Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

We continue strolling around the park of rides and games, and I see a ride that twists and turns you up and upside down every second with 3 teenage girls screaming their heads off along with others. I giggle at their screams knowing if I was in their positions I would too scream my fucking head off too, I feel a arm wrap loosely around my waist... Wut?

I look down to my waist and see Sam's arm around me, I don't know what's really going on between us. I mean like we are just friends but yet we always hold hands and cuddle at times, he's a nice guy really just I don't know I feel like if we went out it wouldn't really work out well.


"Hey, wanna go on that ride?" Sam asks pointing at the ride that had those teenage girls screaming, fuck no! I don't wanna die today! But I don't wanna chicken out letting him mock me for being a wimp

"Okay." I bite the inside of my lip

And of course we got those stupid pass things where you can go on rides without waiting like losers, well I for once want to be a loser!!! HELP

We settle into our seats waiting to be buckled in properly by the employees, I look around trying to distract myself but all I see is a huge line up for this ride. What the hell?? DO PEOPLE WANT TO DIE TODAY OR SOMETHING?!?

They're so intimidating with their loser faces waiting to see my reaction to this stupid stupid stupid ride, ugh.

I feel a hand on mine locking their hand with mine, I don't bother to look because all I can think of is how I'm going to die! How's Taylor going to explain to my mom how I died?

'Oh ya Michelle, your daughter died on a ride at a amusement park that twists all over the fucking place and turns up and upside down' I don't think she would wanna hear that, probably my dad and sister would but why in the first place would they even want to hear anything about me?

"You okay?" I look and see Sam worried at me

"Pshh, yeah I'm totes fine"

"It's okay to admit that you get scared, we all have fears. Mine are spiders, and dying" he slightly smiles at me trying to encourage the fact that were on a fucking killing machine

"I'm not scared"

"Really because you hands are shaking, are you having a panic attack?" I raise my eye brows

"No, if I was then I wouldn't have been answering you at all. Seriously I'm fine."

I regret how I responded to him but I don't say sorry, I'm not good at apologizing. I look away at the clouds wishing for this topic to end, I know he's just caring but they're a not easy thing to talk about having panic attacks and stuff.

I feel my feet rise off the sweet, sweet ground letting me know that the ride will be starting soon. The higher we go up the faster the ride will start, i feel my seat tilt back knowing its about to start any fucking seco- FUCK NO, FUCK, IM DYING HELP.

[After ride]

i chug down almost my whole waterbottle while the others are talking to each other, the group saw us - well me, scream my head off on the ride so they were apart of those losers that are intimidating and laugh at our reactions to the ride.

I see a shadow appear beside me, they hold onto my waist "hey, you okay?" strange, I thought it was Sam but he doesnt have a raspy voice like him. I turn around and see a concerned Connor, what the fuck.

I clear my throat, "um yeah" I look back down at my shoes very awkwardly

I feel a warm, soft hand giving my slight tingles in my body, softly pulling me, I look up and see connor slightly ahead of and hold my hand guiding us somewhere. "What are you doing?"

"I'm taking you somewhere" he answers bluntly with a charming smile

"where?" he could be kidnapping me for all I know

"a ride" he looks back at me into my eyes as if trying to read me and slows down so we can walk together side by side, I look back down at our hands locked feeling weirded out by this yet kinda happy.

I look back up making sure I wont bump into anyone or any fans.

[After the ride of a Mary Go Round... hehe]

Taylor told me that we had atleast 10 minutes left till we leave so were just finding something to do, I honestly don't wanna do anymore rides like the Mary Go Round was pretty fun and better than all the rest but I'm tired and done.

I softly tap Connor's shoulder as he vlogs around talking to the camera, he turns his head at me along with his camera as well.

"Um.. Can we not go another ride.." I awkwardly shift knowing that his camera is pointing at me, "I'm not much of a ride person, I can hold onto your camera as you go on a ride" I shyly suggest, why am I all of a sudden so shy when I'm around him?

His face softens after I ask him, "aww" he squints, "no it's okay, why don't we just play a game. I'm not into going on a ride either." He smiles at me

I nod softly and look down pretending to look so fascinated in my nails whenever I feel so awkward, it's so awkward, this day is awkward. Want to know why?!

Connors being nice to me, WHY. Did he finally get contacts and realize that I'm beautiful? *bitchy fake hair flip* yeah I'm just kidding, but seriously why is he so nice to me?

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