Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

3 days later

"If I'm louder, would you see me, Would you lay down in my arms and rescue me?" I sing along,

Taylor just watches me as I sing while we clean up.

"In his arms, I get weak, My body fails, I'm on my knees" I feel my eyes tearing up as I continue singing. I can feel Taylor's eyes burning at me, I awkwardly cough and stop singing.

"Katie, are you okay?.." She knows.

She knows I'm not okay still. She knows everything, my past, my best and worst memories but mostly because they were with her, and my broken times.

Certainly from my ex boyfriend Matt, we broke up exactly a month ago. Celebration time for a month, eh? I still don't know how I feel about the break up, but yet Taylor always asks if I'm okay like a great best friend would.

"Katie? You zoned out again, were you thinking about him again?" She sassed with hands on her hips.

"N-no.." I stutter as I feel the burning sensation in my eyes.. Jeez I'm going to bawl my eyes out again, cricket.

"I'll be back in a bit" I walk away to my room and lock my door knowing Taylor will maybe try to get in here and soothe me.

"KATIE! PLEASE COME OUT OF THE CAVE, WERE GOING OUT TO ACTUAL SOCIALIZE WITH PEOPLE! WERE MEETING UP WITH JENN AND ANDREA! HURRY UP GIRL!" I awaken to Taylor shouting at me, I guess I fell asleep crying, again. I guess I should clean myself up and get ready.

Connors POV

"Hey Con, were gonna hang with Jenn, Andrea, Katie, and Taylor later, want to come along?" I roll my eyes once to hearing the name Katie, last time I met her she was a total bitch and annoying.

But I still want to hangout with the rest, know what? whatever, fuck her. I'm just going to ignore her.

"Sure, just let me get ready in a half hour, I gotta shower" I walk off upstairs

"guessing you're coming with us? Thought for sure you wouldn't want to.." He looks at me skeptically.

"Uh, no. Why would you think that?" I lean against the wall.

"Just I don't know, Jenn told me how it went when you guys met Taylor and Katie. Seemed like you didn't like Katie as much."

".. Ehh, yeah I guess. It's just she seemed like a total bitch to me and was annoying. I'm warning you." I raise my hands and eye brows as if I'm surrendering

"sure, well I'll see in my opinion when I meet her. See you in a bit Con" he walks away, downstairs.


So Kian, Trev, Jc, Ricky and I are all in the car driving to meet the girls , Lia couldn't come since she's got some videos to do for FineBros channel.

We arrive to White spot, trying to spot the girls. Lol I didn't even try rhyming there, of course everyone looks at me chuckling at myself. I'm funny as you can tell.

Wow I just told myself that, god I sound like a douche- but a funny one.

As I'm talking to Andrea and Jc, Katie interrupts me saying

"so, what you guys talking about?" She slightly slants her head, as she questions.

I roll my eyes due because she interrupted me, I'm not being a douche here. It's quite rude to interrupt, don't you think?

Jc nudges me hard in the stomach, "well we were talking about going to Vidcon and of how fun it's going to be. Are you coming?" Jc tries to ignore the fact that I rolled my eyes

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