Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

"Katie! Someone named Katie!"

I look around "someone ordered an venti mocha cookie crumble frappuccino!"

I walk through the busy crowd of impatient costumers to get my drink.

"Thanks" I say to the employee.

I find a spot for 2 people and wait for Taylor, I text her asking how far she is. She answers telling me she's in line, I wait 10 minutes scrolling through my feed on Instagram, after posting my drink of course.. I know so typical white girl thing and Sasquatch bleh.

I see Taylor in the corner of my eye, I wave and ask her how she's doing since I've last saw her.. Which was yesterday..

Taylor: *giggles* I've been doing good, it's been ages since we ever hung out!

Me: ugh, I know girly. So wanna hear something exciting happening for me?

Taylor: eh not really but its not like I have a choi-

Me: So, on my channel I posted a video yesterday and wanna know who the wonton soup watched my video?!

Taylor:..*she looks at me confusedly* Wonton sou-

Me: *I cut her off* Ricky fricky dillyon!

Taylor:.. What if his full name were that?.. But anyways cool, I'm happy for you since you're so obsessed with that group.

Me: it's not called obsessed, it's called devoted! *i scoff* besides he wants to do a collab with me!

Taylor: that's cool but what if he's only wanting to do a collab with you so he can get close to me? Because you know, I'm like, hot and shi-

Me: NUH UH! No swearing in this house!

Taylor: were outside!!

People started staring and watching us since we were maybe a bit too loud.. *awkward smile* I rolled my eyes and we continued on talking about girly stuff, and decided that we should go shopping.

But first I whine to get her to drive us to Mc Donald's! Mm, cravin' some grease. LOL ew, I'm just kidding but seriously I just want some nuggets. As Taylor and I wait for our order, I may have been overhearing some people behind me because well I'm bored!

"Where's my foooood?"...

"Rickyyyy, make them deliver the food faster."

"Connor and Jenn shut up, we literally just ordered 5 minutes ago" with a annoyed tone.

"Fine, I'm going to take this complaints to twitter to people that really care about what I do!"

"Me too!" Nothing but silence is surrounding us, I decide to turn around wondering how many fans would they have to actually care about what they do?

But before I turned I received a notification of a tweet from the fabulous youtuber, Connor franta. Talking about.. How Mc Donald's doesn't deliver the food fast and should serve Nutella as well? What? That almost is relatable to the people behind me.. I turned around as the curiosity killed the cat.

Those people were Jenn, Ricky and of course.. Connor.




Love you all❤️

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