Chapter 2

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Chapter 2


I wonder how long I'm going to just lay here and pretend I didn't hear my alarm go off this time? Ah, fuck it.

As I slowly roll over like a turtle would- wait. What if I am a turtle and I randomly woke up as one, and I will eternally live as a turtle starting today?! Katie, just shut the fire crack up. You're already stalling from actually getting out of the comfy ass bed, get yo ass up!

Anyways as I was saying, I rolled to my left side of the bed and slid my phone off the shelf, I glance at my phone reading my notifications. Mostly filled from Instagram, fewer messages from some pointless people called "friends", Pshh who has friends these days right?! ... Ya just me. I stop scrolling as I come across with tweets from my fans going crazy about the one and only..




Ricky Dillon.


Ricky's POV


"Bark! Bark! Bark!... Bark!"

"Wishbone, shut uppp... Shh" I say with a groan,

"Bark!" Well there goes sleeping, I roll over to my right pulling my phone of my dresser.

As doing my usual routine, I check my phone notifications and go straight ahead to twitter tweeting

"good morning!!!! 🐩🐩🐩🐩🐩🐩 here's some poodles to make you smile" since after all I woke up to Wishbone barking. (A/N this tweet is real from Ricky)

After hitting the shower and getting ready for a day out with Sam, Jenn and Connor since Kian and Jc are busy with their girlfriends. As waiting for the Connor to finish editing his video before we leave I watch some videos on YouTube, in the suggestion bar I come across with a video labelled "Q & A #7" with a beautiful girl, looking innocent, long brown hair, not wearing much make-up but just right.

Around after laughing so hard at her ridiculous personality and answers there comes a question asking who'd she had a choose to date, kiss, kill, collab, kick in the balls, marry, out of the group.

She chose me to marry because well who wouldn't want to marry moi?

She comes across with answering that she would kiss Sam?.. Hm, I wonder if she's blushing about the thought of kissing Sam or dating Connor? HA! She'd kick Kian balls, I will be sure to tell Kian that sometime haha.

I like the video and comment saying "Heyy, hit me up we should totally talk sometime. Maybe even a collab? (: "

After a bit Connor screams saying he's done his video and that we can go now to go meet up with Jenn.

Katie's POV

*back to reality*

Well I guess I got to finally get my ass out of bed, mm comfy and warm bed with great memories of sleep. Okay whatever! Anyways, seconds after getting out I feel the goosebumps rising on my body.

Once I change and put on make-up I sit at my diner table and eat some toast while reading some tweets, most kept saying that Ricky wants to do a collab with me which I'm super glad about. I message him on twitter replying that I would be happy to do a collab with him and that we should meet up soon to hang out.

Later I head out to Starbucks and order an venti mocha cookie crumble frappuccino awaiting for my best friend Taylor,

about 5'7, long hair about mid-waist, not skinny but not close to being over weight, and hazel eyes. She's been my best friend since grade 5, well she says actually grade 6 but you know.. That's just how our friendship works.

I will update as fast as I can for any of you guys if anyone decides to read this..

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