Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Ricky's POV

This is it, I need to tell her. It's been eating me for quite a couple days, I've been going crazy.

"Okay so.. How long have you been friends with Taylor?" I say

"Um, like since grade 5-6." She chuckles as if remembering something, "is that all you wanted to ask?"

"No. It's just- well since you've been friends with Taylor for a long time, I figure that you know her kind of type of guys.. And I was wondering if it would be okay if I ask her out, I know it sounds cliche but I just want to make sure."

God, I sound so cliche and shit. I just don't want to rush into things while not knowing much, along with if her best friend giving an approval

"Aww, that's so cute Rick! I definitely approve! *squeals*"

I blush of just the thought of more people knowing that I like Taylor more than just a friend

"Soo when are you going to ask?"

"I've been thinking on this for a while and I think later, not so soon because we've been friends for a short time"

"Aw that's so cute! Taylor's quite a lucky girl. *winks* I wish I wasn't so single ugh." She flops on the bed.

"Aw don't worry, I bet there's tons of guys that want to ask you out. Maybe even Sam.." I wink as I nudge her thigh as she still lies on my bed.

She stares off into my ceiling as if she's thinking about it, I wonder if she actually does like him that way? Well I'll see till tomorrow, Sam and Trevor are coming over tomorrow.

Katie's POV

Do I? Do I really like Sam that way?

I mean, I had feelings for Connor but that was waaay back to when I didn't know his dark side (A/N (; get it "dark side".. Ok continue on)

Before I met him I thought he was the cute little shit that had so many awkward moments yet also personality but didn't matter because he seemed so nice

I thought he was one of those guys.. Those that were cliche, the one that would kiss on a first date, or even not say what the date was and was so secretive just to make it "perfect"

Maybe even take his jacket off because he saw how cold I was and offered it to me, and last; just to have that special moment with him that makes me feel like fireworks are going off from a single touch from him.

But I was totally wrong about him, I can't believe I had a crush on him- well more like a YouTube crush but it's still a crush I guess.

Doesn't matter anymore, I guess I should just ignore that crush that I had for 2 years and continue on whatever life gives me. Maybe even find love from someone that will treat me special or just "his" girl.

I can't wait till Ricky asks Taylor out! Ugh it's so cute just to think that they will be dating soon. Sure she hasn't been asked nor said yes but I definitely know my best friend, and the way that she just stares at him giving him all her attention and her non stop talking about Ricky.

I also can't even wait to meet the rest of O2L! I haven't met Sam and Trevor along with Ricardo, I really hope we all get along and I don't have another friendship as like Connor has with me.

It's not even a friendship.

He hates me and I hate him.

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