUCH A DORK BUT I LOVE THAT ABOUT YOU see you in six months :)

A lot of people were following me now that they knew who I was. It was kind of cool, but it was hard sometimes. I usually didn't read what people would post about me but I wanted to see what people though of Alex and I.

Aww you two are so cute!

I want a relationship like that!

Adorable <3

I loved the positive comments. It was all so encouraging. But not all of them were so nice.

Alex she's like twelve!

It was horrible; I hated how judgmental people would be. Just because Alex was 21 people thought I was a baby compared to him.

She's so emo go cut your emo wrists you little whore!

I swallowed. How would they know about that? Dad wouldn't have told them would he? The bracelet Alex had given me hung loosely around my wrist. It meant so much to me. No one could have known, could they? Oh no, maybe someone from the press took a picture of me with Vic and everyone saw my scars!

I quickly searched my name in the search bar of my computer and scanned through the results.

Audrey Fuentes:

Vic Fuentes

Vic has a daughter

Spanish translator

Audrey Fuentes Sucks! Blog

What? They have hate blogs about me? Maybe it'll have something that will tell me...

Why do we hate Audrey Fuentes? Or should we say Fuencest? Let's be honest: why would Vic not tell us he had a daughter in the first place? Probably because she's been sucking him off every night since she knew how to talk! The little emo bitch hasn't said a word to the press; we don't even know what her voice sounds like! How many guys do you think she's fucked? Well her rock star Daddy for one, and now Alex Gaskarth! Twitter has been blown up with their lovey dovey tweets; and why would Alex possibly want her instead of one of us? Because she's an easy fuck. Not to mention the court scandal. Vic and his little bitch were seen exiting the San Diego Courthouse early this summer. Some members of the press got on the inside and reported it as a rape case. Oh, yeah, "rape," sure Audrey, we all know it was your idea in the first place. She doesn't get enough sexual pleasure from daddy that she has this unbearable urge to spread her HIVs throughout our precious band members. This blog is dedicated to hate on Audrey Fuentes!

I wiped away the tears that had escaped by the time I finished reading it. How do people find all this? And how could anyone believe any of it? I guess a lot since there were over six thousand followers. I hated it. I hated it all. I wish I had never found my dad. I wish he was anyone but Vic. Why did this have to happen to me?

I took the charm on my necklace and yanked it off. It's all my fault. If I had been more social with the fans...if I never told Alex I liked him...if I had never let that guy rape me... If only I had killed myself when I had the chance.

I knocked my computer over and ran out of the back lounge. I found my blade in my drawer. This was long over due. I sliced it across my arm, my wrist, my side, anywhere I could and let the pain engulf me. The blood dripped from the deep cuts and I went into the bathroom. The blood had soaked through my clothes and I looked like a ketchup bottle exploded on me.

I started to panic. No, I went too far. I was bleeding a lot and I started to get lightheaded. Shit! I promised Alex. I promised I wouldn't do it again. No! He's going to hate me! But I needed help... I found my phone before collapsing on the couch.


"Alex!" I cried.

"Audrey! Hey, Babe. I miss you, how are you?"

"Alex I-I need help." I stuttered. There was a pause.

"Audrey what happened?" He asked seriously.

"I-I...I cut again. I went too deep. Alex the blood...there's so much." I said, getting even dizzier.

"Shit! Audrey I--" There was a pause on his line as someone talked to him. "Audrey? I have to go on stage. I'm sorry, I'll call you as soon as I get off."

"I'm so-sorry Alex..." I whispered.

"Audrey, I'm not mad. You need to listen to me: go find your dad. Find him and ask him to help you. It's very important you do that okay?"

"Okay." I said.

"Promise me you'll find him right now?"


"If you can't, call 911. I can't lose you, Audrey. I have to go, I love you." He hung up and I dropped my phone. I looked around, but Dad wasn't in here. I knew he didn't go with the guys. I glanced outside and saw Vic's legs dangling over the side off the bus. I went outside and climbed the ladder. Vic was sitting with his head down and a beer by his side.

"Daddy?" I called out. He tensed up and snapped his head up. His back was to me do I couldn't see his face.

"Audrey, go inside please? I want to be alone right now." He said. Something was off in his voice. I knew he had probably been crying, but he sounded lost.

"Da-Daddy I need help." I said. I took a few steps closer.

"I'll help you later. Now's not a good time." The blood was leaving a trail behind me and started puddling every time I stopped.

"Please Da--" I froze when I could see over his shoulder. His arms were bright crimson and his clothes were stained red. There was a bloody blade next to him and when I looked up at his face, he was mirroring my expression: pure horror.

A/N: Haha I was just kiddingggg! No promises about next chapter though... >:D

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