Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

"Katie!" I jump being cut off my thoughts

"Want to play?" Connor offers in front of a stand with small pear shaped balloons are hung

"What do I do?"

"Well you throw the pointy arrow shits at the balloons and hope to pop as many with them" he pays already for us

"How many?" The owner of the stand asked

"4 each please" he escorts me a seat next to himself waiting for our arrows

My first aim I throw lowly, I pout knowing I'm just going to suck at this. I look at Connor and see that he's doing well and has pretty much popped at least 10 with the arrows, dayyym.

Connor looks at me and sees that I've only thrown 1 badly, "you need help there?" He suggests getting off his stool and stands behind me

"Um.. Er, yeah I guess, I've never played this before" I awkwardly slightly scratch the back of my neck

"Okay, stand up" I do as told, he steps closer against me leaving no space between my back and him. His arm wraps around the side of my waist, his other holding my other hand in mid shoulder height holding the arrow.

"So what you want to do is close one eye and focus on a balloon you want to pop" I do as told and move my hand softly closer to myself as he still holds me

"Now throw with a little strength at your target" his breath slickly tickles through my ears sending tingles through my body giving me goosebumps, hoping for him not to notice what he'd done to me.

I throw without thinking right away popping a balloon but literally is staggered in the board next to the man of the stands' nose with him freezing in his position, Oh my god!!




I apologize sincerely but look away fastly before I laughed so hard knowing that by if any second were changed I could've threw the arrow at the mans nose, Connor laughs along with me not believing that this just happened.

After our laughing fit, I continued throwing the arrows but carefully watching what the hell I'm doing this time, this is why I should never be aloud to be near sharp stuff..

Lesson learned.. Again 😏

Don't ask.

With my arrows I popped atleast 5 balloons, not too bad I guess.

"So miss what prize would you like to pick for your win?"

Ooh so many to choose, THEYRE ALL TOO CUTE TO TAKE HOME!

The one that catches my eye the most is a small stuffed original coloured lion, definitely naming it.

"I choose that one" I point out to the man as I smile very proud of my win

"I think I'll choose the massive lion as well" Connor smirks at me and my adorable lion, Lionel. That's his name, I decided hehe.

"Aw yay, now Lionel has a friend!" I jump in joy as Connor vlogs me

"Who's Lionel?" Connor wonders

"Um him, duhhh" I jokingly roll my eyes at him as if it's SO obvious

He laughs and walks with me as I pout jokingly at him for laughing at me, he turns off his camera. "Aww what's wrong?" He pouts out his bottom lip like me but looking very cute

"You made fun of Lionel!" I squeeze Lionel in my arms

"Aw no, I was laughing at how cute you were being" he blushes after mumbling the last part even though I heard it clearly through this bustling crowd but I go with the flow and pretend I didn't hear

"What?" I ask acting dumbfoundedly

"Um.. Never mind" he awkwardly coughs blushing madly, "oh! And here you go" he hands me his lion

"What why?"

"Why not?" He smiles cheekily

"But it's your prize.. You need a prize at least"

"I already have a prize.. Or at least soon I will" he looks up at me from his shoes

Oh. My. God. He didn't not just go there.

I don't even know my feelings not even what the hell is happening here right now.

Pretend like it didn't happen Katie, Katie!

"Well you can have Lionel I guess then, please?" I pout

"Fine" he smiles at me as he wraps his free arm around my shoulder

"We should name this guy, ya know" I look at the huge stuffed lion in my hands

We try storming ideas as we walk to the group meeting them at the parking lot, the sunset is soon setting as the cars in the parking lot are leaving, I sit on the pavement of parking lot waiting while Connor stands being on his phone.

I hug the lion in my lap as I have my legs crossed looking down at my phone texting Sam telling them were waiting being bored.

"Katie look up" I look up and see Connor angling his phone at me taking a picture of me and the stuffed lion, I throw a peace sign up with my hand while squinting my face, I giggle.

He mumbles something but I can't hear due to hearing screams and shouts becoming louder, I look to my side and see the others finally coming.

We all say our goodbyes and make plans to hangout tomorrow for a sleepovaaa, we get a cab and try driving home in the busy street. To make time fly I play some games on my phone but get a notification from twitter, I open up to a picture of me sitting crossed legged with the lion and of me going on my phone but looking like I'm showing the lion my phone like a lunatic.

Connor labels the photo with: "psst.. She thinks he's real like Toy Story"

I tweet back: "Toy Story could be a real thing! But we wouldn't know b/c they don't want to show us!! Don't make fun!"

He posts another but of him holding Lionel in his arms saying he's happy for his little guy, I tweet back: "LIONEL ❤️❤️😘❤️#connorwill4evabealone #jk #loveyou #hehejkagain"

I close down twitter and check my Instagram and just as I leave I see what looks like a repost from Connor of me peace signing, where'd people get that? I visit Connors wall and see his recent post of me, ahhh that's why.

I text Connor after figuring out the lions name, "his name shall be King 😊💘"

I instantly get a text back, "why? Good one tho👌😏"

I reply with, "b/c ya know like, Lion King. He's a lion so is rather just go with King, besides I'm his queen. Your the peasant. 👏👑"

We texted for hours on end till it reached at the point where I was falling asleep, and it was like after 3 woops.

We said our good nights and slept..

Well I didn't because all I could think of was Connor.

Connors POV

I wonder if Katie's asleep, I can't sleep with all these thoughts.. I'm a horrible person, what did I get myself into?"


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