chapter 7

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Chapter 7

We're all just chilling and laughing about things, later Ricky and I decide to finally do a collab on my channel of mad libs, and then an Q and A on his channel.

The mad libs was dirty but so hilarious, we start the questions with #AskKacky as it was the top tweet on twitter

After many questions later, "if you got asked out, who would you choose; Sam or Connor?"

"Well that's just so hard for me too choose! But since I live with connor I wouldn't want to make it awkward by dating him, so I choose Sam!" Ricky winks after with a kissy face.

"I.. I would say, um. Well I don't know, I barely know both, but maybe Sam?" I say

Ricky nudges me, "You heard her Sam! Ask her! You'd make beautiful babes! Even though you guys haven't even met yet.. But soon" he winks again.

"Anyways that's it guys, make sure to subscribe and like and even download my song "ordinary" I love you guys."

"Okay" *snap* we move places

"Guys" *snap* again, moved

"See" *snap* we moved into awkward arrangements

"Ya" *snap* even awkwarder

"Later" *snap* Ricky posses on his bed, as I just stand there pretending to take a selfie

"That's was great, I hope the fans like it. So what's up girl!"

"Nothing really, I'm just doing whatever. I can't wait for Vidcon!" I say happily


We arrive back from hanging out with the group,

"Soo.. About Vidcon, do you want to come?" I ask

Taylor takes a moment, looking like she's debating on what to say ".. I don't know, because I don't make videos on YouTube. I have no fans to meet or you know make them feel like they're going to die after meeting their idol."

I chuckle, "that's okay, you won't be a loser loner. You'll be with me or the o2l group or even Jenn and Andrea"

"Hey! I didn't say I was going to be a loser loner.. That will never happen to me, everyone loves me duh!"

"Suree.. Keep telling you're self that, along with that I'm actually considering still being friends with you" sometimes I really do wonder why I'm friends with her..

"Psh, whatever. You love me, if anything were only friends because I'm helping keeping you straight" no, not really.

"Okay, I don't feel like winning another argument that I'm right again. So I'm just going to ignore that comment, so are you going or not?"

"Fine, but you have to buy me food before we leave" she pouts like a 5 year old

"Okay, but only chips and a drink. No candy. I don't need you going on a sugar rush like last road trip, oh god" that was truly a nightmare having to control her, as she was hyper and on her freaking period.

Taylor stomps, "ugh, fine. I'll try to convince the others to buy me food then!" She runs off to her room


"So, you and Taylor are coming?"

"Yup, it's my first time coming. I'm so nervous, oh my god" I squeal

He chuckles at my childish behaviour, "don't worry, it'll be fun. So.. Can I ask you something?"

"Sure anything! I won't judge on whatever you ask, go ahead!"

He shakes his leg nervously, looking like something is bothering him "okay.. So.."




What's he going to ask Katie?

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