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"Oh my god, Dad. You spend more time getting ready than me!" I groaned. I was standing at the bathroom door watching him fix his hair for the billionth time. He turned to me and scrunched up his nose.

"Then go away." He said. I giggled and rolled my eyes. He looked at his watch. "Crap! I have to go." He glanced in the mirror one more time and looked worried.

"You look fine just go!" He was taking forever and I was bored. Vic sighed and pushed past me.

"I'll be back soon, you okay without me?" He asked.

"I was without you for fifteen years, I think I'll survive a few hours." He sighed and kissed my forehead.

"Good, okay bye!" He ran out the bus door and jumped in his car. I sighed and shook my head. He's ridiculous sometimes. I laid on the cough and flipped through TV channels. There's never anything good on anymore.

"Hey, Audrey?" Jaime asked coming into the front lounge.

"What's up?"

"Everyone on tour is going out to dinner tonight for the end of the tour celebration kind of thing. Wanna come with?" I sat up.

"Tour's already over?" Jaime chuckled.

"Li'l Fry, you came in a couple of weeks ago. We've been on tour since like January."

"Oh, right. Okay, sure I'll come."

"Sweet." He took out his phone and started typing something, I assumed to tell everyone how many of us were going. "Did Vic leave already?"

"Yeah, he was freaking out and I told him to leave because he was too caught up in his hair." Jaime sat next to me.

"Your dad has some problems." I nodded.

"He's got something alright." Jaime chuckled.

"Hey, isn't your birthday coming up?" I shook my head.

"Not for like a month."

"Okay, well, still. Is there anything you want?" I shrugged.

"I don't know...not really."

"Well you're boring."

"Sorry. I'm bored what do I do?" Jaime sighed and got up.

"I don't know go make friends."

"But I'm a loseeerrrr!" I groaned.

"So is All Time Low, go bother them, I have to go out and no you can't come." He said, mocking my boredom. I rolled off the couch and huffed.

"Fine." I took my phone and stormed off the bus and over to ATL's. I knocked on the door and Alex opened it. He looked like he had just woken up and was kind of annoyed that someone was bugging him "this early," although it was almost two in the afternoon. He looked around right over my head. "Hi!" I beamed up at him. He looked down and smiled.

"Hey Audrey! What's up?" He asked, leaning against the door frame. I shrugged.

"Nothing, I'm bored and Jaime told me to come and bug you guys because you're losers." Alex cocked his head and faked being offended.

"Uh! How rude. Uh, hey is everyone wearing clothes?" Alex called back into the bus. I heard some muffled calls back which I assumed to be yes's because Alex stood aside to let me in. I hopped up the stairs and flopped on the couch.

"Hey kiddo!" Rian said.

"Hey guys."

"Your dad is okay with you being around Alex without him after the whole Romeo and Juliet thing?" Jack asked. I shook my head.

My Father's DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now