Logicality (feelings😉)

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Hey guys in back at it again (sorry if it's really bad)

~Patton's Pov~
Logan literally doesn't get the word 'feelings' he always says that they are ' the bane of his existence' but what I would say to that is that the most soulless person in the world still has feelings. It just frustrates me that he can't understand that he have feelings, he just hides them you can tell. Like the other day I told him that I was watching tv then I looked out the window to see this group of teenagers beating up this little boy and I had to go out and help the little boy, he looked sad for a millisecond then snapped out of it and said "I see the problem they where beating him up, but I'm glad you stepped in to help you did the right thing"

So I decided that today I would confront him

~Logan's Pov~
Like I always say 'emotions are the bane of my existance' well I think Patton is changing that for me... I don't know whether that's a good or a bad thing... Patton makes me 'feel' things that I've never experienced before. I 'feel' like something has changed in my... Heart? It's satisfactory mostly and something else mixed in with that... I don't know what it is though. I've come to the conclusion that I've begun growing 'feelings'... God saying that is really unnatural... For Patton

My thoughts were interrupted by a knocking at my door

"Hey Logan can I come in?" Great it was Patton just great

"Yes, you can come in" I said slightly scared and mentally preparing myself

"What can I help you wi-" I was interrupted by Patton slamming his lips into mine, I kissed back without hesitation. So this is what feelings are

~Patton's Pov~
What? I said I would confront him I but I didn't say how

~Logan's Pov~
We released each other for air I felt so happy and so overwhelmed with emotions I was in a daze

"I told you!" He said

"You told me what?" I asked genuinely confused

"That everyone have feelings, even you" he poked me on my chest at the last bit

"Hm well that makes sense"

He laughs at my remark

~Patton's Pov~
We just sat there on Logan's bed comfortabke with each other's company we sat there for a good 10 minutes until Logan broke the silence

"Um Patton" Logan asked nervously

"Hm" I said leaning his on shoulder

"Wanna continue" he hesitated but said it anyway I slid my arms around his neck

"I thought you would never ask" I smirked

We soon fell asleep in each others arm

Hey guys so I did a thing... yeah.... idk about it you guys can decide whether it's bad or good I don't think it's as good as the first one ok bye gotta write something else

¤See ya¤


Sander Sides One Shots Also X Reader Stuff (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now