Anxious!Patton x reader

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Heller I'm back and I've seen that people actually read my story I was like ok since when but off topic ( I sound like Logan ahah) this is probably not going to be my best but ya know it's like 3:37am here so no wonder ok le go and before I go you don't know Virgil cause he never comes out of his room

~Your pov~
I was walking round town drinking my Starbucks because I never really get to be on my ow-

My thoughts were interrupted by my phone going off I lift if out of my pocket and look at the message it's from Patton or 🐶Puppy Patton🐶
(A/n why did I do that I have no clue but you know back to the story)
As you saved his contact on your phone cause why not the message read

🐶Puppy Patton🐶: Hey kiddo how long you gunna be cause I'm bord and no one's in the houseeee!!

Y/n:I shouldn't be too long I don't think

🐶Puppy Patton🐶: Ok don't take too loonnggg!!🐶

Y/n: Ok, ok, I'll hurry up

I put my phone in my pocket and speed/walk fast-ish but I slow down because I see something that catches my eye

Is that Patton I though no I could it be.... Could it? I walk up to him and it wasn't him but they look similar but he was wearing black everything and I MEAN everything I wear black to contrast colour not suffocate it he starts staring at me and I realised I was staring he walked over to me while I was staring shoot (A/n No swears in this one... Keywords this and one)

"You alright There." He said waving his hand infrount of my face

"Yup, just um... Zoned out ya know." I stated awkwardly

"Ok then." He laughed

There was an awkward silence then I said

" I'm Y/n by the way." I said trying to start a conversation

"Oh, yeah I'm... Um... Virgil." He whispered his name but I heard it anyway

"Oh shoot, sorry I gotta go I see you sometime" I shouted as I ran off

He said something but it was inaudible (A/n as in you couldn't hear it if you didn't know)

Patton started texting me again

🐶Puppy Patton🐶: Whatsss ttaakiinnggg yyyooouu so I llloooonngggg!!!😣

Y/n: I just seen someone that looks like Logan you and Roman but he was wearing all black and he's called Virgil

🐶Puppy Patton🐶: Oh yea you haven't met Virgil yet

Y/n: welp I just did
Y/n I'm at the door let me in pleaseeee!!!

🐶Puppy Patton🐶: Ookkkk ccommiinnnggg 🤣🤣

~Patton's Pov~
I open the door well I nearly broke the door off its hinges but I still let Y/n in we spent the rest of the night cuddling after my cowering in the corner because of a creepy crawly death dealer (A/n get the reference? Or as I like to call them spiders) but the rest if the night was good I feel asleep on the couch on Y/n's shoulder whoops I guess hehe

Hell I mean school is nearly over I have to go in on Monday and Tuesday and that's it yay so this is a bit bad but I still tried ahaha

●see ya●


¤Words = 576¤

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