Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"... Hi guys, it's me Katie here!"

As I smile to the laptop camera every Wednesday and Saturday that people rarely see unless it's on YouTube, yeye I'm a YouTuber but I ain't no beauty guru because well

1. It sounds like stupid nickname for a BEAUT(Y)iful kanGAROO. Do you see it? Do you see what I freakin' mean?

2. I don't want to be a kangaroo, I'd rather be a freakin' bird so I can poop on people.

3. I don't even know much on make up anyways.. All I know of I mascara, eye shadow, cover up, eye liner and blush. That seems like soo much make-up to remember.

Anyways, I continue talking about some lame excuse for why I had nothing really prepared for the video because I was so "busy" which I call eating ice cream out of the tub, watching disney shows and movies on Netflix along with stalking my fans/followers. So I was practically superrrr busy.. *awkward smile*

As I continue talking about pointless Sasquatch, I search for some Q & A's I come along to.. (A/N These are some what real answers)

Are you a virgin? Yes

Watch O2L (our second life)? Hell yes girl!

Are you taking online college? Yes

Are you single? Yes

Favourite YouTuber? Shane Dawson along with Zoella Sugg

Fav O2L member? ALL

Middle name? Belle

Type of guys? Usually looks like a tough guy, nerdy, muscular a bit, funny, talk a lot, taller than me.

Other q's had passed by, with the last question left asking "if you had a choice who to date, kiss, kill, collab, kick in the balls, marry, out of O2L who would you pick?"

I answered with "well I would.. Definitely marry Ricky because girl we're made for each other! Psst, ricky hit me up!" *i try winking seductively but failing miserably, along with laugh my ass off for my weirdness*

"And collab with Jc but he's too cool for me *i fake pout*, kill Trevor because he is slayin' everyone with his talent and shizam actually that made no sense but you get the idea.." *i awkwardly move my hands up to the screen pretending to shoo them*

"... Anyways and kiss Sam.. *settling an awkward moment*.. there's now date and kick in the balls but I don't wanna kick anyone in the balls.. In that group * I wink to the camera* but I guess.. "

I can feel my cheeks starting to blush just thinking about dating Connor.. Oh god, my youtube crush

".. Um, date Connor.. " *i look up and smile with a quick wink* "and so that just leaves Kian with being kicked in the balls, SORRY KIKIII.." I mentally think it's funny

"Anyways that's it for today guys, I hope you guys liked watching me be awkward and weird but that's what happens everyday anyways.. BYE, I LOVE YOU" I snapped my fingers making it look like I'm a queen even though I AM.


I tweet out "Heey guys, my video Titled 'Q and A #7' will be uploaded in 32 min. I hope you guys love it!❤️" seconds after the tweet I get retweets and replies asking for follow backs, compliments, hate. The usual. I decide to leave my laptop on my couch and leave to the bathroom to have a shower, blasting along with The 1975 playing.

After drying, and get dressed I get some Oreo cookies and look at my laptop screen showing my recent video has been uploaded. I click the video, mute it and read my viewers comments saying how cute my hair was even though it was literally greasy as fuck so I put it up. Some hate about how annoying I was, bleh blah bleh, not giving a crap, nope not today. I stop. Looking at a comment that was from the one and only boy named................

... Sorry not telling till next chapter (;

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