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Vic's POV

Audrey fell asleep in my arms, the occasional sob still escaping her lips. I slowly laid back in her bunk, careful not to wake her. Her tears flowed like waterfalls down her cheeks and all I could think about was how much I wished I could stop it. I held her tightly and rubbed her arm and I too slowly fell asleep.

I awoke to someone kicking my leg and whisper-screaming my name.

"Vic! Vic! Wake the fuck up!" I opened my eyes to see a red faced Mike leaning into the bunk. "Get up." He ordered. I untangled myself from a still sleeping Audrey and sat up on the edge of the bed. I gave Mike and annoyed and confused look. It was two in the morning, he and the other two must have just gotten back from their little "outing." Mike rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. "Vic you have to tell me what's going on." He said, sitting on the bed across from me which was mine. I sighed, and glanced back at Audrey.

"Mike, I can't." He looked infuriated.

"Vic, I'm her uncle! Every time I see her I can tell she'd been crying! Why can't you tell me?"

"She...doesn't want me to, Mike. I have to respect that."

"Vic, we tell each other pretty much everything. Don't I deserve to know? As family?" I considered this, but was still unsure. "I won't even tell Tony and Jaime if you really don't want me too, I just want to make sure she's alright." I nodded, and ran my fingers through my hair.

", come here." I said. Mike stood up and I scooted closer to Audrey. I carefully lifted up her shirt and pointed out the marks lining her stomach and side. They were difficult to see in the dark, but Mike could see them.

"Shit, oh my gosh..." Mike muttered. I nodded and pulled the covers up back over Audrey. I felt tears pricking my eyes at the sight of her. She looked so worn out. While she slept, she looked lifeless, and I couldn't help but fear that that day might come and I wouldn't be able to save her. Mike put and arm around my shoulder and I turned back to him.

"Mike, what do I do? She's so scared of everything. She begged me for her blades today...I'm scared I won't be strong enough for her."

"Hey, don't say that. You're plenty strong for her. You were strong enough for you, you can do it again. And I'm here, I'll help you." I leaned into Mike's shoulder. "Hey, stop it!" Mike snapped, hitting my hand away from scratching at my wrist. I didn't even realize I was doing it.

"...Sorry..." I swallowed hard, trying to compose myself.

"Get some sleep. I'll sit with her if you want." Mike suggested. I shook my head.

"I don't want her to wake up without me." I told him. He nodded.

"Alright, just let me know...We'll talk in the morning." I nodded, and laid back down with Audrey as Mike went to the lounge.

Audrey shifted in her sleep and I brushed some hair out of her face. She was so beautiful, and I created her. I laid there for hours, wondering why this had to happen. My daughter. Why did she have to have gone through all this shit? Why couldn't I have been there for her when she needed me? This is all my fault. I subconsciously found myself running my fingers across each of her scars.

"What are you doing?" I looked down to see Audrey's big green eyes, still red and puffy, looking up at me.

"Oh, sorry did I wake you up?"

"No, but what were you doing?"

"I uh, was counting your scars...I guess."

"Why?" I paused, not really knowing how to answer her.

"Because...I wanted to know how many times you needed me and I wasn't there..." Audrey slid her finger across my cheek and I realized I was crying. I wiped away my tears and hugged Audrey.

"I'm sorry." She said.

"For what?"

"Making you cry." I chuckled.

"Hun, you didn't make me cry. But, um, I need to tell you something..." I started.

"You told Mike?" She asked. I looked down at her.

"How'd you know?" She shrugged.

"You woke me up when you got up to talk to him." She said simply.

"Oh..." I said awkwardly. There was a pause as Audrey laid her head on my chest.

"It's okay that you told him."

"Are you sure? You asked me not to and I should have respected that." She nodded.

"But you tried to. I knew you were going to tell him eventually. He kept asking you about it." I gave her a confused look. "Mike needs to work on his 'indoor voice.'" I laughed and nodded in agreement.

"I'm sorry, though."

"I'm not mad."

"I'm still sorry. You really can trust me, it's just, Mike doesn't like secrets." She wrapped her arm around me.

"I know." We laid there for a while until the guys came in from the back lounge. They stopped by the bunk and pointed to Audrey.

"Is she awake?" Jaime mouthed. I nodded and poked her.

"Um...we have the day off, are you two doing anything today? Jaime and I were thinking about going to the amusement park." Tony asked.

"I don't know, I was thinking just spend some time with my girl." I said. Audrey sat up and faced the guys.

"Actually, I want to go with you guys!" She said. Tony and Jaime grinned and nodded. I pouted when Audrey looked back at me. She shrugged. "I've never been to one before..." Tony and Jaime gasped.

"Never!?" They asked in unison. She shook her head.

"So you've never been on a roller coaster? Damn girl, you have got some experiences to have." Jaime said in a sassy voice.

"What are you guys going to do?" Audrey asked Mike and I.

"We'll just stay here, maybe walk around a little." I said, sitting up. Tony giggled.

"Oh, right! You're afraid of roller coasters aren't you tiny-two shoes?" I threw a pillow at him and pouted.

"Am not! I just...need to talk to Mike." I said which wasn't a complete lie. Audrey laughed as she and the two idiots of the group left. I can't believe I trust them with her... Well I guess I trust them with Mike so.

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