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"Alex!" I yelled. I ran up to the car, excited to see him.

Alex swung the car door open and got out. I wrapped my arms around him and he hugged me back. I had missed him so much the past couple of weeks.

"Oh my gosh what are you doing here?" I squealed. He chuckled.

"Well, I wasn't about to miss one of my best friends birthdays!" He smiled down at me. I was one of his best friends? I tried to stop myself from hugging him again, so instead I swatted his arm.

"You two obviously want to catch up, go inside and hang out." Vic suggested. I nodded.

"Great! I have to give you your presents!" Alex said and dragged me inside. I noticed he was carrying a big box.

"Aww you didn't have to get me anything!" I groaned. No one ever listens to me.

"Oh shush, yes I did. I'm not going to not get you anything when your dad gets you a car."

"Hey, I told him the same thing!" I led Alex upstairs to my room and we sat on my bed. "It's really nice to see you." I said.

"You too. I missed my little munchkin." He threw an arm around my shoulder.

"Now I'm a circular donut? What is it and you guys giving me food based nicknames? Li'l Fry?" Alex shrugged.

"No idea. Anyway, here open it!" He shouted and shoved the box at me. I smiled and took the top off. I took out what was on top, which was a book of some sort. "It's a journal; I thought you could use it instead of...what you've been doing..." He said. I looked up at him and he looked sad. How did he know? "Vic kind of...let it slip at the hospital." Wow he just can't keep his mouth shut.

"Oh...okay." I said. "Thanks Alex, and I will use it. Thank you for worrying about me." I told him. He hugged me.

"Anytime Audrey, I care about you." I smiled and put the journal aside to take out what was next.

"Oh my god! Alex we look so bad!" I cried. I was holding a picture frame that had a few different slots. They were full of pictures of the crazy shit Alex and I had done together. Our stupid selfies and nights we had hung out together. It was fun to remember all the times we were hanging out together. I laughed at ourselves and Alex shook his head.

"No, I look bad; you look perfect." He kissed my forehead and I leaned on his shoulder. This is why I loved Alex, he was such a good friend.

"I missed you, I wish you didn't live so far away." I said. I knew I wouldn't see him much if at all until Dad's band and his band toured together again.

"I know I missed you too. We have to go on tour together again soon!" He said. I nodded. "Audrey...aren't you like melting in that sweatshirt?" He asked. I froze. I really didn't want him seeing my arms. He already knew about it but I felt like seeing it would make everything real.

"No, I'm okay." I lied. Alex sighed and made me look at him.

"I can kind of guess why you're wearing it." He said. "I won't be mad, I swear. Please take it off?" I sighed in defeat and pulled it over my head. I looked down at my cut up arms and wished the scars away. No such luck. I swallowed as Alex took my hand.

"Please don't..." I pleaded. I didn't want him to look at them. "I just want to cover them up." I said quietly, more to myself than Alex.

"I know you do." He pulled my arm closer and slipped something over my hand and down my wrist. I looked back at him and saw I was wearing a silver bracelet. I gave Alex a confused look. "Your first one." He said happily. "I made it for you. These were the first guitar strings I broke, and this was my first pick." He flipped my arm over and a red and black marbled pick was braided into the guitar strings. "It's nothing special, but I--"

"It's perfect." I cut him off. "Thank you so much Alex, I love it." I hugged him and buried my face in his shoulder. I can't believe he kept that stuff all these years and now he was giving them to me.

"Anything for you, Audrey." After a minute I let him go. Everything. He did meant so much to me.

"Alex, why did you really come to California? I know you didn't just come for me." I said. He chuckled.

"Well I came for you; but my girlfriend also lives here and I wanted to come and see her before we go on tour." I tuned out everything after girlfriend. He had a girlfriend? Why didn't he ever tell me?

"Oh, you have a girlfriend?" I asked, trying to sound as happy as possible. He nodded. He was blushing and smiling like I'd never seen him before. He was really happy, I didn't realize how much he must have missed her.

"Yeah, Becca. She lives in San Diego, so I might see you guys a little more. Before I have to go."

"That's cool...she's a lucky girl..." I said. Alex snapped his head up to look at me.

"You think so?" I nodded.

"Of course,who wouldn't want to date the lead singer if a great band?" He shrugged.

"I don't know, I mean, she's amazing! She's so beautiful and smart and funny an--"

"Whoa, I don't need a character profile here!" I said sarcastically, really just hoping to stop his lovey dovey rant. He scoffed and nudged my shoulder.

"Shut up! Anyway, I have to get going and you have a car to drive." He said. He stood up and hugged me. "See you later short stuff." I was disappointed he had to leave so soon but I hugged him good bye.

"Bye Alex; let me know when you leave, we should hang out before then!" He nodded.

"'Course Kiddo. I'll let you know." He smiled and left as my smile slowly faded. I heard him go down the stairs and say good bye to the guys. Kiddo. I'm just some annoying kid to him. Well that's just great.

A/N: Do you hate me??? Alex is being a bitch I'm sorry but like seriously...poor Audrey. Anyway, comment! I love reading your guys' reactions. Love you! <3

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