Chapter 12

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So I decided to finish school early and BAM here's your chapter you guys have been waiting for.

Sorry it took a while I was non stop trying to get my grades up to pass grade 9!! So many exams :/ but I got out of them due to the strike.

Anyways I might still go to summer school so I won't have to do SS in the next year, so I will possibly post chapters more in the summer. That's all I wanted to talk about with you guys if you even read this.. Bye❤️

Chapter 12

Katie's POV

As I wander around the airport I take a sip out of my coffee from Starbucks and just look around, suddenly I feel a body bounce against mine hitting my drink in my hand. Coffee is spilt half of my arm and shirt, "oh my god I'm so sorry! It's all my fault. I didn't look where I was going, are you okay?" The stranger asked.

I look up to see the stranger and see a worried Sam Pottorff.

"Um yeah, it's all good no worries. It wasn't hot coffee or anything." I try shrugging it off, everyone makes mistakes right?

"No, no I insist in buying you another coffee. I'm so sorry for my clumsiness." I chuckle, "it's okay dude, 80% of my personality is my clumsiness" I wink

We both laugh at my awkwardness, we start walking to Starbucks, "by the way my name is Sam, sorry I split the coffee on you too" he chuckles

I smile, "I know who you are even though that seems creepy, but I'm friends with your friends of O2L. And my name is Katie" I smile once again

"Oh, really? That's so cool. I never knew you were friends with them, I watch your videos as well so I know you too" he laughs

Later after we chatted about practically everything, we met up with the rest of the group that were supposedly waiting for us for almost a hour, woops haha. We get in the car and I this time don't sit in the front seat, but neither does Connor, Kian instead is driving with Ricardo in the front with him.

Here's the seat arrangement:

Kian and Ricardo

Connor, Sam, Ricky

Myself, jc, Taylor

And well Trevor is the odd one with no seat so he's sitting in the middle row on the floor in between Connor and Sam.

Were all chatting up in the car talking about all sorts if different things, I've been feeling like someone is watching me I try to turn my head to look as I'm talking to Sam but I suddenly get a text from a unknown number. The number texts me with "Hey(:" probably has the wrong number so I ignore the text and continue talking to Sam and listening to everyone's conversation

We soon arrive back at the boys' house and everyone gets out of the car before I do, I lastly get out but with a help of a hand from Connor. Boys are strange and fucking bipolar.

I slightly smile at Connor as a thank you, he does the same as well. This is really strange of us to be acting like this.. Like we never even touch each other and not even help each other, so why hell are we now smiling at each other? What next? We kiss? HAHA

......(A/N (; *nudge*)

I giggle at myself and jokes but see Connor glance at me confused.. Oh. I'm guessing he thinks I'm weird for just randomly laughing at nothing, well it wasn't nothing. I'm a funny person. Oh god what if someone had mind reading powers but never told anyone and decided to read mine, god they would think I'm fucking crazy in the head. Maybe even in bed (; HAHAHA omg I crack myself up so much, I should really stop doing this.

Once I finished my conversation with myself I find myself having a hand snap in front of me and my name being called, I jump, "what? What's wrong?" I ask

"Nothing, just you were staring off into space and then you started laughing by yourself.. Are you okay?" Jc looks at me with concern, aw Lia is a lucky gal.

"Uh.. Oh ya I'm okay, just the best!" I smile at them all while they all look at me as if I'm crazy, I'm not. (;


Sorry this seems like filler, I just didn't know what to type so far while having fear about exams in my head. Ugh. I really hope pass :( how are you guys doing in school?

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