The Accident (Virgil x reader)

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Welp here I am doing this so yeah let's do this (female pronouns)
And by the way if the letters have these - then your stuttering
Y/n = your name
H/l = hair length
H/c = hair colour
E/c = eye colour

~Virgils pov~
So as you probably know I'm a part of Thomas' personality, but Thomas doesn't need us all the time so today I decided to go out and get some coffee but as I was walking I bumped into someone

"Ow! What the hell dude watch where your going"
I was just about to say sorry but they walked off. Wow, Fun I mumbled to myself. While I was walking I was carrying my note book because I "was" going to get my coffee then sit somewhere at a window and just let my hand do it's thing but as soon as they... Well I bumped into them I dropped it

"Where did it go..." I muttered I looked up in defeat and noticed a beautiful girl with h/l h/c and amazing e/c I could just get lost in standing in front of my with my note book

"H-here's your note book."

I realized I had been standing there just staring at her for a good 5 minutes

" Oh t-thank you hehe..." I laughed awkwardly

There was an awkward silence the she spoke up

"W-well, I've got t-to go bye" she waved shyly and walked away a bit until I shouted


"OH!"she shouted and ran back to me

"Sorry I didn't know you wanted to know my name..." she said with sadness in her voice

"Did I make you upset sorry I just wanted to know your name... Ugh I'm an idiot" I whispered the last bit

"N-no it's ok but anyway my name is Y-y/n"

"Y/n... You suite that name." I say

"T-thank you." She smiles

"well mines." I stop

"What's you name? I d-didnt hear that."

I keep forgetting I hate my name

"I just don't like saying it I sound... stupid" I mutter but loud enough for her to hear

"I-I'm sure it's not s-stupid. If I promise not to laugh w-would you tell me?" She said quite but loud enough for me to hear

"Ok" I sigh " my name... my name is Virgil" I muttered my name cause I hate it it's so stupid

"Well I like your name Virgil" she replied "it suites you" she smiles and good god is that the most beautiful thing I've ever seen

I blush a bit, but my white foundation hid it thankfully

"Thanks... Well I got to go Ok?" I said "Oh and here my number, so you can talk to me whenever."

"O-Ok cool s-see you later t-then" she shyly took the paper I wrote my number on

"Bye y/n"

"Bye Virgil" (and they never talked again XD JK)

And with that she was gone, so I went to get my coffee and happily walked home

Hey guys I might continue this thought the book so keep an eye out for that


Words = 536

Sander Sides One Shots Also X Reader Stuff (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now