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Um hey guys..

I'm really, really, really, really, REALLYYYYYY sorry I didn't update in likeee I think 2 weeks? Idk I'm sorry, I don't really have an excuse.. Heh

For the past few weeks I've been debating if I should still continue writing anymore, it's cool and all that few of you support the book but idk.

A "friend" or whatever the fuck that fake is... Sorry.. Anyways I think she knows I'm writing the book, and I usually don't give a fuck but for a while we've been drifting so I think she'll bother me about it and tell everyone which I don't want..

I feel like if I just end it now she won't use this story against me.

Please, I need help deciding if I should just end it now or still write for a bit.






I still have that other idea of a story which I think is better than this one but I'm SO CONFUSED ON WHAT TO DO

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