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Audrey's POV

"Audrey?" Vic asked. "Can I come in?" I was sitting in my room texting Jaime.

"Yeah." I called out to him. He opened the door and came in. I didn't move from my position of staring at my phone. Vic took my desk chair and sat on it backwards. He crossed his arms over the back of it and rested his chin on them.

"Whatcha doin'?" He asked grinning.

"You sound six." I giggled. He shrugged and stared at me expectantly. "I'm talking to Jaime; he keeps asking me what I want for my birthday." I told him.

"Ahhh, yes! Your birthday is coming up in a few days, huh? So yeah, what do you want?" He asked. I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"Nothing." Vic pouted and I knew he would drag it out.

"Come on! What am I supossed to get you then?" There it is. I shrugged. I should just give him and Jaime an answer so they'll shut up. There was only one thing I wanted, but I could never get that back.

"I don't care creative I guess..." Vic sighed and sat on my bed next to me. He leaned over my knees which were bent up.

"Audreeeeyyyyy!" He whined. I looked up at him. "I still don't know that much about you. There's no way I could come up with something that you'll like."

"Ugh! I don't know! A book! Get me a book!" I groaned. Vic dropped his head. I think he felt guilty about annoying me. I sighed and calmed down. "I'm sorry." Vic looked up at me. "I really don't need anything, though. Don't waste your time looking for something to get me." I insisted. Vic sighed.

"You're no fun."

"That's what Jaime said. What did you need anyway?" He looked like he just remembered.

"Oh yeah! So I wanted to talk to you. Since we know who he was and we can prove that he's guilty, can we press charges on the guy who--"

"I don't care." I cut him off, shaking my head. Vic cocked his head.

"You don't care as in you don't care? Or you don't care as in no?" I tossed my phone on the pillow next to me and got up. I looked around for my brush and started brushing my hair.

"I don't care as in I don't care."Vic got up and stood behind me so I could see him in the mirror. He crossed his arms and raised one eyebrow.

"Really? Because you don't choose and I'm going to file a report right now." He said. "We can be in court within a few days, and you have to show up." I put my brush down and squeezed my eyes shut. I so did not want to see that man again. The way his arms were like greased snakes and when he spoke it was like a dog panting in your face. I shuddered and felt arms around me. I jumped away and spun around. It was just Vic. He looked concerned. "I think closure would be good for you." He said softly. I blikned a few times. Vic held out his arms for a hug and I walked into them. He kissed the top of my head. "Only one more time, I won't let him hurt you." I slowly nodded into his shoulder.


Court rooms are terrible. The pine benches squeak every time someone moves. Why were there people here? I thought we had the option to keep it closed.

And he was here.

I kept my head down and Vic held my hand. That man. Daniel Webb. He didn't deserve a name. He didn't deserve anything. He kept his eyes on me the whole time and I avoided looking at him at all costs. He was going to kill me.

"Miss Audrey Fuentes? Please come to the stand." The judge called. I looked up at her. She looked like a sweet just lady, at that stand was the last place I wanted to be. I chewed on my lip and I slowly stood up. I had to walk by him. I rushed to pass the table they were sitting at but stopped when I felt a piece if crumpled up paper hit my ass. He chuckled and I held back tears. I heard someone jump up at our table and attack him. Someone held him back. I continued to the stand.

"You don't touch her you asshole!" Vic screamed at him. Our lawyer was holding him back and forced him to sit down. Vic clenched his jaw and glared at Daniel Webb.

"Mr. Webb! I expect courteous behavior in this court. That goes for you too Mr. Fuentes." The judge ordered, although she said it much harsher to Webb. She knew what happened before we even started. Someone held a bible in front of me.

"Please place your right hand on the Bible. Do swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?" He asked me. I nodded.

"Yeah...uh, I mean I do." I muttered. Webb kept staring at me. His eyes were locked on me and I couldn't look away. Does he even know what he did to me?

"Audrey, please tell the court what happened on the night of June 23, 2014, and please be as specific as possible." Our lawyer stated. I swallowed hard.

"W-We were eating at some restaurant to celebrate the end of the tour an--"

"I'm sorry to interrupt up but, who was with you and which restaurant was it?"

"Uh, my dad's band and the other bands we were touring with. Plus all the crew and then me. It was some Chinese place...China Blossom." I examined the pedestal I was at.

"Okay, continue."

" I left to go to the bathroom and..."

"And what Sweetie?" The judge asked. I looked up at her and shifted my gaze to Webb.

"And...he raped me." I said. I blinked away the tears begging to escape. I wouldn't hive him that satisfaction.

"I'm sorry, Audrey, I know this is difficult for you, but what do you mean by rape?" I looked down to the lawyer in front of me. I prayed he wouldn't make me explain it. "Do you mean he forcible engaged in sexual intercourse with you? Completely against your will?" I dropped my head and nodded. "Okay, and did you at any point verbally express your refusal to the engagement?" I nodded again. "Okay, and after this?"

"Someone from one of the other bands, Alex Gaskarth, he came and got me. He and my dad took me to the hospital to get the DNA tests. Then we went back to the bus. Nothing else after that."

"No further questions, your honor." The judge nodded.

"Okay, Audrey, you may return to your seat." I nodded and scooted out of the seat. I hurried back to the seat next to Vic, careful to stay as far away from Webb as possible. Vic put his arm around me and I leaned into his shoulder. "Technically, This Gaskarth fellow should be here as a witness, but I suppose we may continue without him." The judge sighed. "Daniel Webb, to the stand please." She groaned.

"Please place your right hand on the Bible. Do swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?" Webb have an innocent grin and winked at me. I cringed and Vic tightened his grip on me.

"I absolutely do!" He said cheerfully. I noticed his lawyer shaking his head and rubbing his forehead.

"Mr. Webb, have you ever encountered Audrey Fuentes before?" Webb shook his head.

"Never, but if I had, I'd be sure to bang her. The stupid slut..." My throat closed up and the tears finally fell. Vic hugged me and the jury booed.

"Shh, Hun' you're okay. Don't listen to him, Audrey." Vic whispered. I shrunk back into his shoulder. I never want to face the world again. I refused to move for a few minutes. Vic kissed the top of my head and I looked up. Webb was gone and I looked around.

"Were is he!?" I cried. They let him go. Why would they do that!?

"They took him away. He's going to jail. The jury made a decision." I sighed in relief. "Audrey, I'm never going to let anyone hurt you again, okay? I'm sorry I let this happen in the first place." I shook my head and sniffed.

"I love you, Dad."

"I love you too. Let's go home." He took my hand and I followed him out of the courtroom. I kept my head down; some of the press people were trying to take pictures and I really didn't want that for Vic. We finally got to the car and Vic drove us home in silence.

A/N: Sorry if this sucks and it took so long my dog died yesterday so I'm all upset. I'll try to update again soon!

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