Chapter 9

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Chapter 9


I laugh as I continue jumping on Taylor's bed trying to wake her up since we gotta be at the boys' house around 2:30, right now it's about 12:14 am


"What beauty?" I tease with a smirk

Suddenly I feel her pillow hit my face, "fuck you. I hate you." She mumbles through her other pillow

"get up lazy ass, we gotta be at the boys' around 2:30" I jump one last time on her bed which I'm pretty sure this time I fell on her stomach since she screamed again with a bit of pain. Hehe

"Go have a shower, eat, doll yourself up for Ricky to make him fall in love with you even more, and then we can leave" I try with an innocent smile

"Psh. If anything, people doll themselves up for me! I ain't doing that shit, hells no." She blushes as she shouts

This place is never quiet haha, I wonder what the hell runs through our neighbours heads about us.. Actually I don't, they could be thinking about sexual stuff about us. *mental shiver* ew.

Later as I'm watching a TV show called Toopy and Binoo.. Yes I know it's kiddy show but idk, stop judging me!

"Ay remember were meeting Trevor and Ricardo today? Oh and that other guy uh.. What his name?" She acts horribly clueless

I roll my eyes due to her horrible acting, "you mean Sam?"

She smirks, "ohh yeah, Sam. Hm wow you knew his name pretty well, does someone have a crush on this Sam?"


"Oh! And remember you also have a crush on Connor, ooh conflict! Who will she pick? Who would you pick as your Edward and Jacob?"

She's practically talking to herself now.. "Taylor, that crush has been over for a while now. I thought you figured that out since of how he's been treating me, he's an asshole" I roll my eyes

"Yeahh but you always go for assholes, remember Matt?"

Instantly my eyes feel as if they're burning as I start to cry remember all of "those" memories.. It's so hard for me to have a serious relationship, they always leave because I can't allow myself to be ready for a serious one.

He was a nice guy, really. Considering he cheated on me..

"Katie. Katie.. Hello?" I jump as I come back from my thoughts, "you zoned out after I brought up Matt.. I'm sorry I brought him up, I know it's a hard subject. He's a real ass." She apologizes with with a pout

"It's okay, but can we stop talking about boys and leave to Starbucks and go to the boys'?" I glare at her, as I grab my keys to the car

Connors POV

"Ayy losers, Katie and Taylor should be here soon, and by the way Connor can you pretty please be on your best behaviour today and well for your whole life?" Ricky pleads haha

But the thought of me being nice to her, no. She's a bitch and the way she laughs at what everyone says, and even flirts with all the boys with winks and shit, she's such a slut. I don't want to be fake, that's Katie's job.

I groan with slightly rolling my eyes, "ugh Rickyy, she's such a bitch with an annoying attitude along with a fake personality. I don't want to be fake, that's Katie's job."

There, I finally told them. It's so annoying always having Katie over.

"Connor don't say that she's all of our friend except yours of course but can you please corporate for us all, it's quite rude and she's a really nice girl if you actually gave her a chance." They all stare at me waiting for me to answer

"Fine." I mumble angrily

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