Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

The rest of that night we all just sat there talking and watching movies, some were horror but only Ricky, Andrea and Connor screamed in terror. It was a funny night, we slept over and went home the next day yet after that Taylor and I have only hung out with Ricky, and Sam afterwards.

Ricky always said that Kian and Andrea are in a small situation in their relationship so they're trying to fix it up, and that Jc and Lia are constantly on dates busy. Ricardo and Trevor are just busy with meeting up with their other friends as well, lastly for Connor. Ricky always said that he's "busy" with no reason to it, except last time he said he was on a date or something.

Today Jenn, Taylor and I are meeting up with the boys at the carnival since Jenn was already sleeping over at our place, I of course am the first one to wake up so I decide to let the girls sleep in a bit more. After a bit of lazily sitting in my bed on my phone, I lastly tweet on twitter

"off to get ready for a fun day w/ the girls and boys (@ayoo_itsTaylor @jennxpenn @RickyPDillon @SamPottorff ) 🎡😄"

Not even moments later my phone goes crazy with absurd tweets back at me asking for follow backs and inappropriate things aha , I quickly after literally roll out of bed but too fast causing me to hit my head on my dresser and fall hard to the carpeted floor. Ouch. Never doing that again- yet I always say that and still do the next morning.. Oh well, I'll learn my lesson some time.

Not long after I get dressed and make waffles for the girls and I, I run up to their rooms and wake them up but in no normal way - more of like a fun and better way.

For Jenn:

I use my iPod and set an alarm to go off in 10 min with a chipmunk version of 22 by Taylor Swift blasted all the way, oh- but yet I also hid it very well where she won't find it. I am also tying a jump rope around the knob but with the other end tied around Taylor's doors knob, but I'm not tying it till I'm done hers.

For Taylor:

I'm using her phone but I know her passcode hehe, I'm doing almost the same to her but with a chipmunk version of What Makes You Beautiful by One Direction. She hates that song. (: and then tie the jump rope around her knob.

I quickly set up Jenn's alarm and run into taylos room hiding her phone after setting, moments later close their doors and tie the jump rope around their knobs. As I wait for the alarms to go off I hold tightly on the celaning sprays filled with water, oh yeah I added spraying water at them too I need a weapen duh.


So the girls woke up and tried killing me but I sprayed water at them and then threw the bottles at them, sadly but funny thing is it hit Taylor in the face. After that we all gave up and called a truce realizing the time of a hour left till we had to leave, now were closely on our way to the park.


I see the rollercoaster that I've been waiting for almost an hour for in a trapped car with crazy people in it, but it was worth it. I leap my body over jenn's lap and squirm my way out of the car to be the first one out, yet I fail and instead hit my head on the car door, ouch. Jenn laughs uncontrollably at me and my actions,

"Katie, calm the fuck down jeez. We just got here, settle down were not doing anything yet till we meet up with the boys." Taylor bosses me. well.

"but i dont wanna wait! I pout giving her the the look that gets me away from everything

"No! No!" she swiftly moves her head away from me,

"you are not going to get away from giving me the pout! were waiting and thats it!" she stares at the ground not giving me a look at my pout, damn it.

"well how long do you think we'll have to wait for them for?"

"i dont know maybe 10-15 min" she looks back at me knowing I gave up the pout.

"fuck, but I wanna go soooo badly." i beg

"you know, we could just go on one ride maybe to get all this hyperness away from waiting for them, it won't hurt anyone." Jenn suggests, THANK LORD SOMEONE UNDERSTANDS ME even though she said I was hyper, I aint hyper just extremely happy duh.

"GREAT! LETS GO, GO, GOOO!" I run off fast and skipping to the stand for my stamp for rides

"Katie, shut up people are staring at you." Taylor says a embarrassedly

"its called fun, look it up!" i start walking off and then start running to the rollercoaster and wait in line, oh wait jeez I forgot Jenn. Oh well she'll find me sometime, this probably wont be the first time she'll lose me today.

I suddenly hear heavy breathing coming from the back of the line coming slowly louder, I turn around and see Jenn looking exhausted at me. I guess she ran for me, I should probably give her a heads up that she shouldnt run after me, I'm just going to start running again soon and start moving everywhere.

"Jenn," she looks up at me still trying to catch her breath, I didnt think I ran that fast."You dont have to chase after me, I'm a big girl and beides I move a lot from my spots thats why taylor even barely runs after me. Besides she doesnt do exercise but thats between you and I" I nudge her jokinglyon her arm, she chuckles.


Jenn and I buckle out of our seats, we finished the coaster and now walking around looking for another ride - well thats what im doing, Jenn is looking for the boys and Taylor. I aint letting those slow asses slow my schedule for rides today.

Suddenly someone jumps on my back, I hold their legs supporting them looking like a piggy back ride. I turn around at Jenn wondering what the fuck is going on? She's talking to Ricky, Taylor and Connor - wait, Connor? Ugh why's he here? And who the hell is on my back then?

I hear the famous chuckle of laughs from the one and only Sam Pottorff, I should just drop his legs to see what he does. He suddenly hugs tightly on my neck, ugh ew coots. Just kidding.

"Sam. Let. Go." I finally catch my breathe,

"Oh right, sorry." He loosens his grip on my neck and moved his arms more on my shoulders

"Sam that's not letting go" I say in an annoyed joking tone

"But you're so small, and cute to hold" I blush, he moves his one arms and pinches my cheek then back to holding me

"Ugh, let's go to some rides. Those losers will probably slow us down from having fun, let's go Sammy lamby" I pull his arm tugging him to another coaster


Sorry this took a while, k now please read!!!!!!!!!!!

I MIGHT start writing another fanfic because I dreamt of a new story last night hehe, I've already got a few chapters done just I don't know if you guys will like it or if I'll even work on that while working on this.

I'm barely good at trying to post a lot of chapters of this one, so idk.

I might choose some readers to review it to see how it goes, if you want to read it Dm me or comment saying you want to and I'll choose.

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