Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

I feel a pointy nudge in my rib cage, I jump and feel startled.

"Katie, are you going answer Ricky?"

Taylor asked me confusedly but still with a hint of 'I know what happened' with a smirk.

"Uh what sorry, I may have zoned out.." Yeah, zoned out looking at Connor. Oh god. I hope I didn't stare at him really creepily, I don't want to scare him! Sasquatch!

"Oh that's okay.. I asked you what you were doing here? But you know obviously for food.." He laughed.

Along with Jenn laughing lightly with him, while Connor what seems like is texting someone as he's.. Blushing?.. Oh. Oh god, he's probably dating some beautiful, hot girl that's like 1000% more perfect for him than me. Well there goes a slight hope of imagination that I could have 1% chance of being with him.

Taylor nudges me again, I once again become startled from my trance of thought.

"So about that collab, when do you have free time?" I say trying to get my mind off thinking about Connor and his secret girlfriend.

"Well I'm pretty much free for a couple of weeks, so anytime really."

"Order 34" an employee yells.

"Oh that's us, I'll be right back in a minute" Jenn says,

"Oh, I'll come with since we ordered after you, our food will probably arrive after yours" Taylor said as she tagged along.

"So, Ricky.."

Connors POV

As I rapidly text back with flirt to a fan, of course. I can feel the rush of my cheeks blushing from flirting with the girl named, Alyssa. It's nothing serious or anything just some fun, and besides I'll do anything to get out of Katie and Ricky's conversation.

She's a nice girl I guess considering I've met her for almost 10 minutes, she's pretty too but I don't think she could be my type ya know? Besides she probably has a boyfriend, if not she'll prob date Sam, Katie seems like his type I guess.. Well from looks.

"Guys! Hey we got the food, want to go eat this junk outside or somewhere?" Jenn suggested.

"Sure, we could go eat at those round tables out in the front" I say even though everyone else wasn't really paying attention to me, they were talking about collabs and stuff.

"Hey guys let's go eat at the front." Katie finally says, I roll my eyes ugh. I literally said that a minute ago.

I give Katie a glare, and stomp to the table. Why can't we just go and eat our lunch some else where WITHOUT, that bitch, Katie.

Katie's POV

later in a bit the rest of us went our separate ways, well actually no, Taylor and I are still hanging out. Sleep over partaay ova here!

But let's face it, it's just a normal boring night but with a friend to share with.

Every time we sleep over it's just us talking about whatever, eat, watch tv, eat, barely talking to each because were too busy on Instagram, then eat food again, and sleep. Were so productive when were together.. Right?

Taylor: "So.. Did you see how Connor was acting today?" She asked confusedly.

Me: "no, I don't know what you mean. Maybe he wasn't acting, maybe he had a bad day today?"

Taylor:"I'm pretty sure it wasn't, I talked to Jenn and she knew something was wrong too.. She said he was fine before we all talked"

Me:"well who knows what his problem was, it's not problem" I smile

"yeah well you shouldn't really be saying that since you kept staring off into the distance at Connor, thinking about random shi- SASQUATCH. Ha."

She shouts with jump. "But anyways, were you thinking about a certain someone being I dont know.. Hot? Cute? Adorable? THE ONE?" She grabs my shoulders,


"No.." I look away from her, knowing she will give me the 'look'

the 'mhm sure, but we ALL know what is real here and it ain't you and your lies'

"Psh, please. You are a horrible liar.. But strangely only to me" she smirks.





Should I keep posting?

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